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Be Afraid

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My reaction to the braindead Point of view in the video ?


Yes agreed Rep. Paul Broun is so retarded that I feel very uncomfortable existing in the same dimension as him.

Please please turn down the stupid its burning my eyes out.

Lets just cool down folks both religion and science have there icons.
Rather laugh at some people who suggest their theories while in office of power. Folks it just shock jacking for attention and should remember they are in power due to the people and serve all the people.

Jay Love.
Lets just cool down folks both religion and science have there icons.
Rather laugh at some people who suggest their theories while in office of power. Folks it just shock jacking for attention and should remember they are in power due to the people and serve all the people.

Jay Love.

Conservative Christian and former Republican legislator Charlie Fuqua...

The maintenance of civil order in society rests on the foundation of family discipline. Therefore, a child who disrespects his parents must be permanently removed from society in a way that gives an example to all other children of the importance of respect for parents. The death penalty for rebellioius children is not something to be taken lightly. The guidelines for administering the death penalty to rebellious children are given in Deut 21:18-21:

It is guys like that who frighten the hell out of me having any power at all.

Full item found here: UPDATES: Republican candidate Fuqua endorses death penalty for rebellious children | Arkansas Blog
Yes agreed Rep. Paul Broun is so retarded that I feel very uncomfortable existing in the same dimension as him.

Please please turn down the stupid its burning my eyes out.


OMG LOL'ing may ass off!!!!!!
I want a t-shirt with that on it! Maybe a poster to hang at my desk here at work!
Lets just cool down folks both religion and science have there icons.
Rather laugh at some people who suggest their theories while in office of power. Folks it just shock jacking for attention and should remember they are in power due to the people and serve all the people.

Jay Love.
There is a HUGE difference between science and religion. Science requires evidence and scientific theories can be expanded upon, edited or completely trashed depending upon that evidence. It is the key to freedom from dogma and petty superstition. It asks people to ask questions and search for answers. It values logic and reason above all else.

Religion is the slavery of minds, ordering people to obey in spite of a lack of evidence. It is the tool of megalomaniacs whose biggest fear is that people will ask questions rather than blindly obey a leader who says he gets his orders from his invisible "all-powerful" friend - a friend that is so "all-powerful" that he constantly needs defending and protecting against people who simply don't believe in him. It values ignorance and blind-faith over logic and reason.
This takes on a new twist: The ‘Lies from the Pit of Hell’ congressman now has opponents starting a write-in campaign for Charles Darwin. Let's hope Darwin wins.

Controversial U.S. Congressman Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) could be facing competition in this falls election from an unexpected quarter, a British naturalist who has been dead for 130 years, Charles Darwin, the so-called father of the theory of evolution. According to the Associated Press, University of Georgia scientists and conservative talk-radio host Neil Boortz have found themselves to be unlikely allies in an effort to boost Darwin as a write-in candidate for voters who want to lodge a protest against the ultra-conservative Broun.

James Leebens-Mack, the UGA plant biologist who started a Facebook page supporting Darwin against Broun, told Raw Story in an interview, “Quite a few folks independently came up with the idea to start a write-in campaign, very conservative and very liberal.”

Leebens-Mack said that he’d be happy if write-ins for Darwin would constitute 1 percent of the vote, which he feels would be enough “to let both the Democratic and Republican parties know that we’re not happy that Paul Broun is our only choice in the 10th Congressional District of Georgia.”

‘Lies from the Pit of Hell’ congressman’s opponents mounting write-in campaign for Darwin | The Raw Story
What I think is on a similar note: My neighboring town of Conifer, Colorado, just had vandals spray paint a swastika sign on the local Obama headquarters. I suppose after years of hearing that Obama is a foreign-born, Marxist, Muslim, terrorist, America-destroying, death-panel supporting (and now) secretly gay-married serial killer, I'm not even remotely surprised that the slur has once again become that he's somehow also a Nazi. Stupidity plus hate breeds this kind of behavior.

Obama campaign office vandalized with swastikas | 9news.com

At the same time, I'm greatly disturbed not only by this but by the number of these crimes that have suddenly surged here in Colorado. I live about 30 minutes from Conifer (it's the closest place for me to get my groceries or run many kinds of errands). I rarely even lock my doors when heading out and usually leave the car unlocked. We don't expect this kind of behavior up here. Besides the absolute stupidity in comparing Obama to a Nazi (unless these creeps were meaning that they're the Nazis and want to threaten Obama supporters - it's so hard to keep track of the batsh*t), this means that hate crimes are flourishing near where I live. There was just the shooting at the Obama headquarters down in Denver, while Obama staffers were present. Part of me is expecting to hear that these creeps were from Colorado Springs, where right-wing and batsh*t are like peanut butter and jelly but I'm having to admit that this also might have been done by one of my neighbors.

What the hell has happened to critical thinking, where people can admit that a vaguely liberal president who supports LGBT rights and some form of universal healthcare coverage isn't committing genocide nor is oppressing anyone? We now have people who insist that being prevented from bullying someone is somehow a form of bullying and religious suppression. Earlier today, it was reported that Rep. Joe Walsh insisted that there are never medical necessities for abortion because women cannot die from complications during a pregnancy.

