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Bail out fails

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lol, i just speant nearly 30 minutes typing a big long post here, and as I went to press submit I slipped on the keyboard and my whole pc rebooted, throwing away the message.

Anyway, i cant be arsed to write it again, but i really dont think china will invade, i gave 5 different reasons in my post but the main one was Nukes... No-one will invade America due to Nukes..
Not to belabor the obvious -- but get a Mac. :D
Here's the short version of what I mean:

US owes China a huge sum of money - I've heard anywhere between half a trillion and a trillion and a half dollars. Who do you think is now lending us yet more money? The Chinese. Henry Paulson, the guy who architected the rape of the treasury, is completely in the pockets of the Chinese. A large amount of that 700 billion will be transfered into Chinese bank accounts. At some point, we're gonna owe them so much, they're going to own some large amount of the residential and commercial real estate, they're going to want to protect their investments. That means coming over here and doing the job themselves, and they're got the forces to do it - the Chinese army completely overwhelms ours - 2.3 million members of the People's Liberation Army, 1.5 million reserve militia, and 1 million armed police. They could easily drop half a million soldiers on US soil, and there's not much we could do about it. Does anyone seriously think that a bunch of alcoholic, uneducated rednecks with guns would pose any kind of serious threat to the disciplined, indoctrinated Chinese soldiers? Wake up, folks. All the silly patriotic drivel spewed by airheads like Palin aside, the state of our troops right now is dismal - kids worn down by a pointless, grueling occupation in the middle east, and you better believe that they know they're expendable in the eyes of their "leaders". Our military is in no shape to protect us here at home, and they're not here anyway, so forget about being able to repel a Chinese "security" force. The whores in Congress would chop their own children into chum if they could make a profit, so forget about them doing the right thing by us, the American people. They just sold you out for pennies on the dollar last week, they'll all be watching from their Swiss chalets (or 100,000 acre Paraguayan compounds, in the case of the Bush family), as the empire burns.

Yeah, I know, sounds kind of extreme. Well, those of us in the US better realize that we're squarely in the time of the collapse of the American empire, and it's going to get weirder than any of us can imagine. Seriously. Take a look at the last 25, 30 years, then focus in on the last 8, and tell me that we're not in a surreal, disturbing part of our history. And that's the part that the media will convey - the actual truth of what's going on is just far too fucked up for most people to contemplate. That's why we're a nation devoted to fantasy and escapism. Denial is the American Way™. The rise of fundamentalist religion is the clearest sign of this mental malady.

For the first time in my adult life, I'm really scared about the future.


One thing I find shocking after hearing your AH podcast last week was the fact that there are permanent (or soon to be) military outposts set up within the US now.

Makes you wonder, what for?
I am confused about your post. Are you haveing a argument with my points are you just giveing your analyse on the situation.

I dont disagree with your analyse the credit crunch is a new phenomen to me and to others.But a crisis was going to happen eventually.

It just came sooner than expected.Greedy individuals will always exploit the vulnerable for there own greedy needs. It is the darkside of humanity!


Sorry to confuse... That was just my analysis of the situation. I am far more cynical than most, and I get extremely cynical of anything I hear during election time. There is always an alterior motive to anything govenrnmet does, and during elections that goes up tenfold.

The "doom 'n' gloom" world we now live in reminds me of the little boy that cried wolf. Over the last several years, I have been told that either terrorism, a bird flu "pandemic", global warming/climate change, the "Axis of Evil", an oil "shortage", the LHC, giant asteroids or whatever new theory the Prophets of Disaster can come up with is going to destroy our way of life and/or the earth any day now. Now I am told that the credit breakdown of the U.S. is going to finish the job none of its predecessors were capable of accomplishing. Sorry, but I have heard the fairy tale of the big bad wolf too many times over the last 7 years to really believe it anymore. Quite frankly, if the end of the world is imminent, I wish to hell they would just get it over with and quit prolonging the process. :rolleyes:
No-one will invade America due to Nukes..

Exactly..China attempting to invade the US would be the last thing they ever did. No one is able to move a muscle on a large scale in this world due to satellite and plane surveillance. The US nuclear triad - 1/3 of which is 18 Ohio class subs roaming the seas are totally invulnerable. No force on Earth could prevent them from nuking the shit out of China's ports and all of its major cities. China knows this and would never dare attack us en-masse for that reason alone.

Yes China has a huge numerical soldier advantage, but that means nothing because they would never be able to reach our shores. China sports a mere 100 naval vessels, most of which are sorely outdated. We have hundreds of modern nuclear armed destroyers, frigates, and carriers at our disposal. And then there's our nuclear armed airforce. And our land based ICBM's.

