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August 9th Show - Ecker and the hosts

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There is no spoon
Oh my god I can't wait for this one! I have always wanted to hear a show where the hosts were turned into guests, and what better person to have the honor than Ecker.

Cannot wait!!!!!
Yeah, this oughta be good (just hope something new emerges; I definitely get who all the Paracast bad guys are by now, and why…)

But is it really just a ploy to push back and maybe reconsider the Starcke show? They getting cold feet? THAT's the one I'm looking forward to; what depths of covert New Thought contentment will dB reveal? And will the Forum melt down if he gets too mellow? I've been counting the days til this high drama, and they just moved it on me!!
Yeah, this oughta be good (just hope something new emerges; I definitely get who all the Paracast bad guys are by now, and why…)

But is it really just a ploy to push back and maybe reconsider the Starcke show? They getting cold feet? THAT's the one I'm looking forward to; what depths of covert New Thought contentment will dB reveal? And will the Forum melt down if he gets too mellow? I've been counting the days til this high drama, and they just moved it on me!!

Cold feet? Not at all. We just keep getting stuff that we want to put on first. No worries, the Starcke interview will air, and there will be a little bit of controversy here - or not. :rolleyes:

And I really hope folks like the Ecker table turn. It's somewhat mellow as well.

Cool episode.

I have to disagree with Don Ecker though about Strom Thurmond's foreword: before there was any controversy at all over it I read it and thought "He has no idea that this isn't just a collection of military anecdotes". It was entirely along the lines of "He's had a long and distinguished service and I'm sure he has many interesting stories to tell" (I can't give you an exact quote because I left my copy of the book behind when I moved back here from Ireland...but anyone who has a copy go back and look and you'll see what I mean). He clearly had no idea it involved aliens or Roswell.

It could also be argued (and would be, by me) that choosing someone with Thurmond's history as an active public racist to write a foreword for your book raises troubling questions of character in any case. This was after all the man who said in 1948 "I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigra race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches."
That was the man Corso went to work for, looked up to and thought would lend his book credibility.
..choosing someone with Thurmond's history as an active public racist to write a foreword for your book raises troubling questions of character in any case.

I don't see how one relates to the other. Are you saying that people who are friends with people who are racist are more likely to be liars? Isn't that like saying if you are friends with someone who cheats on his wife and breaks up a marriage then your own honor and truthfulness is in question? Do you break off a longstanding friendship with someone who you discovered had cheated on his wife?

Let me put it another way: If Jesse Marcel senior was found to have written or said disparaging remarks about blacks back in the 40s (which was not unheard of back then for many whites) would he suddenly become untrustworthy as to his Roswell testimony? Food for thought.

Personally I think Corso was full of crap, but because of the merits of what HE wrote, not someone who wrote the forward to his book.

I think it's all too easy and obvious to go back after the fact and make up a good story about how technologies came about except for the fact that the actual evolution of those technologies by mundane methods is well established from the testimony of other witnesses and incremental developments. It's not like anyone came out with something light years beyond what was already being researched in labs.

But of course others have argued that the recovered tech merely provided "directions" and "insight" for scientists to follow.. sigh. Well if that's the case then I suppose one could say that aliens telepathically spoke to men like Dirac, Bohr, Feynman, Gell-Mann etc. and gave them "insight" into quantum theory so that we might one day advance to their level. Where does the speculation end?

My personal suspicion, based solely on intuition, is that highly advanced non-human intelligences would not be crashing metal ships around in the desert like some unlucky Cessna. There is just too much anthropomorphic projection with that hypothesis for my taste since crashing metal planes is something WE do on a daily basis. Jump ahead 100000 or 1000 or even 500 years and I just can't envision even our own descendants being so inept and using such brute force as large metal ships to interact with other worlds/realities. Not saying "they" are incapable of errors or misfortune.. but none of the crashed disc stories feel plausible to me.

It's all too pat - too close to what our own technology and expectations are. Already we can explore the world without the risk of personal involvement via drones and probes much smaller than large discs. Within a few decades those probes may be smaller than insects. We may not even use physical organic bodies to explore deep space, having uploaded human minds into synthetic containers for the task. Those are ideas being discussed in the next 50 to 100 years let alone thousands or millions. I would expect beings capable of interstellar/dimensional travel to posses the means to interact with us in even much subtler or enigmatic ways. Such vulnerable, frail creatures personally flying around in their airplane sized spaceships seems so quintessentially 50's quaint. And the thought that we could decipher their tech as Corso states is absurd to me. True, one cannot hope to accurately guess how non-humans would go about their business, but I would be very dumbfounded if they are using methods less advanced than our own to do it!

