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August 9th Show - Ecker and the hosts

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I can ignore you myself. But not right now. Lets see... I've said People don't take responsibility for anything as it is, so what kind of world would it be if the same people who would blame their dog for a crime if they could get away with it, suddenly were told that Beings from another planet or dimension were here?! And that these Beings could do whatever they wanted and there was nothing your government could do about it?!
I posted how I was adjusting to life after the Jo Ann Richards interview on The Veritas Show.
I called DB out about calling ANYONE in the U.S. military today, a patriot.
I said Alex Jones on the Paracast would be a blast.
I said we need another interview with Christopher O' Brien because I had too many warning signs from him.
And I wrote todays comment about last nights show today.

You think maybe you're in-love, that's why you're especially sensitive? ;)

I did not state that EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the U.S. military is a patriot, so get over it.

And I'll ask once more, nicely, please cool it with the flame-baiting directed at Schuyler.

Hoffmeister "Hey Truthpandemic, you wouldnt be living in the Czech republic would you?"
Schuyler "I can only conclude you have absolutely nothing to contribute here."

I can only conclude you guys have a project you're working on for school, called the 'theory of double-standard'...
I have to agree with the bullet points from both Hoffmeister and Rocketsauce.

I also appreciated the decision to go explicit in this episode. Throwing in the f-bomb here and there really rounded out some of DB's points for me.
Hoffmeister and Schuyler are both valued members of these forums, and as I've said, they've earned some slack. You, on the other hand, are someone who has come in here with both barrels blazing, and wants the same rights as friends of the show. Not realistic. While I appreciate that you have opinions about the show, don't think that you have the same level of power here as folks who have actually contributed significantly to conversations on these forums. This is the last time I'll ask you for some civility.

Hoffmeister "Hey Truthpandemic, you wouldnt be living in the Czech republic would you?"
Schuyler "I can only conclude you have absolutely nothing to contribute here."

I can only conclude you guys have a project you're working on for school, called the 'theory of double-standard'...

It was actually meant to be a half friendly, jovial attempt at breaking up your flame spam, and I followed it up with some relevant thoughts. Also, how is Schuyler concluding that you have nothing relevant to contribute considered flaming?

Anyway, lets just stop this nonsense and allow people to carry on with some relevant posts in this thread.
Hoffmeister and Schuyler are both valued members of these forums, and as I've said, they've earned some slack. You, on the other hand, are someone who has come in here with both barrels blazing, and wants the same rights as friends of the show. Not realistic. While I appreciate that you have opinions about the show, don't think that you have the same level of power here as folks who have actually contributed significantly to conversations on these forums. This is the last time I'll ask you for some civility.

Power? I think what I type must go through some strange translation station that makes it appear different when you see it. I wrote a comment earlier that you retorted by taking my car keys away. It was funny. Then Schuyler said That he didn't like anything about me and that all I do is attack you. I responded to his criticisms. Then Hoffmeister said I was offensive. I responded to him. But power? Barrels blazing? No. I want nothing to do with power or that metaphor.
Back to the topic at hand... I loved this episode. It was a neat meld of Dark Matters and the Paracast though the always great Mr. Decker managed to maintain a very Paracast feel to the show. I would have liked a little more prying into how they feel the approach of the Paracast and the sometimes "harsh" (for lack of a better word) discussion in the forums may have affected relationships in their lives, but it's understandable why one would choose not to go down that road. I say, a "great job" goes out to all three of you!
Just want to say congrats to the three of you guys! A great show and I enjoyed every minute. Will copy it to the ole' MP3 player and give it a second spin at work tomorrow.

Well done.
David said something during this show that I found really moving. He’s said it before on other episodes, so don’t ask me why, bit it really got to me.

Below is a slightly edited (for clarity) transcript from David. I added the dot-dot-dot thing to show where I took out some extraneous dialogue (...) This starts at about the 1:45:00 time mark.


When this kind of stuff has intersected with your life you - I mean - for so many years I didn’t think about this stuff - for so many years... But it’s not an experience, it’s a whole framework. It’s really really odd stuff. Really weird...

So, the point is, when this stuff intersects with your reality at a certain point it kinda reaches an overflow point where you can’t ignore it anymore. SO I guess for me, I reached a point where, y’know, I had been bottling this stuff up - suppressing it - all of it...

