Would you care to elaborate on the purported problem Mr. Valiant?
I am also curious as to who you think the person in the shroud is meant to represent. I found
this webpage with Alan Valiant on it. I assume it is your page, which has:
Ten facts taken from My Conversations With Jesus Christ by Alan Valiant:
I was not born of a virgin.
I was conceived in the normal way and born in the normal manner.
I did not die on the cross.
I did not die in atonement for the sins of others.
I did not found a religion.
I was not a saviour. There can be no such being except that he influence others by example.
I was not the Son of God.
I was a highly-gifted psychic.
I was a teacher of the facts about existence.
I tried to set an example to others.
Christianity was not founded by me. It is not endorsed by me. Christianity was created by men for their own ends under the guise of tending for the spiritual needs of their adherents.
The belief of many Christians that I suffered and died so as to take responsibility for their sins, even those they have not yet committed, is utterly false.
So then, is the Shroud some kind of satanic deception, in your opinion?
As for myself, the Shroud lacks clear provenance, and the charge of the possibility that a clever person or group produced the Shroud, together with C14 datings to this point, leaves me ambivalent as to its authenticity as the first century burial cloth of the Nazarene. Intriguing it is, though.
William, generally speaking, people who believe the shroud is genuine are Christians who also believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected. They see the shroud as proof of his resurrection. My late wife and myself are/were both mediums and we were chosen to receive the truth, from the great man himself, precisely because our minds were completely free of religious indoctrination.
Also generally speaking, sceptics think the shroud a medieval forgery and some doubt, like some on this thread, that Jesus never in fact existed at all, but was a fabrication of already existing pagan myths of a saviour.
As is often the way, the truth lies somewhere halfway between these two opposing viewpoints/beliefs. Most in both camps have a closed mind, so few who read this will be open minded enough to deem it worthy of consideration.
As I stated in my first post, the shroud is genuinely that of Jesus Christ in the tomb, but the man needs to be separated from the myth and the false religion that has been built around him. After having reached a high state of spiritual evolution, he was asked to incarnate for a special mission, to try to spiritually educate the barbaric people of the era.
He was conceived and born in the normal manner, hence the presence of both X and Y chromosomes in the blood on the shroud. Taken from My Conversations With Jesus Christ:
"It is biologically impossible for a man to be born of a virgin and I was an ordinary man, albeit endowed with special abilities to enable me to carry out my intended purpose. Virgin birth, parthenogenesis, can only produce a female child and this occurs extremely rarely, in the absence of male sperm, when the ovum is stimulated into cellular subdivision, mitosis, by an inert substance."
The book was written the year after the carbon dating was done on the shroud. He addresses this in his explanation of the image of the shroud:
"It is the actual shroud that covered my body as I lay unconscious in the tomb. I am aware thant modern scientists are very puzzled by the imprint on the shroud and this is not surprising as it was put there by the Lord God using a form of spiritual radiation. He was determined to recover as much as possible from my ruined mission so He impressed the features of my body on to the shroud.
Scientists have recently claimed that their carbon dating techniques show that the shroud is much younger than the time of my crucifixion. This is because when the Lord God "treated" the shroud He also rejuvenated it in order to extend its life beyond that of the cloth alone.
The Lord God is capable of altering matter at an atomic level and, by this means, was able to make the cloth more durable. The carbon dating system is not necessarily at fault but the shroud is unique.
No man could have faked the Turin shroud and the cause of the imprint will continue to baffle scientists. These people will one day realize that there are things in existence about which they know nothing."
Regarding the treatment of the cloth to make it last, its worth noting the following:
"The description given by the STURP team of the linen of the Shroud was that it was in remarkably good condition - " ... it was supple, strong and felt almost like a new expensive tablecloth ".
Regarding radiation:
"When the STURP team worked on the Shroud back in 1978 one of their problems was that they were unable to think up any mechanism that would account for the formation of the Shroud's image. This is a straw-yellow colour, on the surface of the fibres facing the body. Wherever a fibre crosses an underlying one the underlying fibre is unaffected. The fibrils from which the fibres were formed measure 15 microns in diameter. The colour of the image is confined to the surface fibrils. The colour change never affects more than one or two fibrils in depth, so that whatever caused the change can only have had very little depth of penetration. There are no obvious differences in the straw-yellow shade. It is merely the number of fibrils coloured that determine the intensity of the image. There are well-defined edges to the affected areas.
Another observation of considerable significance is that when blood was, or had been, present over the fibres, it also protected the underlying fibres from whatever caused the image. This means that the blood must have been in place before the image was formed.
Drs. Adler and Heller carried out exhaustive chemical tests, and found that the straw-yellow colour could be reproduced by "dehydrating acid oxidation" leading to the conjugated carbonyl groups that were responsible for the colour. But having got so far they were unable to find any "reasonable explanation as to how the image came to be on the cloth".
Now it seemed almost certain that the image must have been caused by some sort of radiation, but the various types of radiation that were suggested and tried did not produce the straw-yellow colour.".
British Society for the Turin Shroud - Issue #46
Regarding his supposed resurrection, he was in fact rescued from the tomb and given powerful spiritual healing, which eventually allowed him to recover. So, rather than dying on the cross for everyone's sins, he actually lived till he was 72 and carried on spiritually educating people elsewhere. His tomb is in Srinigar, India. And there is evidence for that as well:
"The most significant piece of physical evidence linking the inhabitant of the Rozabal to Jesus Christ(as) are the carved footprints next to the tomb. These footprints show marks or scars on the feet. The scars are at different places on each foot, consistent with the scars of one who has been crucified with a single nail driven through both feet."