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Be Afraid

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It isn't just Rep. Broun, in case anyone was wondering. (Bold mine):

As a Tea Party zealot, fundamentalist Christian, young-Earth Creationist and, for a while, chairman of the Texas State Board of Education, McLeroy became nationally notorious for his efforts to undermine scientific education and sneak covert religion into textbooks. One of the great things about Scott Thurman’s film — a low-budget but thoroughly watchable documentary, largely funded on Kickstarter – is that it helped me see the world from McLeroy’s point of view, which I might previously have considered impossible. He feels almost painfully oppressed by arrogant experts with fancy university degrees who insist on a difference between scientific evidence and faith-based personal opinion, and he genuinely believes that the half-baked, cherry-picked “weaknesses” in evolutionary theory expose the ideological underpinnings of modern science.

But if McLeroy is the most famous figure, and oddly the most compelling, in the Texas textbook battle of recent years, “The Revisionaries” makes clear that others were probably more powerful and influential. National media drifted away from the half-comic, half-tedious circus of the Austin school board meetings after the partially successful right-wing attempt to wiggle discussion of “intelligent design” into science textbooks that addressed evolution. But Thurman and his fellow filmmakers stuck around for a battle over social-science textbooks that was arguably worse, since opinions and analyses in that field can’t be subjected to the same scientific rigor. Culture-war amendments were added fast and furious to the academic standards in that area: removing references to the slave trade from the texts and praising leaders of the Confederacy; substituting “country music” for “hip-hop” in a discussion of pop culture; adding, preposterously, religious figures like Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin as inspirations for the American Revolution, while deleting the word “Enlightenment.” (One board member even suggested that every reference to Barack Obama should include his middle name.)

Many of those were the work of Cynthia Dunbar, a board member who is much smoother, subtler and smarter than McLeroy – and enormously more dangerous. Dunbar is a highly articulate lawyer who teaches at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University in Virginia, and who was evidently groomed for her position on the Texas board by political activists on the Christian right. She cooperates readily with Thurman’s film and appears to have nothing to hide, but neither in talking-head interviews nor in board sessions does she ever offer the least insight into her personality, offering bland generalities about “community service” as she doggedly pursues a hard-right agenda. McLeroy is honest to a fault, haranguing his dental patients and Sunday-school students about Noah’s ark – yes, he got the dinosaurs on there somehow – and apologizing regretfully for his most inflammatory statements. Nothing, on the other hand, ever penetrates Dunbar’s Teflon surface; I had to consult Wikipedia to learn that she has described public education as unconstitutional and a “subtly deceptive tool of perversion.” (She served one term on the board and did not run for reelection; one gets the feeling bigger things are contemplated.)
Full article here.

Let's see:

Dinosaurs on Noah’s arc - check.
Never slavery in America - check.
Country music but not hip hop is an important cultural achievement (guess jazz is out) - check.
The enlightenment had no impact on the Founding Fathers - check.
Barack HUSSEIN Obama - check.
Public school unconstitutional and used for perversion - double check.

It's a virtual shopping list for religious right wing tools - and it's designed to take science, reason and even factual history out of the classroom, replacing it with religious and cultural dogma.

We should be afraid.
I fail at every attempt to understand how certain funamentalist thinking can be so blatantly in-your-face illogical and anti-factual,....yet the fundamentalist coninue to warp and twist everything to fit thier world view...no matter how many lies they have to say,....no matter how many demonstrable facts they have to turn a blind eye too and ignore.......no matter who's right they have to trample,........no matter who gets hurt.

It's not religion to them anymore...it's all about power and the hunger to control other people.
......... (I suppose Cynthia Dunbar would eat dinner with Satan, Lenin’s corpse and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad if she thought it would pay off politically, but she’d wear a plastic smile the whole time and ask them questions about their kids without listening to the answers.)..........

OMG LOL'ing my butt off! That is so tragically true...laugh and cry at the same time.:):(
I had a couple of nice Jehova's Witness ladies drop by the other day.
I always invite the religious types in for a conversation.
Basically it went kind of like this: ( closely paraphrased )

JW: Hello, we'd like like to ask you a question if you don't mind.
Me: Sure go ahead.
JW: Do you think life is too short?
Me: Definitely.
JW: Wouldn't it be nice if we could life forever?
Me: I'm all for that.
JW: Well we believe that everlasting life is possible and not just in heaven but right here on Earth.
Me: Fantastic! Count me in.
JW: See here in the Bible God syas, "Death is the enemy".
Me: Interesting, would you like to come in for a few minutes and talk?

