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This may have been the staged event by the Republicans to somehow get McCain elected, assuming he lives long enough to be elected, of course.I do love the Onion.
It's at the point now where I'm just waiting for them to do something. Maybe they will just drop a neutron bomb on Congress to get what they want? Paulson and his fellow criminals are going around screaming "fire in a theater" so provoke economic chaos and usually those are the times when "false flag terrorism" happens. As upset as these people make me at destroying not only my country, but the free world, I usually don't get the feeling of dread but disgust. I have that "gut" feeling that all the signs point to a large, staged event happening prior to Nov. 5th.
It may seem like great fun to cheer while the crack house burns but unfortunately that house is in a row house neighborhood and your house is likely to burn down too.
Have you checked your 401k today? You've most likey lost more money in one day than if they had distributed the $700B to every American by several fold. What happens on Wall Street effects everyone not just fat cats.
I'm not sure the "bail out" is the best solution but someones got to put the fire out instead just watching it spread.
Erm..... was this post aimed at me? If it was, i dont think you quite read my email properly, or understood what i was on about
thats mad, thats like the govt going down to the racetrack and refunding all the losers on race 11.
The next 20 years ain't gonna be pretty. I suspect that, in that timeframe, we will become a colony of China, with chinese troops on our streets, "protecting their investment."
They'll probably hire Blackwater troops. There are plenty of sociopathic morons who are willing to fire on their fellow Americans here. I think if China tried to put their troops on our soil, you'd see an insurgency that would make those donkey-whippers in Iraq look like a bunch of amateurs.
Well you could be right, and you could be wrong!
The bail out "is a bail out for wall street there is no doubt about that!
The bail out is a measure designed to stablise the markets with confidence!
Ok people will say! How does it effect me. I am part of a ordinary American family, well how does it. Simple, It doesnt, in the short term, But in the long term it could.
If Banks lose confidence ,credit doesnt flow, So people do not invest, rather they move there money out from the bad market they are within.If industry and services arent able to invest by getting loans to help them do such planning for there future. Then the net result is unemployment and reduced tax levels for the goverment.
America probably does need some type of bail out. The market will stablise in time by such a measure all going well?
I dont believe myself America will go into meltdown, because there is certain fundamentals of the American economy that are extremely strong and robust.
If they really wanted to stabilize the market with confidence, they would eliminate all capital gains taxes and eliminate negative investment practices like shorting and speculation. Make the market profitable for the long-term investor and you would see all kinds of money pour in. Additionally, the government could order the banks to loosen the purse strings some or face increased taxes on their revenues. The government could then use the recouped taxes to make loans themselves, and the profits of which would offset the tax cuts they gave the investor.
There is a lot they could do before picking a dollar value out of a hat to throw at a problem they haven't even defined with any specifics yet.
It does affect the average American. However, throwing away taxpayers' money like a drunken sailor will create far worse problems than it will ever solve. This is a band-aid solution to an alleged crisis that has been exaggerated in the press due to it being an election year. IMO, the high cost of the war in Iraq is far worse than this so called "financial meltdown".
Unfortunately, with the current North American interest rates, there is very little one can invest in outside the "bad market". While bonds are slowly climbing, they interest they pay right now is pathetic. This has created an increased market for speculation, shorting and short-term investing, which in turn has resulted in the ridiculous volitility we see right now. When you short on a margin and lose your shirt, you have to sell holdings that are worth something to pay off your creditors. Usually, the first holdings to go are gold, oil and solid blue-chips. This kinds of scenario goes a long way to explain why gold hasn't hit $2000 an ounce in the face of this "economic crisis".
A recession is defined as two or more consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. In the second quarter of 2008, the United States GDP grew by 3.3%. If this kind of panic is how people react to economic slowdown, I would hate to see how many would be jumping out of windows if the economy went into an actual recession. However, I guess this is to be expected when you live in the modern "culture of doom" that the media has created. Good news doesn't sell papers, after all.![]()
A military war between China and America seems improbable at this stage. I dont believe David was talking in reference to war of conflict "more likely a economic war of sorts!.... Maybe David could clarify?