Perhaps advanced ETs aren't even exploring space per se anymore and have deeper metaphysical preoccupations on their minds

But, like everyone else on this subject, I have no "proof" for that belief :)
Gotta say Does David Biedny ever listen to himself continuously suggest that only the people who have had UFO sightings have any reason to be interested in the subject? He appears to think that he's apart of a private club. "When you've interacted with the unknown the way I have..." BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. When DAVID BIEDNY of all people cry 'People keep attacking me', it is always quite hilarious. We played a drinking game this episode where you have to take a shot every time DB cries and then says he doesn't care. You'll be drunk in ten minutes! Thanks Paracast:D
Really good show this week fom the Parcast. Don Ecker did a great job in hosting the program. Don, also asked questions which enabled interesting discussions and the answers given by David and Gene were right on the money.This is why the parcast is "Gold standard" and other shows are "Bronze standard" if you can't see the difference? Then you are lost.
Gotta say Does David Biedny ever listen to himself continuously suggest that only the people who have had UFO sightings have any reason to be interested in the subject? He appears to think that he's apart of a private club. "When you've interacted with the unknown the way I have..." BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. When DAVID BIEDNY of all people cry 'People keep attacking me', it is always quite hilarious. We played a drinking game this episode where you have to take a shot every time DB cries and then says he doesn't care. You'll be drunk in ten minutes! Thanks Paracast:D

There's a pretty big difference between being interested in a topic, and devoting one's life to it. Obviously, anyone with any kind of sense of curiosity should find any of these paranormal topics interesting. But to dive into it and call oneself an expert - such as Payola Harris - or a lobbyist - Bassett - without ever even having the experience, yes, I do indeed question why someone would be motivated to get into it to that extent.

I don't think I'm part of any "private club", I'm extremely aware of the fact that LOTS of people have had this experience, and I'll say this again: if I could live my life without ever having had ANY of these experiences, I'd gladly do so and trade the mystery for some nice, quiet stability. I suspect that there are lots of other experiencers who share my sentiments.

And believe me, I've asked Gene about this, as he's never seen a UFO, but has had a lifelong interest in the topic. Meanwhile, like myself, his primary professional life is devoted to technology, so it's not like this material is the sole focus of his life. So while I understand that you're going to lengths to criticize me on these forums, try to deploy some logic when doing so. And feel free to get shitfaced, but please promise not to drive after listening to the show. :D

When DAVID BIEDNY of all people cry 'People keep attacking me', it is always quite hilarious.

As are your posts. If you read them all it looks like you have picked David as your special project to criticize. You've even gone over to Angry Human and done a stint there as well. Yet you just got here in July and have what? 16 posts, I think, over the last three weeks, every one of which is argumentive and negative. For you to say 'always quite hilarious,' then, puts a rather short-term spin on the word 'always'--unless you've been around in stealth mode or using another name.

One wonders what your purpose here is. Do you have anything useful to contribute, and real interest in the subjects here, or are you just here to stir the pot? Just curious.
As are your posts. If you read them all it looks like you have picked David as your special project to criticize. You've even gone over to Angry Human and done a stint there as well. Yet you just got here in July and have what? 16 posts, I think, over the last three weeks, every one of which is argumentive and negative. For you to say 'always quite hilarious,' then, puts a rather short-term spin on the word 'always'--unless you've been around in stealth mode or using another name.

One wonders what your purpose here is. Do you have anything useful to contribute, and real interest in the subjects here, or are you just here to stir the pot? Just curious.

What do you mean "...gone over to Angry Human and done a stint there"?? I always use truthpandemic. I can't help it if someone else uses that name. I'm not ashamed of things I post. I try not to use bad language(sometimes I do though when I talk about the U.S., British, or Israeli governments and military). I obviously like the Paracast because I listen to it every week. DB can say and do whatever he wants, I'm just going to say what I think about it. I'm not mad about anything he does, he's free and unique. UFOs are a blast to hear about, read about and think about, esp. in a world that makes you want to cry. You seem to have some protective thing going on. Protective of YOUR forum. I'm not sure why you are offended every time I post anything. And why are you following me around this forum. Are you O.K? I find you annoying so I don't read your comments. If someone here doesn't like the things I post, I imagine they won't read it. And I've actually been reading things posted on this forum for about two years before I signed up when I got my own computer. It seemed like a place with interesting peeps writing interesting things in spite of your presence. There, story of my life.:D
Wish this episode was longer!

Highlights for me:

*learning david honed his bullshit detector in the technology world before applying it to the paranormal world

*gene's observation on the cyclical nature of this niche

*the mixed opinions and discussion on Corso

*explaining the john keel episode is what it is, people that actually knew him!