Me: Well the problem I have with your quote is that according to the Bible it was also God who condemned us to death in the first place ... in Genesis I believe.
JW: Yes that's because we ate the forbidden fruit.
Me: Correct me if I'm wrong, but that was the fruit from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil right?
JW: That's correct.
Me: So then that means that before they ate the fruit they couldn't have really understood that what they were doing was wrong.
JW: But God told them not to eat the fruit.
Me: Sure, but they we're amoral like children and didn't really understand it was wrong. According to the Bible, it was only after they ate the fruit that their eys were opened and they knew they had done wrong. Then God decided that the punishment for eating this fruit was to banish them from paradise and condemn them to a long slow death by aging and labor. This seems like rather cruel and unusual punishment for eating just one little fruit off God's tree.
JW: Well I like mushrooms, but there are poisonous mushrooms and non-poisonous mushrooms. If we tell a child not to eat the poisonous mushroom and they do it anyway and die, is that not the fault of the child?
Me: That's a false analogy. A more accurate analogy would be if the child ate the mushroom and it made the child smarter and you then condemned the child to death for disobeying you.

JW: The fruit didn't make them smarter.
Me: Well actually accoring to your Bible there, it did. If I recall correctly God says something like "Behold ... man has become as one of us, knowing good and evil." That was a new ability that suddenly arose as a direct result of eating the fruit, and it is a power equal to the Gods. Before that, we didn't have that ability.
JW: Would you like us to leave you some literature?
Me: Sure.
JW: Here you go ( handing me the usual Awake pamphlet )
Me: Thank you.
JW: Well we should go now we only have so much time.

Me: Just one last thing, it was the woman who ate the fruit first. It was she who asked herself "why not". It was she whose eyes were opened first. In my view she deserves credit for taking those steps and leading us out of ignorance.
JW: Well thank you ... I think ... that sounds like a compliment.
Me: It was.
JW: But the serpent deceived us.
Me: No it didn't, humanity lives and it was God who condemned us to death, not the serpent ... not the apple ... not the woman ... In my view it was the woman who set us free.
JW: Thank you ... bye.
Me: Have a nice day. Please come again.
Not since the turbulent sixties have I seen this nation so fractured along ideological lines. And the American standard of living was on the way up instead of down then. Much can be compromised or just plain glossed over when the pie is growing larger and zero sum principles less pressing. This is not currently the case.

I think what worries most American moderates (much less American liberals--all few hundred of them) about the new conservative movement is its seemingly retrograde motion. It seems to want to undo social changes of the counter culture revolution of the 1960's in panicked search of "good old days" that are better in memory than they really were. I would urge people to contemplate the fact that almost everyone enjoys a cherished right or privilege originating in that turbulent period from roughly 1960 to 1980.
We knew this was coming.

We all knew this was coming.

Rampant Gay Buttsex and Rugmunching Caused Hurricane Sandy, Says Wise Pastor

According to John McTernan, whose website is one of the most hilarious things I've seen today, this storm is not an accident, nor is it the product of man made climate change. No, this is God sending humans a message about how little he cares for the gays getting married, because apparently God only speaks weather and can't just send a mass email like a non-Luddite deity hip to the goings on of an increasingly digital age. Here's the God-messenger (side note: why are none of God's messengers hotter? You'd think he'd know that humans are more inclined to listen to hot people) himself, blaming the gays for not only Sandy, but Katrina and Isaac as well.

"Just last August, Hurricane Isaac hit New Orleans seven years later, on the exact day of Hurricane Katrina. Both hit during the week of the homosexual event called Southern Decadence in New Orleans!

