Nothin' to see here a Freemason I can tell you that '33' has no particular significant meaning. But, then again, I'm not much into esoteric topics either.
Well it clearly has some meaning in the organisation.
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Well it clearly has some meaning in the organisation.
Well, the only meaning I'm aware of is that there are a maximum of 33 degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry; just one of numerous branches of Freemasonry each of which have varying numbers of degrees. There are a base set of 32 degrees that anyone can acquire in the Scottish Rite and the 33rd degree is honorary and only conferred to those individuals who have given exceptional service over the years.
Probably the most significant number in Freemasonry is three, as there are 3 degrees in Blue Lodge, or craft Masonry. We also allude to the three great lights in Freemasonry (The volume of sacred law, the square, and the compass) and the three lesser lights which are the Sun, the Moon, and the Worshipful Master; represented by three lights in triangular form.
There are other appendant bodies in Freemasonry which have a varying number of degrees in them.
I'm just not, personally, one of those guys who obsesses about numbers. If you pick a number, and it doesn't really matter what it is (23, 33, 42) you will start seeing it everywhere and start assigning significance to it.
The guest on this program, Walter Bosely, had really only one interesting story that I wanted to hear more about. His claim that his father saw bodies and debris from Roswell was what peaked my curiosity. While we have no way to get any proof of this story, Mr. Bosley certainly sounded sincere at least. If his father really revealed this story to him, I for one, am very interested in hearing the whole thing, and in as much detail as absolutely possible.,
What I want to know is, were the bodies small? Did they have somewhat larger heads? How about their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth? How many digits on their hands and feet? Did they look like Nazis? Was his story written down at the time he gave it?
I know Mr. Bosley mentioned an article he had published in the past. Has that article ever been made available online? I would certainly want to read it.
I was a little less interested in his esoteric beliefs and personal experiences because they seemed far less concrete.
And, while I know he cannot violate his oath of secrecy, I have some questions.
Yes, I know all about how military secrets can be kept. I am not naive on that topic. My own brother works in the black and I don't know a damned thing about what he actually does at his job, nor will I ever know. I've got no problem with that.
The problem I have is this. Sure, you can keep a military project secret. I am far less convinced that you can keep fundamental properties of physics and nature secret.
To believe these stories of Nazi saucers or military aircraft which defy the known laws of physics, would mean you would have to believe that the most fundamental laws of physics have been violated with not a single clue having ever been revealed for over 80 years!!!!!! That is a tough nut to swallow.
Can we seriously believe that any form of 'anti-gravity' technology has existed back to the days of the Nazis? I find that a rather impossible to believe proposition.
There are no known laws of physics which can account for 'anti-gravity' and there are those who suggest that some of these technologies imply a violation of the conservation of energy and the second law of thermodynamics.
While military projects can be kept secret, I find it much harder to believe that the most fundamental and basic laws of physics can be kept secret. The scientific community, Phd candidates and individual researchers at large, do not make a great deal of money. Their reward is less monetary and more about getting credit for their discoveries. Science is an extremely open process. It involves peer review and publications in open journals. This is how science has always advanced and continues to be advanced today. Recall that even while the Manhattan project was kept secret, what wasn't secret was the fact that it was theoretically possible to create a bomb! That was widely known throughout the scientific community based on the work of Einstein and others, all published in open scientific journals.
While you will find websites that talk about 'anti-gravity' tech, the reality is it's all a bunch of crap. The concept of 'electro-gravitics' is false. An ionic flow is introduced when an extremely high voltage field is applied to something like the infamous 'lifters'; and those who first saw this effect initially proposed that what was being observed was 'anti-gravity'. We have since learned that what is happening is ionic thrust; and the effect completely disappears in the presence of a vacuum. It violates no known laws of physics and, while a cool toy, it is ultimately no more surprising than anything else that is lifted with conventional thrust.
An excellent place to understand the incredible 'will to believe' is if you hang around the various 'free-energy' websites on the internet. These sites (such as are populated with thousands of people who are convinced that free-energy exists, has been patented, and suppressed countless times over the years.
Some of the people involved in these forums are actually practicing engineers (though very few are actual physicists) who build hobby projects. It is the ultimate case of 'put up' or 'shut up'. They build device after device. Replicate patent after patent. And, guess what, none of them ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever... work. This has been going on not just for a few years, not just for decades, but actually for centuries.
It turns out that it is pretty difficult to violate the known laws of physics as described by Einstein. It's a hard nut to crack to violate the second law of thermodynamics.
