I don't have time to engage in a 2,000+ post thread that debates the most fundamental of all scientific questions: What is the true nature of consciousness and how is it that we can cause our fist to close, make the arm cock back to throw a punch and then ask your arm & fist to break somebody's face? YOU don't know. The best intellects and theorists in numerous applicable fields don't know.
Here is Ed Witten, perhaps the smartest person on the planet: “There are terms with which we have an intuitive feeling, but we don’t define them. There are concepts like consciousness and happiness about which we have an intuitive feeling, which I believe we share. We can’t exactly define them. We can say from what we derive happiness, but I don’t think we can define happiness. We can say when we’ve been happy, or what we see as some of the sources of happiness, but we can’t explain what we mean by happiness, but generally speaking we don’t have to because other people know, luckily. ” –
Edward Witten or this other observation: "I have a much easier time imaging how we will understand the big bang than I can imagine understanding consciousness.” –
Edward Witten.
Yeah, you guys have it all figured out. You should prepare a powerpoint presentation and take you informed opinion on the road. Give workshops, write blogs, start your own radio show! You seem to have plenty of time to chastise me (and others?) for not engaging in your intellectual, pointXpoint exercises in logic and pontificated debate.
Frankly Randall, engaging w/ you like that? Lol that's about least of my priorities right now. LOL I ain't the sharpest tack-in-the-pack but I do research and have the ability to back up & qualify my informed opinions when the time it would take is warranted.
I'm a busy guy w/ too much of a life. FWIW: The SLV team just re-established the SLV base station location w/ the installation of the camera (I am getting a 'net connection and Gene's helping w/ the 'net live streaming, etc), I'm also re-starting my brother's Tierra Maya Imports Mayan glyph product line (need to get hydraulic calcium from NM to make pieces, to fill orders) ; I'm shopping 2 screenplays and finalizing our agent and have script Dr sessions to schedule; I have the 3rd GC Confluence trip (planned for the 1st wk of Oct) to administer, plus, I have a working trip to Thailand booked for November to plan for... should I continue? OK. I'm leaving in 2 days for a trip to NM to pick up glyph molds, buy material and also head to Santa Fe to finalize the new book. It's our last organizational session (w/ Izzy) for the co-authored followup that analyzes
Stalking the Herd. Plus, I'm driving tours up to the Grand Canyon in between and helping market the tour company for the new owner. This baby & the bottle just finished editing the new tour promo video, plus, the new paracast+ video
Contact in the Desert and I worked a 3 day conference video shoot last weekend. Bug Gene to post
Contact. Oh, YAY! I just found a computer today to help my transcribest catch up. Too bad you live all the way up there—I could sure use your help!
So, what have you been up too Randall? Besides your wonderful, erudite posts what are you up to? Tell us about YOUR front-burner projects!