Devil's Advocate
DamnDirtyApe said:Oh please.. communism sucks ass for a variety of reasons and everyone knows it. That's why you don't see any prosperous and free communist countries. Why would you even remotely try and defend it?
I think you got me wrong there, Ape. I just think it's funny when Americans use the word communism as if it still had some weight. It's utter failure as a social philosophy is writ large on the pages of history.
DamnDirtyApe said:European Socialism is a more complicated issue, but again, I'll stay here, enjoying life, in horrible facist evil Nazi capitalist pig America and you can continue feeling smug in whatever country you happen to be from.
Canada (That's soviet Canuckistan to you, I believe

DamnDirtyApe said:Then wouldn't that mean that only the richest people can and will run? More money = more influence via the media.
Is that ironic or are you being serious? Damn ambiguous text...