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Bishop, Bosley - May 30th

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Paul Kimball

Oh my... less than 5 minutes in, and Greg has already slipped in an Eric Cartman voice. Nice!! :)

Welcome aboard, MJ-44!
Very interesting episode.

Someone with Walter's background does make you pause for a moment IMO. That does not mean he is some "agent" or anything, but when you listen to his views and take into consideration his background it does make you pasue. Seems like a nice guy though regardless and I'll give him the benifit of the doubt that he is not here to act like Doty. :cool:

I am shocked that in all of the talk about the # 33 that Freemasonry did not come up. I am not even saying it has a correlation to the talk about "Parallel 33", but in the context of a esoteric topic I would have figured it would have at least come up in some manner. I am curious what Walter's view on this would be. Maybe the Scotish Rite is silencing him. :D

Good episode.
Walter will be back, and Freemasonry will be discussed on future episodes, perhaps with him and/or other guests.
I enjoyed the episode a lot.

The early section, where Bosely spoke of his Dad's accounts of Roswell and hairless humans living beneath the Earth, caught my attention. Mac Tonnies cryptos ideas have gained a lot of traction and Bosley appears with accounts that seem to validate the notion.

There's a pattern (or history) of ex-agency/govt/military guys coming out with accounts that appear to lend credibility to the popular themes of the day. They tend to be discredited (sooner or later) by wilder claims that undermine their more plausible claims.

If confusion is the agenda, they do a great job. :)

That said, it was another good episode. Bosley made a good interviewee.
Any show with Walter and Greg will always be an instant download for me. Walter has a great attitude to all this stuff, and has a shit load of interesting info. And Greg knows where to dig to get the best stuff.

Good interview.
I enjoyed the episode a lot.

The early section, where Bosely spoke of his Dad's accounts of Roswell and hairless humans living beneath the Earth, caught my attention. Mac Tonnies cryptos ideas have gained a lot of traction and Bosley appears with accounts that seem to validate the notion.

There's a pattern (or history) of ex-agency/govt/military guys coming out with accounts that appear to lend credibility to the popular themes of the day. They tend to be discredited (sooner or later) by wilder claims that undermine their more plausible claims.

If confusion is the agenda, they do a great job. :)

That said, it was another good episode. Bosley made a good interviewee.

Spont on Gene, Mr Bishop and Mr Bosley:),
Great show and totaly agree Professor Farrell NAZI theory on Roswell is a possiblity and is very well researched book with "footnotes" and much more on Mr Bosley theory regarding the "demensional lines".

Keep up the good work fella's :)and maybe a female researcher co-host :question:would be nice to hear.

Ja Love,
The 33rd parallel thing really bothered me. Just because some events have happened on that line does not mean it's cursed. If this was the case everyone on that line would be doomed. I'd say it's more coincidence than anything.
I liked the beginning of the episode a lot more than later on when the guest started making all these wild claims, like seeing a god in a mountain. It's all well and good to say it, but is sounds more like trying to pass off fiction as truth.
Walter Bosley sounds like a really creative guy though.

Greg Bishop = great co-host. Looking forward to hearing more of him.

Also, I was with Gene when I kept thinking "Walter Bishop."
Hey Paracasters,
The Walter Bosley show was a good one. It is great that The Paracast has relaxed it's skepticism enough to allow for wider debate. However stories like the "Disney Land Carousel" did make the woo woo - ometer go off a lttle, as it did a few times during this show. I guess I should qualify that, especially as someone who's previous post got shot down for mentioning crop formations. (I never said it was UFOs making them btw, just an interest in them generally & where they happen to occur in the UK)*
As mentioned, Ley Lines and their original proponent Alfred Watkins wrote about those in his book The Old Straight Track. This book came back in to print after Colin Wilson wrote about it in his 70s best seller The Occult. At the right time to grab the new agers attention getting mixed up with all sorts of earth energy BS.*
However I concede that there are locations where high strangeness happens more frequently. It could be who ever is responsible, knows our folk lore & is playing us with our own mythology & gullibility. As was said in the programme that still leaves room for all sorts of angles on what is going on. From Walt Disney & the Masons to *Walt Bosley & the Crypto-PsyOps factor. I personally think earth energy lines is not good science.
The 33rd parallel thing really bothered me. Just because some events have happened on that line does not mean it's cursed. If this was the case everyone on that line would be doomed. I'd say it's more coincidence than anything.
I liked the beginning of the episode a lot more than later on when the guest started making all these wild claims, like seeing a god in a mountain. It's all well and good to say it, but is sounds more like trying to pass off fiction as truth.
Walter Bosley sounds like a really creative guy though.

Greg Bishop = great co-host. Looking forward to hearing more of him.

Also, I was with Gene when I kept thinking "Walter Bishop."

I was little perplexed with all the wild stuff my stuff. A women appearing on a mountain side sounds a little out there, even for me. If there is a number of Ancient sites build on 33rd parallel and they're situated around different locations all over the World. Well then, that is mighty interesting.

