Hey everyone! First post, though I've been trolling these forums for awhile and have listened to The Paracast for several years. I've toyed with posting to several threads but this seemed like a good place to start.
I became interested in this phenomenon very early in my life. I was about 10 years old when I learned of a sighting my aunt experienced several years prior. THe details of the sighting became more and more clear as I grew older and my parents felt more comfortable sharing it. The very fact that it took place within blocks of my own house made it so real to my young mind. Many of the reports and stories were from far-away places, not suburban Chicago.
The facts of the sighting as related to me by my parents are this: On an overcast, drizzly evening in October of 1967, my aunt took their dog for a walk around the block. While on this walk she noted how odd it was that our town had put up the christmas lights around the water-tower so early. A second look revealed that indeed, this was not the water tower she had seen. The water-tower was east of their home, along the rail-road tracks there and was not normally visible from the western side of the block. Looking closely, my aunt realized the lights were actually a craft that was following her as she walked up the sidewalk. The craft was a "huge flying saucer" according to my parents, which then caused my aunt to panic and run for home. SHe ran in the house and screaming for my uncle, began pulling all the shades on the indows in the house. After relating to him why she was upset, they looked out the window to see the craft floating above the houses across the street, only to then simply whiz away at an incredible speed. THere was no sound made by the craft, or heard by my aunt, throughout the event.
Through the years that followed I learned that indeed my aunt had contacted the Air Force to make a report and was visited by several individuals in uniform. THey took her report and shared with her that two others had also witnessed the craft in the area. When asked what it was, they would only tell her "We can't tell you."
(I've made several attempts at FOIA requests for more information on this, as well as half-hearted newspaper searches but have found nothing so far. Someday I should really dig a little deeper!)
As a result of this event, my aunt was then forever frightened to walk at night, especially on over-cast evenings. SHe was plagued by nightmares and phobias for years. My parents cautioned me to never bring up the subject around her as my aunt would become visibly disturbed by the subject. Indeed, in the late-seventies we were having a family get-together to celebrate my birthday and I was told to change the channel on the TV as my aunt and uncle were arriving, due to the fact I was watching the old british ITV show, "UFO" on the local PBS channel. My parents were visibly upset that my aunt would find out what I was watching.
My years following were filled with a personal fascination for the subject that remains to this day. It wasn't until I was in my 40's that I was able to ask my aunt about her experience. My family and hers were having dinner near their home in northern Wisconsin. Now in her 80's, I felt it was now or never. I asked her "Auntie, do you ever talk about your UFO sighting?" She answered "No, not really. It scares me still. There were two sightings, you know. Not just the one."
This was new to me. I asked "Will you tell me about them?" She said she would and proceeded to tell the story above almost word for word as my parents and related it to me. With one exception which, at the time, gave me goosebumps. Telling me about the lights above the house across the street she says "It wasn't a flying saucer you know. It was a long dark-colored triangle, with lights underneath." It was at this moment I knew my aunt had truly witnessed something peculiar, and had not mistaken something ordinary. Here was a woman that was frightened to even hear the term UFO for nearly 40 years, had avoided the subject altogether, and was describing an all to familiar element of the phenomenon that has only come to light in the last several decades.
She then said her and my uncle saw it once again, several years later. They were in a parking lot a t a local mall and looking up they saw what they thought was a leaf floating down. There was something odd about the leaf though, as it was much too large to be an actual leaf from a tree. It was a large triangle swaying back and forth as it came towards them, and then disappeared. THis time, however, she said she wasn't afraid, though my uncle was very intent on leaving the area and going home.
Anyway, there you have it.