Seriously, what is going on here?

OK, enough of my rant. I'll go climb into a binder and hide.
What I think is on a similar note: My neighboring town of Conifer, Colorado, just had vandals spray paint a swastika sign on the local Obama headquarters. I suppose after years of hearing that Obama is a foreign-born, Marxist, Muslim, terrorist, America-destroying, death-panel supporting (and now) secretly gay-married serial killer, I'm not even remotely surprised that the slur has once again become that he's somehow also a Nazi. Stupidity plus hate breeds this kind of behavior.

Obama campaign office vandalized with swastikas | 9news.com

At the same time, I'm greatly disturbed not only by this but by the number of these crimes that have suddenly surged here in Colorado. I live about 30 minutes from Conifer (it's the closest place for me to get my groceries or run many kinds of errands). I rarely even lock my doors when heading out and usually leave the car unlocked. We don't expect this kind of behavior up here. Besides the absolute stupidity in comparing Obama to a Nazi (unless these creeps were meaning that they're the Nazis and want to threaten Obama supporters - it's so hard to keep track of the batsh*t), this means that hate crimes are flourishing near where I live. There was just the shooting at the Obama headquarters down in Denver, while Obama staffers were present. Part of me is expecting to hear that these creeps were from Colorado Springs, where right-wing and batsh*t are like peanut butter and jelly but I'm having to admit that this also might have been done by one of my neighbors.

What the hell has happened to critical thinking, where people can admit that a vaguely liberal president who supports LGBT rights and some form of universal healthcare coverage isn't committing genocide nor is oppressing anyone? We now have people who insist that being prevented from bullying someone is somehow a form of bullying and religious suppression. Earlier today, it was reported that Rep. Joe Walsh insisted that there are never medical necessities for abortion because women cannot die from complications during a pregnancy.

Seriously, what is going on here?

OK, enough of my rant. I'll go climb into a binder and hide.

This is the ongoing result of political parties warring for power.
Over the past 15 years or so, left & right wing political extremists have polarized and divided the population.
The media, always wanting to cash in on a good emotion inducing story, pushed it even further.
Then this movement of "WE"RE RIGHT! YOU"RE WRONG,... AND I'LL KILL YOU FOR IT" took on a life of it's own.
Religiosity Mouthpiece Evangelicals have somehow gained a huge voice and are swaying opinions against basic human rights.

Facts are no longer what you can actually prove....."Facts" are now whatever you wish were true in your worldview....To HELL with all that "proof" and "evidence" stuff....My mind is made up! SO naturally, the self-imposed-ignorant, the bigoted, and the power hungry have made education, intelligence, wisdom, and critical thinking a bad thing! A very bad thing!
Critical thinking leads to independant thinking, not "herd" thinking.
Critical thinking leads to questions.
Questions that threaten the power of the so-called elite (both political and religiousness).
This means that can't lead people around by the nose. This means those "elite" can't get away with the bullshit they are getting away with now.

So we as a nation are constantly bombarded with "US" VS. "THEM".....to keep us divided and our power as a people seperated and weak.
Hate the Gays!..Hate the Straights!...Hate the Liberals!...Hate the Conservatives"
We are no longer "One Nation Indivisible". We are a nation divided by hatred and ignorance,....instead of a nation bound together by pride in our diversity.

Sorry. I'll quit screaming now. All the poitical crap before this election has gotten to me.
Hey if you guys like a good rant don't forget to checkout Paracast's former co-host David Biedny's show over on Angry Human. He's got a couple of highly charged rants going on the political debates.
This is the ongoing result of political parties warring for power.
Over the past 15 years or so, left & right wing political extremists have polarized and divided the population.
The media, always wanting to cash in on a good emotion inducing story, pushed it even further.
Then this movement of "WE"RE RIGHT! YOU"RE WRONG,... AND I'LL KILL YOU FOR IT" took on a life of it's own.
Religiosity Mouthpiece Evangelicals have somehow gained a huge voice and are swaying opinions against basic human rights.

Facts are no longer what you can actually prove....."Facts" are now whatever you wish were true in your worldview....To HELL with all that "proof" and "evidence" stuff....My mind is made up! SO naturally, the self-imposed-ignorant, the bigoted, and the power hungry have made education, intelligence, wisdom, and critical thinking a bad thing! A very bad thing!
Critical thinking leads to independant thinking, not "herd" thinking.
Critical thinking leads to questions.
Questions that threaten the power of the so-called elite (both political and religiousness).
This means that can't lead people around by the nose. This means those "elite" can't get away with the bullshit they are getting away with now.

So we as a nation are constantly bombarded with "US" VS. "THEM".....to keep us divided and our power as a people seperated and weak.
Hate the Gays!..Hate the Straights!...Hate the Liberals!...Hate the Conservatives"
We are no longer "One Nation Indivisible". We are a nation divided by hatred and ignorance,....instead of a nation bound together by pride in our diversity.

Sorry. I'll quit screaming now. All the poitical crap before this election has gotten to me.

