I remember when we were kids and our parents were broke and mean spirited to boot. We had nothing of entertainment value whatsoever but i had this friend who lived nearby and he had this HardBacked book Arthur C Clarkes mysterious World and boy how we would look at it.
On the Jacket was a photograph of a Crystal skull. We would sit on the wall surrounding my friends house reading the book together it had everything Ghosts , UFO'S Sasquatch etc
My god ... I think I remember seeing that book at the local library ... that takes me back a bit.
But what is more important is ... "Live at the Witch Trials" ... The Fall ... well I never ... really never expected to see a Fall fan on here. Stone the flaming crows-uh.
[Digression: I took my moniker, "schtick"(nz) from the cover of a Fall album ... which one?? Oh one of the earlier ones ... may have been "This Nation's Saving Grace"]
Still Mark E Smith has mentioned "pre-cognition" at least a few times maybe (its sometimes difficult to tell with MES) so maybe The Fall isn't so strange on a website and forum about the paranormal.
Yours Bombast-ically-uh
Your right there about Mark E Smith being something of a pre-cog.
Here are a few song's that are uncannily Precognitive.
Terry Waite sez
Spencer must Die........(written before Lady Dianas tragic accident)
Powder Keg ........... (written proir to an I.R.A. bomb that was detonated in Manchester City Centre, one of the biggest bombs to go off in the UK mainland)
There are many others too.
I'm suprised that somebody here actualy picked up on my name.
I salute you schticknz.