*the concensus that the exopolodicks are their own worse enemy and setting back their own agenda

*David's hint at his other experiences which I imagine based on his description (a paranormal framework?) is something along the lines of "everyday for 5 months, everytime my friend did such and such, something would happen that was exactly like .......................... Or I could be completely off!

I hope you guys do another episode like this.
What do you mean "...gone over to Angry Human and done a stint there"?? I always use truthpandemic. I can't help it if someone else uses that name. I'm not ashamed of things I post. I try not to use bad language(sometimes I do though when I talk about the U.S., British, or Israeli governments and military). I obviously like the Paracast because I listen to it every week. DB can say and do whatever he wants, I'm just going to say what I think about it. I'm not mad about anything he does, he's free and unique. UFOs are a blast to hear about, read about and think about, esp. in a world that makes you want to cry. You seem to have some protective thing going on. Protective of YOUR forum. I'm not sure why you are offended every time I post anything. And why are you following me around this forum. Are you O.K? I find you annoying so I don't read your comments. If someone here doesn't like the things I post, I imagine they won't read it. And I've actually been reading things posted on this forum for about two years before I signed up when I got my own computer. It seemed like a place with interesting peeps writing interesting things in spite of your presence. There, story of my life.:D

You mentioned Angry Human it in one of your posts. My point is that you have made a grand total of 16 posts, all or most of them critical of dB. I was wondering if you had anything to contribute besides dissing the hosts. If you don't care for my posts, put me on ignore.
I just checked, Angry Human doesn't even have a forum! What the hell are you talking about Shyster?

No one ever said there was a forum there. Now you're calling names. I also think you attempting to take a position to the left of dB is just hilarious. I can only conclude you have absolutely nothing to contribute here.
I just checked, Angry Human doesn't even have a forum! What the hell are you talking about Shyster?

Indeed, there is no Angry Human forum. And name calling is not something you're going to do here, so chill out. You have criticisms, have it at, but do so in a reasonable way, please. Schuyler is indeed protective, he's become a friend of mine, and he's also one of the most important participants - and contributors - to these forums. As far as I'm concerned, he's earned the right to type whatever the hell he wants in this place. You want to take me to task, that's fine, but chill out with the insults.

Hey Truthpandemic, you wouldnt be living in the Czech republic would you? :p

I thought this was a great show, although it seemed to go a little quickly.

My general thoughts after the show were:

* I would have liked to hear more from Gene, it seems like we didnt hear as much from him

* Corso is full of BS in my opinion, can't see how what he says is true, but i have on the other hand only managed to read about a third of his book before I stopped.

* David, I understand how sometimes it must seem hard to grasp why people would throw their lives into this without having an experience. I for example, can't really watch sports that I don't actually compete in myself, I just dont find it interesting, and I dont really understand how people can. On the other hand, as someone who has experienced, it seems rather strange to have such perceptions and opinions of people who havent had one, since you don't know what it is like yourself.

For me, there are two reasons the nutters like Paella Harris / Korff get involved so heavily in the UFO field.
1) Because People with emptyness in their lives always try to join a group. Its the reason why seemingly good people go and join terrorist groups, and why in England people (particularly in the working classes) can get so heavily into Soccer teams that they form hooligan groups. These people are missing a social group structure in their lives, so they will look to the extremes to find one.
2) Because people unknowingly find their lives so boring that they need to go into a fake world where they can fabricate their own reality, and make themselves seem more important and interesting.

The reason more grounded people get heavily into the field is in my opinion because the paranormal field offers some of the most profound conversation topics which are extremely interesting to talk about and allow us to keep our minds active whilst making some friends along the way.

* Where was Larry King at the end of the episode saying time is nearly up?

Anyway, as I said before, these are just opinions

Great show guys :D
You mentioned Angry Human it in one of your posts. My point is that you have made a grand total of 16 posts, all or most of them critical of dB. I was wondering if you had anything to contribute besides dissing the hosts. If you don't care for my posts, put me on ignore.

I can ignore you myself. But not right now. Lets see... I've said People don't take responsibility for anything as it is, so what kind of world would it be if the same people who would blame their dog for a crime if they could get away with it, suddenly were told that Beings from another planet or dimension were here?! And that these Beings could do whatever they wanted and there was nothing your government could do about it?!
I posted how I was adjusting to life after the Jo Ann Richards interview on The Veritas Show.
I called DB out about calling ANYONE in the U.S. military today, a patriot.
I said Alex Jones on the Paracast would be a blast.
I said we need another interview with Christopher O' Brien because I had too many warning signs from him.
And I wrote todays comment about last nights show today.

You think maybe you're in-love, that's why you're especially sensitive? ;)