Sounds like the decline of a nation to me... so how long until this explodes into a series of extreme hate crimes?

not long I expect
This is the ongoing result of political parties warring for power.
Facts are no longer what you can actually prove....."Facts" are now whatever you wish were true in your worldview....To HELL with all that "proof" and "evidence" stuff....My mind is made up! SO naturally, the self-imposed-ignorant, the bigoted, and the power hungry have made education, intelligence, wisdom, and critical thinking a bad thing! A very bad thing!
Critical thinking leads to independant thinking, not "herd" thinking.
Critical thinking leads to questions.
Questions that threaten the power of the so-called elite (both political and religiousness).
This means that can't lead people around by the nose. This means those "elite" can't get away with the bullshit they are getting away with now.

Very well put.

I've seen a few politicians talk to the masses as if we are equal but the vast majority are increasingly speaking to us as if we're the hired help. This is what they expect from us. We're to follow orders without question while they cut funding for public education, shred science class, eradicate art classes (and anything else that allows for freedom of expression) so they can create a nation of peons who scramble for their scraps. I don't know how a country can survive while we're this polarized and I fear this is the beginning of a true plutocracy and/or oligarchy, both of which will also have strong theocratic overtones.
I fear this is the beginning of a true plutocracy and/or oligarchy, both of which will also have strong theocratic overtones.

Anything theocratic will only be present to give the masses false hope that the plutocracy and/or oligarchy are operating on some other principle than personal power or greed, and we don't have to wait because it's already here. Our daily work lives are already ruled by corporate fiefdoms policed from the top down by petty dictators who are immune from most of the policies designed to keep the workers in line. What's more, we've been conditioned to think that it's fair by dressing it up in phrases like "free enterprise" ... but let me ask you who is truly free? Certainly not production line Joe or cash register Jane. They're slaving away every day while the little group of elites at the top jet set around looking down on them as if they're chattels. Words like "regulation" and "union" have been demonized because it gives some of the power at the top back to the people, and the people at the top don't want that.
Let's put it this way, I wasn't going to respond to this post because of the obvious backlash I would most probably receive; but oh well, here goes:

1. Everyone in this country has the right to believe in whatever they wish.
2. Though If you are going to represent the nation, then don't impose your belief system to the extent that it may infringe on the majority of others needs in which you represent (I.E. Close-mindedness) Use common sense and if you cannot do this, don't run for an office which conflicts with this important aspect of your personal belief system.
3. What is right for Georgia might not be right for the rest of the United States. This is why we have a congress and this is why we have the balance of the various powers....not a perfect world but one which seems to work better than most, if not all.
4. Science as well as Theology do not have all the answers.

So looking at the above 4 important points (and I know they are many more) I would have to conclude that as someone who also went into the military to protect these rights for others, I find a problem with anyone who would lead from personal belief to the extent that he or she went against the reason why those men and women put him or her into office in the first place. If Georgia voted the man in based upon his Evangelical beliefs alone, then I would have to say, "he represents his constituents" and is only doing what he must, but I seriously doubt this is the case, as I know for one fact, Uniformed Evangelicalism in areas where I have been in Georgia, are based on beliefs similar to my own...see below.

So where does that leave me?

A. The world is a hell of a lot older than what this man professes. The old Testament explains that the earth was completely covered with water before there was land. There were great beasts then and other aspects of differences to this man's words. Please do not respond that I am wrong, this is merely an example of why (in my opinion) this Representative is not representing correctly.

B. The Lord supposedly created the earth that we know of in 6 days, and rested on the 7th. Not that the Lord created the earth in 6 days completely, emphasis on period.

C. If you were to ask this man what day the Lord rested, he would probably tell you it was on a Sunday....Wrong! In my opinion and many who believe like me, the Lord rested on a Saturday, and Sunday was the beginning of the new week!

Now I place these three points out there to show how even I, a branded "Christian nutcase" could believe differently than this man. I find his words offensive and against what I believe as well and wouldn't want him representing me. For personal reasons I happen to like the way Rand Paul leads us because you wouldn't hear this crap out of him no matter what he believed.

BUT.....and here is the but. He does have the right to say what he says.....and Georgia has the right to axe his ass the next time a vote is brought to their State (hopefully). Having this man on the House Science Committee is very wrong as I personally believe that in order to be on this committee, one should be open to all aspects of RESEARCH in Science....not belief with a closed minded agenda.....and lead correctly for all the people.

So there you have it....glad you read?
I wanted to ad a little addendum to what I stated above. There has to be a place for "morals" as well when you lead people. I know this sounds quite naivete of me, but the difference between someone who was voted into office based on the obvious facts, versus someone who slid his way in with a hidden agenda which he or she then imposes, is sometimes hard to digest. I am not saying that this is what Broun did, but my point above was to clarify representation in it's clearest form....Based upon the going belief system in Georgia (Christian based) I don't believe he did this very well, nor do I believe that Georgia would have voted him in office if his views were not what they thought.

And then we wonder why the rest of the world seems to have singled out Christians and hate so much. Jesus never meant to hold fellowship in this way.