No country on Earth is a match for the US in a full-scale war. We have more than 5,000 nucler weapons still operational (from a high of 30,000+ during the cold war). We have another 1000 or so that could be brought up to operational condition if needed. China has perhaps only a hundred or so that could reach the US.

The principles of Mutually Assured Destruction still stand.

If America declines and falls, it will be from erosion within. Any sort of invasion is a long way off into the future when world conditions are much, much different that now. Chinas future depends on us buying their products - the last thing they want is for us to be destroyed.
The "doom 'n' gloom" world we now live in reminds me of the little boy that cried wolf. Over the last several years, I have been told that either terrorism, a bird flu "pandemic", global warming/climate change, the "Axis of Evil", an oil "shortage", the LHC, giant asteroids or whatever new theory the Prophets of Disaster can come up with is going to destroy our way of life and/or the earth any day now. Now I am told that the credit breakdown of the U.S. is going to finish the job none of its predecessors were capable of accomplishing. Sorry, but I have heard the fairy tale of the big bad wolf too many times over the last 7 years to really believe it anymore. Quite frankly, if the end of the world is imminent, I wish to hell they would just get it over with and quit prolonging the process. :rolleyes:

Damn straight! I agree 100 percent. You'd think the world had never encountered challenging times before if you listen to the media at all. Of course according to the media "THIS time it's different. We swear!!!" yea right...
Anyway, i cant be arsed to write it again, but i really dont think china will invade, i gave 5 different reasons in my post but the main one was Nukes... No-one will invade America due to Nukes..

There's that and the fact the single largest armed force on the planet is the American public. If you don't think several million "rednecks with guns" will make a differnce, please explain how several hunderd thousand illiterate peasants in Iraq and Afganistan have.

The Cinese military may be massive, but they could never field that entire army for any length of time. The logistics of keeping such a force supplied with food and munitions would be an utter nightmare (remember the Nazi invasion of Russia?). Additionally, without going nuclear, America has signed a huge defence contract with the inventor of the Metal Storm:


This weapon would turn China's advancing infantry into hamburger in literally seconds. It is one of the single-most effective ways to combat massive numbers of shock troops from invading your defensive positions.
I'll tell you what...

I hope you are all right, thoughtful Paracast listeners, I so very much hope that some of the stuff that goes through my thoughts is just too dark to be feasible, and that I'm totally overreacting. I would give anything to be wrong, in fact, I have to admit that my Chinese troops on our ground is an extremist position, and is not likely to happen. But tell me that you would look at the current situation from, say, 15 years ago, and not have it look like fiction. What will things look like in 5 years?

Live for today, it's all we really have.

If you don't think several million "rednecks with guns" will make a differnce, please explain how several hunderd thousand illiterate peasants in Iraq and Afganistan have.

Because the US and NATO are pulling their punches maybe? Guns, a few rockets and IEDs are all the insurgents have. Compared to the weapons they COULD be using, the US and NATO are being awfully gentlemanly. And before anyone says "Yeah but the Geneva conventions forbid..." one word: gitmo.

In a gloves-off conflict, several million rednecks with guns translates into several million redneck corpses in short order. And if you think I'm saying what you think you think I'm saying, you're right: this is what humanity is like when it plays nice. Imagine what we'd be like if we decided to play dirty? On second thought, don't.
In a gloves-off conflict, several million rednecks with guns translates into several million redneck corpses in short order. And if you think I'm saying what you think you think I'm saying, you're right: this is what humanity is like when it plays nice. Imagine what we'd be like if we decided to play dirty? On second thought, don't.

I understand what you are getting at, but I have a hard time believing that the former USSR played "nice" in Afghanistan, and they still managed to be sent off with their tail between their legs. Additionally there was the Viet Nam conflict where eradicating civilians suspected of being VC sympathisers and bombing suspected enemy outposts with napalm was commonplace. The gloves have come off in several human conflicts, and that did not stop the oppressors from being defeated when they did, despite having an enemy that was not as technologically advanced.

I don't think for a minute that domestic militias comprised from the largest armed force in the world wouldn't be able to make a difference if some foreign power invaded their homeland. If the "gloves came off" in the way you imply, China would be turned into molten glass overnight under a full American nuclear onslaught, and the militia vs. army debate would become somewhat irrelevant at that point.

