Paranormal Adept
I agree Stoneheart. I simply see things in a different light. Let me show you what I mean............ If someone here engages in a discussion on a subject that assumes something as fact when there is reason to believe that what is being discussed leaves room for another view, even though in the course of your discussion your assumptions seem so sure that the whole thing is passed over as if unnoticed by anyone else....but to me it might be the white elephant in the room. Should I pretend that I didn't notice it and keep going to keep the peace or derail the discussion in order to dig a little deeper on the issue?........... did these people make a claim? Not really, they were simply carrying on a discussion about another topic.Who should be on the defensive here? Should the parties happily discussing another topic immediately pull out of their discussion to pacify me? of should I do the same if one of you suddenly decides that I said something totally off base ? Should we forget the original intention of the thread and simply derail threads and demand answers on totally unrelated subjects?
Ah no you missed the point of that post.
Carry on all .. I am just going to watch the rest of this thread..
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