I’m bringing this up so that people can have some appreciation for the fact that I’m grappling with this stuff in my life. I mean, this is stuff that I don’t have answers for - I have so many questions - and I don’t have a lot of understanding for a lot of this stuff - and - It’s almost as if when Gene was saying to me “Hey, why don’t we do a show about this stuff?”

And, at first I was really hesitant, and then I thought: Maybe it’ll feel good to talk about this some of this...

Like I’ve said on this show before, it’ll be cheaper than therapy...

This is why I feel like I feel like I wanna talk about it. Look, certainly in terms of UFOs, there is something going on, A.

And B there are some people that seem to know a lot more than others.

And C, there’s a ton of people out there that are just spewing crap.

And, D, I take that personally because, like I said before when they spew crap on this stuff they make it so difficult to talk about these things in a rational way.

And I wanna talk about these things. Look, maybe at some point I’ll end up regretting all of this. there are times now when I regret it...

But - What are y’gunna do? I’m in my mid-40’s, do I wanna suppress this stuff anymore? No, I think these things have happened to me for some sort of a reason. Now, I could be wrong about that, but I sorta know I’m not. This is where things get murky and complicated...

But when you’ve interacted with the unknown in the ways I have, there seems to be some sort of purpose to it. And I don’t pretend to know what the purpose is. I don’t know. We’re talking about ongoing things, so - I don’t know - I have a lot of questions...

We have to talk about these things. Look, someone has to have the rational discourse about this stuff. Someone's got to do it. So we might as well do it.


Well said, thank you.
You guys brought up Corso again and echoed my thoughts. Here's a guy who served with distinction and made some really amazing claims that are, quite frankly, easily refuted. Aliens didn't inspire us to create integrated circuits. End of story. We were well along the way before Corso showed up. If you know a bit about the history of IC's and how they came to be invented, including the history of them that is still with us today (8-bit bytes, 80 column screens, etc.) it doesn't make sense.

And even if you are willing to accept the issue that Corso may have over-stated his own importance in events, including liberating Italy or whatever he happened to be talking about, that still does not explain outright falsehoods. I'm left with an enigma I just do not understand. I'm not believing him, yet I cannot just dismiss him out of hand. Confused again. :confused:
David said something during this show that I found really moving. He’s said it before on other episodes, so don’t ask me why, but it really got to me.

Signal in a whisper - real cryptic!!

But it’s not an experience, it’s a whole framework. It’s really really odd stuff. Really weird...

He's left this one floating in the air - people are going to react like a hammer seeking a nail - rationally I suppose he knows what happens when the hammer finds it. Hence, the uncomfortability in revealing it.

Thats fine by me, no more info required. End of story.
I'd really like to hear a show in which David talks about some of his other paranormal experiences.
I know he has his reasons for not doing so and respect that, but I have to say I think it would be an interesting listen.
Anyways, great job with the show, Gene and David. I always look forward to loading a new episode into my iPod each Sunday night.
Top notch episode, there need to be more like it. I can't actually think of a single critical point a the moment, just solid, good stuff all the way through.

BTW for anyone playing the ol' Paracast drinking game, take a shot every time Ecker says "now" (WARNING: For advanced tolerance players only! Novices will die of liver failure within minutes!)
The first thing I did after listening to the whole episode was download the episode with David and his brother talking about their experiences in Venezeula. I respect the fact that David likes to keep certain things to himself, but when he described talking with his friend about their experiences, it really piqued my interest.

The stigma around the topic in general makes it hard for someone with credible experiences to write and talk about it publicly and hope to be taken seriously, because automatically you're grouped with the Mieiers and the Adamskis of the world. So I can definately understand why he doesn't wish to talk about these experiences.

It's a pithy though, 'cause they sound damn interesting!
I came on the paracast and talked about some strange experiences, and there was a follow up flurry on the forums. I was called a liar, a charlatan, an ego maniac, delusional, unscrupulous, deceptive, misleading, fabricator, a con-artist and more. Some of it was downright mean.

If David wants to keep quiet, he has good reason. Being at the receiving end of the shit storm feels crappy. I know.
Oh well, for whatever it's worth, I thought this show was very illuminating in many ways. To me, it was one provocative theory after another on all of those subject matters that were discussed during this 'all to short' period of time. All I can say is that I wished it would go on and on and on... but instead I was left with a cliff-hanger as in "what the hell is REALLY going on here"?!!
You guys need to get together again and do a sequel. I know sequel's are often duds but in this case I bet "stage two" will even be better!
Loved it!! :)