Military conflicts with China aside, I wanted to point out that I work for one of Canada's largest financial institutions, that is currently looking to buy out some of the American FIs that have been hit hard by this credit crunch. If the world's economy was in anyway close to the state that the media portrays it in, my employer wouldn't be interested in buying anything American, and Warren Buffet would not have dropped $5 billion on Goldman Sachs preferred shares.
I understand what you are getting at, but I have a hard time believing that the former USSR played "nice" in Afghanistan, and they still managed to be sent off with their tail between their legs. Additionally there was the Viet Nam conflict where eradicating civilians suspected of being VC sympathisers and bombing suspected enemy outposts with napalm was commonplace. The gloves have come off in several human conflicts, and that did not stop the oppressors from being defeated when they did, despite having an enemy that was not as technologically advanced.

I would submit that the technology gap in those conflicts is as nothing compared to where things are now, particularily in the case of the USA. God knows what they're working on at area 51 and the other ultra-black sites. Much maligned as he has been, I think Dan Ackroyd was right in his interview with David Sereda when he said that the only reason the US isn't deploying those weapons systems readily now is simply because they don't feel the need to (with perhaps a smidge of tipping their hand thrown in).
Interestingly... I've noticed that during the past few weeks the price of oil has dropped sharply (90/barrel at the moment) AND as the World markets tank, the strength of the dollar has shot up finally. Apparently America isn't such a bad place to hedge your bets, despite what guys like Putin think. Hell if we can keep this global panic going just a bit longer we might get to parity with the Euro and cut our debt to China in half.

Some financial talking head on MSNBC just joked that Americ'as new motto could be "America: We Suck Less (than the rest of the world)"

As for all these global conspiracies.. At this point I'm willing to chalk most of this crap up to simple greed, ignorance, and general incompetance. Each nation, and all the major power players within those nations has their own competing agenda and at certain times those agendas may or may not overlap. As for some sort of secret shadow world government pulling all the strings, I just don't buy it.

PS: I just listened to this week's show and actually enjoyed it. I was planning to have to put my fist through the monitor, figuratively speaking, as I usually do when David starts ranting on politics. But actually this time I found myself wanting to hear more.. now THAT is surely a sign that the end times are near. I agree with David that the Paulsen-China link is a WTF situation. It's no coincidence that Goldman Sachs was not allowed to fail under his watch.
Here's the short version of what I mean:

US owes China a huge sum of money - I've heard anywhere between half a trillion and a trillion and a half dollars. Who do you think is now lending us yet more money? The Chinese. Henry Paulson, the guy who architected the rape of the treasury, is completely in the pockets of the Chinese. A large amount of that 700 billion will be transfered into Chinese bank accounts. At some point, we're gonna owe them so much, they're going to own some large amount of the residential and commercial real estate, they're going to want to protect their investments. That means coming over here and doing the job themselves, and they're got the forces to do it - the Chinese army completely overwhelms ours - 2.3 million members of the People's Liberation Army, 1.5 million reserve militia, and 1 million armed police. They could easily drop half a million soldiers on US soil, and there's not much we could do about it. Does anyone seriously think that a bunch of alcoholic, uneducated rednecks with guns would pose any kind of serious threat to the disciplined, indoctrinated Chinese soldiers? Wake up, folks. All the silly patriotic drivel spewed by airheads like Palin aside, the state of our troops right now is dismal - kids worn down by a pointless, grueling occupation in the middle east, and you better believe that they know they're expendable in the eyes of their "leaders". Our military is in no shape to protect us here at home, and they're not here anyway, so forget about being able to repel a Chinese "security" force. The whores in Congress would chop their own children into chum if they could make a profit, so forget about them doing the right thing by us, the American people. They just sold you out for pennies on the dollar last week, they'll all be watching from their Swiss chalets (or 100,000 acre Paraguayan compounds, in the case of the Bush family), as the empire burns.

Yeah, I know, sounds kind of extreme. Well, those of us in the US better realize that we're squarely in the time of the collapse of the American empire, and it's going to get weirder than any of us can imagine. Seriously. Take a look at the last 25, 30 years, then focus in on the last 8, and tell me that we're not in a surreal, disturbing part of our history. And that's the part that the media will convey - the actual truth of what's going on is just far too fucked up for most people to contemplate. That's why we're a nation devoted to fantasy and escapism. Denial is the American Way™. The rise of fundamentalist religion is the clearest sign of this mental malady.

For the first time in my adult life, I'm really scared about the future.


First of i dont disagree with most of your arguments.Henry Paulson seems to be a shady character! when you have so much history with your rivals there is a conflict of "interest",there is no getting away from that fact and anyone who says different has there head up there arse.

I most admit i agreed with the bail out? but not a bail out that is going to cost the American people "700 Billion" that is a risk too great. Why do you need 700 "billion" to bail out CEO of companys on wall street. What is wrong with 100 "BILLION".... you arent helping the economy by such a bail out. You are just helping the rich get away from the problems they caused in the first place.