So, color me skeptical of anyone who says 'we have done so in secret gummint projects' or by 'Nazi's back in the 30's'.
Here's what I do know.
I know that people see UFOs (i.e. flying saucers, physical disk shaped craft caught on radar and capable of leaving landing traces). I know that these flying craft do some pretty weird shit, and have been doing weird shit for a really long time. I know that their behavior and interaction with our culture is extraordinarily bizarre, and has been ongoing for a very long time.
So, my best guess, is that UFOs are *UNKNOWN*. They are not a product of some *PRIMITIVE* human technology discovered way back in the 1930's and not a single scientist has ever been able to re-discover the principle since.
That sounds absurd to me.
There needs to be more evidence than simply stories told and repeated. I've heard them all before and, no doubt, they make for some great stories around the campfire. Yep, Ben Rich said we had stuff that would blow our minds. Sure..and we get some random tales told by others. But, they are just that. STORIES! There is no scientific model, no small demonstration technology demo, that can account for any of these claims. Moreover, it is really absurd to suggest that such fundamental properties of physics were discovered 80 years ago by Nazi's yet not a single scientist has ever stumbled across it since and published in the scientific literature? Sure, the gummint can suppress an engineering project (i.e. a secret aircraft) but it cannot suppress raw science. Science operates in the public, in the open, and is truly international in scope. You can't suppress that kind of free thought, open inquiry, and mathematics. Since the 1930's we have advanced scientific knowledge a thousand fold, but you honestly believe that not one scientist, anywhere on the planet, has 'rediscovered' the physical principles behind these alleged secret Nazi technologies?!? Really!??
How come we don't have a single scientific model which could account for these claims? How come we are using massive chemical rockets to blast off into space if we have had anti-gravity figured out for 80 years?
Sorry, I just don't buy it.
Occam's razor says the simplest explanation is the most likely. The simplest explanation for flying saucers with anti-gravity technology is *not* Nazi's, it is *not* super-secret gummint aircraft, the simplest explanation is that it is something that is truly *unknown* and not the product of anything so mundane as 80 year old tech created by some Nazi scientists.
Look, we don't need any more stories about Nazi's and such. If there were any truth to them at all, it would mean that the UFO mystery could be solved at the drop of a hat. All it would take would be a single scientist or engineer to publish an equation or reproducible experiment which could demonstrate a scientific principle that is currently unknown.
Think about that? You are a scientist, and engineer, and you are working on secret gummint anti-gravity tech. Let's say this tech has been known and practiced for 80 years. And, not a single scientist or engineer would publish an equation, or an experiment, which could demonstrate this physical principle? Something so simple it could be accomplished with *80 year old* tech!??!
Forget about disclosure, or more stories. How about this. Don't violate your oath about any project you have ever worked on. Just post anonymously to, say, Wikileaks, an equation and/or simple reproducible experiment which demonstrates any of these technologies capable of violating the known laws of physics.
I can think of only a single rationale for not doing so. What if..just what if.. that this same technology could also be used as a weapon? If that were the case, then I might consider it justifiable to keep it secret. Other than that, though, I don't think it makes sense. And, even then, that certainly didn't stop any scientist from publishing the scientific theories which led to fission bomb, the fusion bomb, the neutron bomb, or any other fundamental principle of physics in the past.
But, just like the free-energy wishful thinkers at, it doesn't happen, can't happen, never has happened, and never will happen because it's simply not possible.
The're was a rumour that circulated in the 1936 that an unidentified craft came down in the black forests of Germany. That the Nazi Regime had captured this UFO; the craft was allleged to have been Extraterrestrial in origin and it was rumoured that Nazi Scientist's were trying to back engineer elements of the craft found. Hence this might explain the "Nazi Bell" and the photos of saucer shaped craft. I can neither confirm or deny the rumour.
Well said Paul. Now, my question is how come Greg Bishop, and others I have heard recently, are championing Joseph Farrell as 'the real hope for an answer to Roswell'? This includes the guest Walter Bosely who claims that the 'aliens' at Roswell weren't aliens but Nazis.
I'm fine with those who reject Roswell as nothing but a bunch of tall tales and myth making. But, if you accept witness testimony about alien bodies and crashed flying disks, then let's be a bit more cautious before we start positing wild theories without any further direct evidence.
As I said previously, if we have been privy to technologies which violate the known laws of physics since the 1940's, I think somebody would have published something in the scientific literature since then. Seriously....
