I like the spirit of your post because it's not meant to upset anyone, but at the same time there's a difference between facts and opinions and informed opinions - what is more or less likely to be true based on critical thinking and/or scientific study than blind faith, tradition, or religion, and in some cases it's actually fine to denigrate, even necessary actively fight against it, because the actions taken by some people in the name of their beliefs are truly deplorable, and I'm not going to be too specific here but start with the burning of women accused of witchcraft and add how many other atrocities that have taken place throughout history. Needless to say, the list is long.
When it comes to life after death: Sure, people are entitled to not be burned at the stake for their beliefs be they either pro or con, but at the same time, why give equal weight to both positions when obviously only one position can be true? Clearly, in the search for truth, the truth deserves greater respect than fantasies and fables. So which one is true? My look at the evidence after distilling it all down leads me to conclude that life after death the way it's commonly portrayed on film, as a continuity of personhood that can be said to actually be the same person who had been alive is logically impossible, and therefore it cannot be the case.
Perhaps someone else has some additional information that I've not considered, or perhaps there is some flaw in my analysis, but so far, nobody has presented me with alternatives that would force me to rethink my position, and contrary to what some people might think, I'm not cemented into any particular paradigm, and I would indeed welcome such alternatives. The thing is, they have to be good, really good, strong enough to show without ambiguity where my present view of the topic fails. You nor I nor anybody else should feel compelled to change their views simply to fit-in or make someone else happy, and if that offends some people, I'd say that maybe they're just a bit too sensitive.