Here's the short version of what I mean:
US owes China a huge sum of money - I've heard anywhere between half a trillion and a trillion and a half dollars. Who do you think is now lending us yet more money? The Chinese. Henry Paulson, the guy who architected the rape of the treasury, is completely in the pockets of the Chinese. A large amount of that 700 billion will be transfered into Chinese bank accounts. At some point, we're gonna owe them so much, they're going to own some large amount of the residential and commercial real estate, they're going to want to protect their investments. That means coming over here and doing the job themselves, and they're got the forces to do it - the Chinese army completely overwhelms ours - 2.3 million members of the People's Liberation Army, 1.5 million reserve militia, and 1 million armed police. They could easily drop half a million soldiers on US soil, and there's not much we could do about it. Does anyone seriously think that a bunch of alcoholic, uneducated rednecks with guns would pose any kind of serious threat to the disciplined, indoctrinated Chinese soldiers? Wake up, folks. All the silly patriotic drivel spewed by airheads like Palin aside, the state of our troops right now is dismal - kids worn down by a pointless, grueling occupation in the middle east, and you better believe that they know they're expendable in the eyes of their "leaders". Our military is in no shape to protect us here at home, and they're not here anyway, so forget about being able to repel a Chinese "security" force. The whores in Congress would chop their own children into chum if they could make a profit, so forget about them doing the right thing by us, the American people. They just sold you out for pennies on the dollar last week, they'll all be watching from their Swiss chalets (or 100,000 acre Paraguayan compounds, in the case of the Bush family), as the empire burns.
Yeah, I know, sounds kind of extreme. Well, those of us in the US better realize that we're squarely in the time of the collapse of the American empire, and it's going to get weirder than any of us can imagine. Seriously. Take a look at the last 25, 30 years, then focus in on the last 8, and tell me that we're not in a surreal, disturbing part of our history. And that's the part that the media will convey - the actual truth of what's going on is just far too fucked up for most people to contemplate. That's why we're a nation devoted to fantasy and escapism. Denial is the American Way™. The rise of fundamentalist religion is the clearest sign of this mental malady.
For the first time in my adult life, I'm really scared about the future.