The most ridiculous of all the UFO myths, and that's saying something, is the one that holds that the Nazis somehow engineered a flying saucer. There is absolutely NO evidence to support that claim, and it's safe to say that if they Nazis has developed that kind of advanced technology, they would have used it - just as they used all the other advanced technology that they reallt did develop (jets, V1, V2...).
This has never stopped neo-Nazis from using these stories to recruit gullible new followers - and no, I'm not saying that everyone who buys this stuff is a Neo-Nazi - just that you have to be aware of the subcurrents with stuff like this.
Here are a couple of things I've written in the past about the subject. The first demonstrates that in the years immediately after the war, as the Cold War was heating up, Western governments got some strange claims made to them about Nazis and flying saucers, and took them seriously enough to at least investigate.
Canada and the Flying Saucers, Part III (Enter the Nazis?) (from 23 August, 2005)And how the neo-Nazis use this all:
Rumours have existed for decades that the Germans, towards the end of the Second World War, were working on creating a flying saucer. Indeed, some fringe conspiracy theorists today maintain that the Germans actually made at least one, and got it to work (the follow-along contention often being that these projects were taken over by the Americans and / or Soviets after the war).
While there is no doubt that the Germans were working on advanced aircraft and missile design throughout the war, there has never been any credible evidence that the claims of "Nazi flying saucers" was anything other than a myth, in the purest sense of the term (i.e. not true). Anyone who tells you otherwise simply has no idea what they are talking about.
However, while we might know this now, things were much different back in the early 1950s. It was an era of heightened Cold War tension between the superpowers, but it was also an era of intense competition between the western allies, particularly the Anglo-American-Canadian triumvirate, for technological advances. Finally, the myriad reports of UFOs being seen around the world had gotten the attention of everyone - especially the Air Force, both in the United States, and in Canada.
So, when a German came forward and claimed that he had knowledge of a secret Nazi flying saucer program, the authorities, at least in Canada, took him seriously.
In the late spring of 1952, a German immigrant to Canada approached a former RCAF officer of his acquaintance, and told him that he had knowledge of German flying saucer design and production. The former officer reported this to the RCAF, which arranged an interview with the German. On 21 June, 1952, according to the formerly Secret interrogation report, the German (referred to in the report as the "Source") was interrogated at RCAF HQ in Ottawa by Squadron Leader G. A. White, Flight Lieutenant H. Brooks, and a Mr. S. Shramshenko. Group Captain N. W. Timmerman and Flying Officer H. P. Korntoff sat in as observers.
Three things immediately stand out from this initial interrogation.
First, the level of the officers involved. All were commissioned officers, and two - White and Timmerman - were senior officers (a Squadron Leader was the equivalent of a Major, and a Group Captain the equivalent of a Colonel; a Flight Lieutenant was the equivalent of a Captain, and a Flying Officer a 1st Lieutenant). They were members of the Department of Air Intelligence. This indicates that the RCAF took the claim, at least in the beginning, seriously.
Second, the thoroughness of the interrogation. The source provided his alleged full history, the supposed history of the programs he had allegedly work on, and some of what he claimed were his own design plans, which he stated were superior to the original German plans. The fact that the officers didn't seem to think much of his story shows that they knew their stuff. For example, they immediately recognized that the plan the source showed them was actually a conventional jet with a circular wing.
Third, the lack of civilian involvement (other than Shramshenko, who was probably an interpreter, although this is a point that needs to be confirmed). This was a matter that related directly to flying saucers, and therefore national security. It occurred after the creation of Project Second Story (of which Timmerman was a member) earlier that year, and yet it was run entirely by the Air Force.
The interrogators sent the source on his way, and that most likely would have been the end of it, except two days later the source contacted DAI and told them that he had not divulged all that he knew about the flying saucer program, and that he had a number of drawings that pertained to the construction of the German flying saucer. The DAI determined that it could not afford to ignore this information, and arranged for a second interrogation later that day. Once again, it took place at Air Force HQ in Ottawa. It was conducted by Timmerman, White, and Brooks, with an unnamed civilian observer present.
This time, the officers could not immediately dismiss the new information provided by the source - it appeared to them to be outside their area of knowledge. Accordingly, they arranged for a third interview, which would involve members of the National Research Council who did have the knowledge to assess the new claims.
