My thoughts are that what Walter has described can be explained in non-paranormal ways. If one wants to make it paranormal, that's fine, I'll nod and smile.
You all know and probably agree with Arthur C. Clarcke famous quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology would appear as magic". So you would probably agree with this variation :
"Any natural phenomenon sufficiently beyond the current grasp of science would appear as paranormal"
We should also agree that science is not "done with" the universe, to me science has barely begun its journey. You can trust reality to have a few [or an infinite number of] surprises in store for science. Hence the fact that there are phenomena that we can yet only qualify as paranormal. That does not make them less fantastic, less real, neither it should reduce the scope of possibilities. We might one day explain things like ghosts as an echo in some yet hypothetical "informational/entropic" field or as having their own ontological reality in a different set of dimensions that sometime interface with ours.
Vallee's way to put it : "The UFO phenomenon tells us that our reality is a subset of a larger reality".
This doesn't implies that some phenomena are forever beyond the grasp of science and at the same time leaves room for the most fantastic events to manifest in our reality.
Anyway science cannot account for 95% of the
mass/energy of the universe so we can say that 95% of the universe is still paranormal to science

. Isn't it cool ? That means some fun for a long, long time ahead. A discipline that can only (
of its own admission) account for 5% of reality should be more humble about the "paranormal".
One last thing, science is a branch of philosophy (please do not object before checking the origins of
logic and
ontology), so it is very possible that it'd be a temporary tool that we'll leave behind when we find something better. Something that can account for 100% of the universe for example... including flaming Goddesses...