Hurricane Sandy is hitting 21 years to the day of the Perfect Storm of October 20, 1991. I write about this in my book as America Has Done to Israel. This was the day that President George Bush Sr. initiated the Madrid Peace Process to divide the land of Israel, including Jerusalem. America has been under God's judgment since this event. Both of these hurricanes were cause by freakish weather patterns that came together to create

Twenty-one years breaks down to 7 x 3, which is a significant number with God. Three is perfection as the Godhead is three in one while seven is perfection.

It appears that God gave America 21 years to repent of interfering with His prophetic plan for Israel; however, it has gotten worse under all the presidents and especially Obama. Obama is 100 percent behind the Muslim Brotherhood which has vowed to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem. Both candidates are pro-homosexual and are behind the homosexual agenda. America is under political judgment and the church does not know it!"
Rampant Gay Buttsex and Rugmunching Caused Hurricane Sandy, Says Wise Pastor

Yes, my gentle but cynical friends, hurricanes are not caused by storms forming in warm waters which may well strengthen due to climate change but are rather the actions of a vengeful but numerology-loving God who hasn't quite managed to punish those who commit genocide, don't keep Kosher, work on the Sabbath or inhabit Sin City. Also, I learned today that those who support the Muslim Brotherhood also support the "pro-homosexual" agenda. Go figure. I guess our candidates are just as schizoid as our just and loving God.
We knew this was coming.

We all knew this was coming.

Rampant Gay Buttsex and Rugmunching Caused Hurricane Sandy, Says Wise Pastor

Yes, my gentle but cynical friends, hurricanes are not caused by storms forming in warm waters which may well strengthen due to climate change but are rather the actions of a vengeful but numerology-loving God *who hasn't quite managed to punish those who commit genocide, don't keep Kosher, work on the Sabbath or inhabit Sin City. Also, I learned today that those who support the Muslim Brotherhood also support the "pro-homosexual" agenda. Go figure. I guess our candidates are just as schizoid as our just and loving God.

OMG LOL!!! Somehow I missed seeing this post.
How absolutely bigoted this is, and derogatory namecalling to boot!

*Funny how mysterious this God works isn't it?
Feeling remarkably less afraid. The rape caucus was soundly defeated. I'm thinking their defeat was part of "God's plan." It's good to be a woman in this country, again.

Oh yeah, there's also this:


Seriously, I'm dancing with a glass of champagne.


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Not to dwell too heavily on the politics of the situation, but some blame the GOP for being not just simplistic, but downright stupid. The latter statement comes from Gov. Jindal of Louisiana.
I've been reading more about the John Freshwater case again. For those who don't remember, this was about a junior high school science teacher who decided to teach intelligent design rather than evolution and used a Tesla coil to burn crosses into his students' arms. The story first made headlines in 2008 but in the latest twist, he's now claiming his "free speech" was violated.

Christian Teacher Burned Crosses onto Students' Arms and Pushed Creationism -- Now He's Claims His "Free Speech" Was Violated?
A teacher who allegedly burned students and contested validity of evolutionary theory filed a lawsuit charging that his right to free speech and academic freedom had been violated.

November 8, 2012 |

Jenifer and Steve Dennis enjoyed living in Mount Vernon, Ohio, a city of about 16,000 people in the center of the state, but they no longer reside there. After an incident in 2007, they stopped feeling welcome.

The Dennis family’s problems began one day when their son Zachary, then 13, showed them some marks on his arm. The red burns were in the shape of a cross, and Zachary told his parents that a science teacher named John Freshwater was responsible for them. Freshwater had made the mark with an electronic device called a Tesla coil.

It soon came to light that Zachary wasn’t the only student who had been burned. While investigating the matter, school officials soon uncovered a host of problems in Freshwater’s classroom.

It turned out that Freshwater, who in 2003 had publicly attacked the school district for mandating that evolution be taught, had been pushing “intelligent design” – a variant of creationism – in class and distributing materials designed to cast doubt on the validity of evolution.

The investigation revealed that Freshwater had put religious posters in his classroom, asked students questions about their religious beliefs and the depth of their commitment and even offered “healing” services at meetings of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He had also distributed “work sheets” to students that undermined evolution (but, interestingly, hadn’t let students take the materials home where parents might see them).

