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I would put NOTHING past them as the world is ran by a lot of evil people who are trapped for their crimes.
Perhaps they are planning to unleash the zombie apocalypse? If so, I hope I am prepared.
Everyone has to ask themsleves, what will YOU do when the undead begin to roam the Earth, hungry for human flesh?
Most likely be eaten by zombies. Though zombies have a lot in common with Neo-Cons and Obama's Cult so you never know.
America is out the verge of a cliff about to commit suicide!
What is going to happen?
I see darker days ahead than the previous one's gone . Maybe everything will be ok in time , time does heal many wounds!
America is out the verge of a cliff about to commit suicide!
What is going to happen?
I see darker days ahead than the previous one's gone . Maybe everything will be ok in time , time does heal many wounds!
There was already a guy who had to be talked out of jumping at Merrill Lynch.
I'll probably lose my job in the next couple of weeks which is not the best news considering I'm funding a festival. But then if it means knocking fascists down a few pegs maybe it's worth it. Then again they always have an exit plan so...probably nothing will be learned and I'll still be broke.
This proposed "solution" would do far more harm than good. First of all, this solution has been slammed by most leading economists as being a knee-jerk reaction. The people that have come up with it have no clue if $700 billion is enough to resolve this crisis, or way too much. Additionally, if the Fed eats the $700 billion cost, what is that going to do to the long-term health of the U.S.? This is more money than has been blown on the entire Iraq war thus far, and there is not one ounce of proof it will rectify anything. Maybe I am a little niave, but after the constant "doom and gloom" of the modern media over the last 2 years, I am not buying the "little boy cried wolf" routine any further. I have been bashed over the head with every doomsday scenario the media could possibly dream up from the W2K bug to environmental holocaust to bird flu pandemic. It is funny how not one of them as brought upon the end of the world as promised. Now it is the financial implosion of an industry that amounts to 3% of the U.S. GDP. Sorry, but I don't buy these "end of the world" scenarios anymore. If this problem was anywhere near as bad as the media is portraying it, they would have every leading economist working on a solution, and the bunch of unqualified politicians who are responsible for this mess in the first place.
I'm pressed for time just this moment, but...
There ARE no fundamentals - the U.S. makes very little product, we're a consumer society that has shipped our manufacturing overseas. There's little to rebuild. The Public Debt is at over $32,000 for every man, woman and child. We're deeply in the hole, with no way out. Education is in the toilet, as a society, we're dumber than we've ever been. We're morphing into a Theocracy. Logic is out the window.
In a nutshell, we're fucked. The next 20 years ain't gonna be pretty. I suspect that, in that timeframe, we will become a colony of China, with chinese troops on our streets, "protecting their investment." Heaven help us all...