I wanted to hear more about what his Father told him before he died in relation to the Humanoids living underground. It could give some insight into the UFO phenomenon >It's not a matter of believing or disbelieving here, but we can't learn anything, if we don't explore the story further.

Walter said, they looked like us and had less body hair, (Ya ok).. but expand.. Did they have four fingers or five fingers? Were these beings bald headed? had they hair? (what colour?) Also what kind of disaster was it that made them go underground?.. Were they go underground from (what place) I'm lost here, all i have heard in the many interviews, Walter has done is. They were Humanoids that crashed at Roswell and they went underground because of a disaster. It basic information that doesn't answer much. If his father told him more, i love to hear it. Clues are everything when attempting to solve a mystery.
The problem with interviewing Bosley is that he has so many stories to tell, each can consume a full episode. I wanted to use this plus his brief participation in our "Hollow Earth" serve as an introduction. In the future, with Greg's help of course, we'll want to tightly focus on the individual incidents.
The problem with interviewing Bosley is that he has so many stories to tell, each can consume a full episode. I wanted to use this plus his brief participation in our "Hollow Earth" serve as an introduction. In the future, with Greg's help of course, we'll want to tightly focus on the individual incidents.

I believe we do need to explore what his father told him further. When every other version of the Roswell story with a few exceptions talks about ET's from outer space and this is backed up with nothing. I'm therefore keen and always willing to read or hear alternatives versions to the Roswell story.
I do have problems with the Nazi explanation for Roswell. But maybe; we do need to explore it further considering these facts> Roswell occurred two years after the World WAR 2 ended. 1945-1947 and Maybe the Nazi's were close to a break through on something (whatever that is) just before the WAR ended and what crashed at Roswell was something build by former Nazi scientists?
If you think of a theory first and then go look for evidence, you will always find it. Pick a random number from 0 to 100 and look for occurrences of it, and you'll find them everywhere. I don't think that means anything other than that the human brain is fantastic at pattern recognition and tends to be vulnerable to self-reinforcing loops.

"Reality is what keeps existing even if you stop believing in it." - Philip K. Dick

I've looked at ley lines before and I've seen multiple different conflicting maps. I've also never seen a coherent description of where ley lines really come from. So count me as skeptical on that whole subject... though I do very often think that places can have feelings attached to them. There might be something under there, such as geomagnetism.
Hmm... I didn't buy anything the guest said.

Has his background possibly been confirmed by anyone with documentation?

Very much enjoyed Greg as guest host.

It's a short step from this kind of show to Coast to Coast, IMHO.


Greg has known Walter for a while and vouches for him. Of course, nobody stops you from doing your own independent research.
Hmm... I didn't buy anything the guest said.

Has his background possibly been confirmed by anyone with documentation?

Very much enjoyed Greg as guest host.

It's a short step from this kind of show to Coast to Coast, IMHO.


I think Your Right here Lance surprise loll only messing. Greg would have to enlighten us to why he believes him. Prove, has he seen something that verified his background here.
Hmm... I didn't buy anything the guest said.

Has his background possibly been confirmed by anyone with documentation?

Very much enjoyed Greg as guest host.

It's a short step from this kind of show to Coast to Coast, IMHO.


Thank you.

I also am still not convinced of the veracity of "ley lines"

I think the 33rd degree of north latitude may be significant, or it may be that more people live there so more stuff happens.

Walter has showed me his military papers and citations. If they were fakes, they were good ones. If he is trying to push an agenda on me, he would have given up long ago, because I don't buy everything he says, not completely. He's fine with that. He comes to his opinions honestly, and doesn't really care if I agree with him or not. All he asks is a fair listen.

Also, I haven't done the research that he has. If I did, I might feel differently. I don't know.

I don't think you would hear comments such as "Half the people listening will think you're nuts" on C2C.
I've looked at ley lines before and I've seen multiple different conflicting maps. I've also never seen a coherent description of where ley lines really come from. So count me as skeptical on that whole subject... though I do very often think that places can have feelings attached to them. There might be something under there, such as geomagnetism.

My idea about ley lines (even if they exist or not :D) is that they may be standing waves of some sort within the earth's crust. Thats just a hunch and there is no evidence for it. Again whether or not standing waves would indeed affect anything is again is open to disagreement.

I managed to find a ebook copy of Walter and Greg's book on the Disney Carousel somewhere on the net some time ago ... and its one hell of a strange book. Did I believe any of it?? Ummm ... not really since I don't remember reading any actual evidence of anything strange going on.

But Walter does tell some good stories ... but ... I always seem to have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach after a while in every interview I hear with him. I think its my intestinal bs-meter going off :D, unfortunately but I shall give the interview a listen, and see if I have any strange tummy trouble this time :eek::D.
I'm not sure if Walter Bosley has a Forum account. If he does, perhaps he can answer this question directly. If not, perhaps Greg Bishop can pass it on.

Can you name one F.B.I. Field Office that you were assigned to or acted as a consultant to throughout your career? Just one...
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