European banks adopted the same policies of America for many years now. Giveing out loans to people who couldnt to afford to pay them back CRAZY!...Pure greed is behind all our problems!.. European banks are in serious trouble themselves at the moment.

Many European goverments have given there own bail out, the crisis is world wide.( Dont be fooled by the American currency rises that is due to the problems within europe itself)

It almost like a conpiracy created by the rich and greedy. And that is scary!

Where will they get such a bail out from. Loans from Europe not likely, we are in it up to our neck ourselfs. China is the only option for a loan and America owes 500 "billion" already to china. The American economy is fucked simple facts.
China has America in there pockets!

The only other two options are bonds or print more money. Simply stupid you devalute your currency so much is will be almost worthless.


David give a short version. Hate to see the long version dude!... that short version is just right to help me understand, where you are comeing from.i agree with alot of your points i dont find many flaws.Anyway back to the discussion lol.

What is china's real intentions to America? Well guys i would not be surprised if they wanted America to fall. control through economics, if i ran a country that is how i would cripple my rival if they were just as strong as me.

They cant invade America! America would use nukes if China landed troops on the American shores! if America could not beat china with a convential war they more likely use nukes.Why?...go to David's post where i agree with his point on a over stretched American military.

That is another point more money every day given to the military in Iraq and Afghanisation to run a war! Seriously guys this money is needed in yer economy right now.... George bush and his brother in arms or sisters in arms just to be politically correct have caused this mess.

Eight years of cow s... policies. Look i believe America has been suffering in idiocy since the death of Jfk. Jfk was not perfect by any means, but he give hope, which has been seriously lacking since his death. Too many bad leaders!
Dow is below 10,000 right now. Just wait a few more days when it implodes. Then we can feel assured that US troops will be deployed when riots start happening, and then will. Seriously, when is enough finally enough?
Dow is below 10,000 right now. Just wait a few more days when it implodes. Then we can feel assured that US troops will be deployed when riots start happening, and then will. Seriously, when is enough finally enough?
So much for that $700 billion bank bribe -- er -- bailout bill.
Wait until they demonatize the dollar and FORCE a North American currency called the "Amero" on us. That is what I feel willl happen and if it does expect strong resistance. I hope people have figured out that the is a REASON troops were brought back from Iraq to serve on American streets starting October 1st.
I'm as weary as everyone else of the constant predictions of imminent disaster we're continually being force fed, but his financial collapse is far more serious than most people seem willing to consider.

General Motors is literally on the ropes and could fail tomorrow. The very idea of that possibility seems almost beyond comprehension. General Motors?
The same is true of Lehman Brothers. Impossible, but it is a fact. Toss in all the other multinational financial entities that have already crashed, and a global depression or long term severe recession appear to be inescapable, unless some drastic measures are taken immediately. That's the real danger for the moment: the lag here between cause and effect. Since there haven't been any massive layoffs announced, people assume this is all just more government hysteria being hyped by the press. By Christmas, or shortly after, reality is going to fetch us all a painful smack in the gob.

This is a huge set of dominoes that circles the earth in every direction, and the first ones have fallen hard. Once the collapse has started to gain momentum and spread, it can't be stopped.

Anyway, Carthage must be destroyed.
General Motors is literally on the ropes and could fail tomorrow. The very idea of that possibility seems almost beyond comprehension. General Motors?

You're kidding, right? GM has been in decline since the 90s. I imagine their board meetings go something like this:

BOSS: Gentlemen, the europeans and asians are killing us with smaller, more fuel efficient cars. What can we do about it?

EMPLOYEE: Well, we could start making smaller, more fuel efficient cars instead of rolling out gas guzzling behemoths every year...

BOSS: WHAT?! Are you some kind of pinko!? This AMERICA! Go back to Moscow and drive your pussy little rollerskate Boris, you're FIRED!

You're kidding, right? GM has been in decline since the 90s. I imagine their board meetings go something like this:

BOSS: Gentlemen, the europeans and asians are killing us with smaller, more fuel efficient cars. What can we do about it?

EMPLOYEE: Well, we could start making smaller, more fuel efficient cars instead of rolling out gas guzzling behemoths every year...

BOSS: WHAT?! Are you some kind of pinko!? This AMERICA! Go back to Moscow and drive your pussy little rollerskate Boris, you're FIRED!


European cars are badly build, overpriced, pieces of metal. That is just my little rant against European cars. Avoid at all costs! or you will end up with a life time of breakdowns and garage bills. Sorry guys:mad:
European cars are badly build, overpriced, pieces of metal. That is just my little rant against European cars. Avoid at all costs! or you will end up with a life time of breakdowns and garage bills. Sorry guys:mad:
Does that include the ones made in Germany by those well-known companies? :D