RenaissanceLady are you a doctor or nurse? Says in your bio that you are a corporate/medical ghost writer. If that is so why do you think you have the authority or knowledge to make such grandiose claims with such confidence. Nice use of snippets from Wikipedia I must say.
Wow. Reading Comprehension Fail 101. Of all the sources I cited,
exactly zero came from Wikipedia. Absolutely nothing was copied from Wikipedia. You can use Copyscape to check it, as I do with all of my writing and with any sources I cite. I do appreciate you admitting you didn't actually read what I wrote, nor checked my sources, nor could even be bothered to debate my actual work point-by-point.
This, of course, will never happen. Not by you and not by Pixelsmith. You won't because you can't be bothered looking into any facts that contradict your gospel.
You see, while you seem to think you scored some Big Bingo Points by stating what I clearly said in my bio, I should also point out that I routinely stress that I am not a doctor. Here is an example:
I do medical ghostwriting for a living, which by definition means I do medical research for a living. This doesn't make me a doctor or a scientist, but it does indicate I do my homework and am willing to sort through large amounts of information to find what is recent, what is accurate, and what may have since been redacted.
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No matter how you choose to spin this, I completely understand and admit I'm not a doctor. I also know that almost all of my work is done for medical doctors, with an occasional article or booklet for osteopathic doctors. In other words:
- I must do a considerable amount of research.
- I must cite my sources.
- Everything I write and every source I cite will be fact-checked by a doctor.
- I must explain my research in a way that is clear to the doctor's clients, so that a medical point of view is established.
- If I do a poor job with any of this, I lose a client and lose his recommendations.
- Of all my clients, almost every single one is either repeat or referral. I refuse to compromise this.
- If I do a poor job with this and my errors are not caught, not only could my client be sued, I could be sued by my client.
- It is therefore in my best interests to stay abreast of medical topics, find solidly scientific sources to research and cite, and be aware of any actual facts that might contradict my research.
Take from this what you will.
I am just an I.T. Geek with a B.Sc in Physics. I only know what I research and see in the world. I see both sides of the story. It is quite laughable to think that someone that chooses not to be vaccinated by big Pharma is a danger to society. I understand your points, but I find when an argument stalls one tactic to follow is the fear factor. The fact is that many people are just sheep, and some sheep wear lab coats.
You might want to rethink that statement. Believing half-assed conspiracy theories which have been thoroughly debunked by scientists the world over is not the same as seeing "both sides of the story." The thing is, if you feel that the medical/scientific communities are lying to you or are otherwise trying to harm you, then everything which comes out of these communities is going to be suspect, no matter how much science and research is being used. You're inside the bubble, protected from everything except those things which might actually harm you. Being
aware of conspiracy theories can do some good, as you can double-check what others are saying and be able to refute these things, as necessary. On the other hand, placing conspiracy theories on the same tier as actual science is the domain of idiots who have become enslaved to the Conspiracy du Jour. The most unfortunate part is that the people who put the most faith in certain baseless conspiracy theories are unwilling to allow any actual facts to disrupt their train of thought. They assume that any argument, no matter how solidly based, must just be some lie by a Big Bad Agency. This is why you made the hysterical statement that I used Wikipedia for my research or otherwise simply copied another person's work, even though it would only take a few seconds to show that this isn't the case. Your mind is made up, reality be damned. You can now stomp your way back to the bubble.
Everyone has a right to make choices for themselves on their own bodies and minds. Funny you never mentioned Gardasil, miss that one?
This is called "kitchen sinking" and you have clearly mastered it. I should therefore congratulate you on your use of the non-sequitur response.
The topic at hand is about flu vaccines.
My posts have been about flu vaccines.
It would appear as though every single time I answer something thoroughly, some ridiculous statement is made about why I didn't discuss something else that wasn't previously mentioned and therefore not addressed by me. Of course, the people who make these statements never actually discuss these topics, either. They just throw out some random accusations and see what sticks to the wall. (I'm still waiting to debate Pixelsmith about what additives he thinks are being added to flu vaccines and how these may or may not affect our health. For all of his spewing, he has yet to answer any direct question. This is an ongoing problem with him.)
Therefore, if you want do discuss Gardasil, I'll be happy do discuss Gardasil. You cite your sources, I'll cite mine. Of course, a debate on Gardasil would only hijack a thread that is allegedly about flu vaccines. It would be best to start a new thread.
I just choose not to play Russian roulette with my life based on half-truths and out right lies. If the popular conviction is good enough for you then become a human pin cushion. I do not give trust to people or organizations, they have to earn it. Big Pharma has not earned it, not by a long shot. Just because you reference doctors, what makes you think they are right? Becoming a doctor is not that difficult, not a super human task, does not make you a more moral or benevolent creature. I find a lot of physicians will just follow the money, just like everyone else. Their motives and actions can be controlled by their indoctrination and temperament. Point is think for yourself, just because they have a lab coat on does not make you any more or any less human.
I have never seen so eloquent a persuasion of why someone's arguments should be dismissed as you just made in that statement. If you are already stuck in the position that medical science is a bunch of "half-truths and out right lies" (sic), then there is absolutely nothing that can get you to reconsider your opinion. No matter what you claim about how you "see both sides of the story," what you have clearly demonstrated is that you see your own side of the story, but are otherwise completely unable to see the facts behind the science.
The single most telling thing about your response is how you begin by insisting I don't have the authority to discuss medical science because I'm not a doctor, but then conclude by saying that doctors really can't be trusted. Besides being another excellent example of your fondness for non-sequitur statements, it truly shows that you are not considering your arguments to their inevitable conclusion. It actually sounds more like hysterical ramblings than a solid thought process.
For that matter, you were demanding to know, "why do you think you have the authority or knowledge to make such grandiose claims with such confidence." (sic)
I could ask you the exact same thing. Here you are, without a hint of ever having done any medical work, yet you're confidently making some rather grandiose claims about the dangers of flu vaccines, how Gardasil kills people, and that anyone who actually gets vaccinated is therefore "a human pin cushion."
Gee, hypocrite much? Figure out what a glass house is and why you might not want to be throwing stones at those who are in a better position than you.
If you think there is something wrong with the sources I cited or the points I made, by all means, debate me on each of these factors. (This actually means doing your homework.) I welcome honest discourse. In comparison, simply throwing out baseless accusations to see what sticks is really just a waste of time - and I'd rather not waste my time. I have real work to do and earn a solid income for doing it. There is truly no point in debating someone who refuses to be debated yet thinks he won the argument.
Take care,