In June of 2008, education officials told Freshwater he was being fired. He refused to go quietly, at first demanding a hearing before the school board and, when that failed, asking for an administrative hearing.
For the full story, please read Christian Teacher Burned Crosses onto Students' Arms and Pushed Creationism -- Now He's Claims His "Free Speech" Was Violated? | Alternet

For more about this case:
John Freshwater - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Teaching Intelligent Design and burning crosses - The Panda's Thumb

This is what happens when those with a religious agenda are allowed to dictate what they interpret as "science." What happened in Mount Vernon is tragic. If anything similar happened on a national level, it would be disaster of cataclysmic proportions.
Double post, but it belongs here as well

Educational presenter Bill Nye said the belief in creationism should end with the current generation in a recent web video for Big Think.
“So, once in a while I get people that really — or that claim — they don’t believe in evolution,” Nye said. “And my response generally is ‘Well, why not? Really, why not?’ Your world just becomes fantastically complicated when you don’t believe in evolution. I mean, here are these ancient dinosaur bones or fossils, here is radioactivity, here are distant stars that are just like our star but they’re at a different point in their lifecycle.”
“The idea of deep time, of this billions of years, explains so much of the world around us” he added. “If you try to ignore that, your world view just becomes crazy, just untenable, itself inconsistent.”
The crux of Nye’s argument lies in his implied purpose for speaking out—that Americans need to embrace science over belief for the sake of a better society.
Science Guy Promotes Evolution Over Creationism - Science News - redOrbit
Not to dwell too heavily on the politics of the situation, but some blame the GOP for being not just simplistic, but downright stupid. The latter statement comes from Gov. Jindal of Louisiana.

When Gov. Jindal said this during an interview...
“It is no secret we had a number of Republicans damage our brand this year with offensive, bizarre comments — enough of that. It’s not going to be the last time anyone says something stupid within our party, but it can’t be tolerated within our party. We’ve also had enough of this dumbed-down conservatism. We need to stop being simplistic, we need to trust the intelligence of the American people and we need to stop insulting the intelligence of the voters.”
Jindal: End 'dumbed-down conservatism' - POLITICO.com Print View

... I fear he's simply asking his party to quit saying stupid things rather than having stupid policies. The rape comments that led to the downfall of the entire "rape caucus" and doubtless helped lead to the defeat of the GOP were not spoken by a few party radicals but were rather an accurate reflection of the current GOP platform concerning both women and abortion. While Sean Hannity is at least paying lip service to the idea that his party may need to court Hispanics, I doubt it's because he's suddenly discovered his love of Hispanics. His is still the party that did everything possible to suppress the Latino vote and has branded itself the party of white, conservative, Christian men. I doubt they'll alienate the base by courting the very groups - and taking the very positions - of the Democrats.

I should add that I appreciate what Jindal said during the interview about not just being the party of big banks, big business and the rich. Still, the lip service being paid by a few on the right is not stopping the vast majority to double-down on the rhetoric. We've already heard that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough and wasn't a "true Christian." Iowans have already said that their favorite potential candidate for 2016 is Mike Huckabee. You can be assured it isn't because they like his moderate, inclusive positions. This is the man who ran this ad:

He's not going to back down. Neither is the GOP.
... Iowans have already said that their favorite potential candidate for 2016 is Mike Huckabee. You can be assured it isn't because they like his moderate, inclusive positions ...

Obviously a play on the Christian sentiments against abortion and the associated costs ( paid for by taxes ) that are covered by the health care system. IMO the abortion issue isn't as simplistic as "it's women's bodies - end of story". Certainly I believe that women should have the choice up to a point. Also I don't think that abortion based on sexual preference should be allowed ... either by a preference of the father or the mother, because that can result in the misuse of abortion for socio-political engineering. This already goes on in some other countries where girls are aborted to leave economic room in the family for the preferred males. IMO it would be no more morally correct to do the reverse and make females the preference. Unfortunately determining the sex of a baby is fast becoming an easy do-it-yourself test, giving women the power to arbitrarily decide for political reasons which sex they want their baby to be. This makes sex-selection abortions a matter of "free choice" ... and it certainly opens the door for pro-feminist radicals who don't like men to encourage females to both have and vote for females purely to overthrow the so-called dominant patriarchal political system.

Related Article: Gender Discrimination Achieved Through Sex-selection Abortions « The United Families International Blog