This third - and final - interview took place later that day, at the National Research Council offices in Ottawa. Squadron Leader White represented DAI as an observer, but the questions this time were asked by four experts - F. R. Thurston, Chief of the Structure Laboratory at the NRC (in 1976, he would be awarded the prestigious McCurdy Award by the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute; see; T. Stephens, Chief of the Aerodynamics Laboratory at the NRC; A. H. Hall, the Assistant Chief of the Structures Laboratory; and R. A. Tyler, a research officer in gas dynamics at the NRC. According to the report, they "thoroughly questioned" the source on "all aspects of the design and technical detail of the alleged flying saucer. At this point, under hard questioning by scientific experts, it became clear that the source did not know what he was talking about. As the report states:
"Source was, however, unable to answer with any accuracy, questions pertaining to types of metals used, fuel used, how various parts of the aircraft operated and / or their size, etc. He was unable to answer many of the questions at all."
The NRC officials concluded that the source was a "thorough liar," that he was "trying to bluff his way through the interrogation," that he was "technically unqualified to have such knowledge of aircraft structure or design," and that there was "nothing new, technically or in design, in the plans produced or information heard from the source." As a result, the source was sent on his way, and the matter closed - although neither the NRC officials nor the DAI officers ruled out the possibility that such machines had existed, or the possibility that they could be built (which, given some of the work the Defence Research Board was involved in at that time, comes as no surprise).
What this episode demonstrates, yet again, is that the real investigation of the UFO phenomenon in Canada was being run by the Royal Canadian Air Force. When a potentially important source of UFO information surfaced, it was DAI officers that conducted the investigation, and then NRC scientists who were consulted about the technical aspects.
It was not being run by the far too credulous Wilbert Smith, the Senior Radio Regulations Engineer in the Air Services Section of the Department of Transport, who at this time was working on an interim report for his pet Project Magnet that somehow managed to conclude - without any evidence - that "saucers are real," and that they operated in a very precise manner.
After all, the Defence Research Board and the RCAF took the subject of UFOs seriously.
Nazis, neo-Nazis and UFOs
Lately on UFO Updates there has been an embarrassing thread going on in which the idea that the Nazis may have been involved in UFO research (or something like that) in Antarctica has been floated (based upon some book that's about to come out). This is all rubbish, and I'm not going to dignify the "debate" by providing any more details, other than to note that the people who seem to put any stock in this notion are people who have no - and I mean NO - knowledge or understanding of the history of the period under discussion (if you're really interested, for some reason, you can subscribe to Updates and check them out yourself). Yes, they occasionally get facts right, but history isn't just about dates and facts - it's about understanding what they mean (that's what makes history interesting, and relevant).
Anyway, my point here is to note that the Nazi meme is not a new one in ufology, but it has been a dangerous one, for reasons that many people have pointed out in the past, including Strange Days... Indeed commentator Dave Furlotte (see here). Neo-Nazis like Ernst Zundel have used the UFO subject in the past to lure the most gullible people into their web of hate and lies on the theory that if a person was willing to swallow the kind of bilge that Zundel and others pedaled with regards to Nazi UFOs, then they were identified as prime targets for a far more dangerous kind of bilge, Holocaust denial (anyone who wants a more detailed examination of the Zundel story should pick up a copy of Warren Kinsella's excellent book, Web of Hate; for Zundel and UFOs, see The Nizkor Project's page here).
Does this mean that all people who support the "Nazi bases in Antarctica claims" that pop up now and then are neo-Nazis? Of course not. But their kind of rank stupidity does demonstrate that there are indeed people out there who are simply incapable of separating fact from fiction - people who are so desperate to believe in UFOs as aliens, or whatever, that they will believe virtually anything else. This is just this kind of "believer blindness" that neo-Nazis like Ernst Zundel, or cult leaders like Marshall Applewhite, always count on, something that anyone interested in the study of the UFO subject should always keep in mind.
The podcast was not as satisfactory as it could have been had you narrowed the scope of it and not covered so much ground. I think there were several areas that could have been expanded on instead of hobbling off to the next topic. This was very disappointing. "All over the map" refers to the topics covered instead of your "credibility".
Some things came to mind - 33 is considered a "master number" in numerology.
Secondly, I saw the image of a goddess burned onto the side of a mountain. Your acceptance of that is your choice.
To misquote a very old commercial ..."The mind is a terrible thing."
Wouldn't it be more accurate for you to say that you saw what appeared to be an image of a something that looked like a "goddess" of myth burned onto the side of a mountain? People hallucinate all the time for various reasons such as fatigue, stress, chemical imbalance, and so forth. I would hazard to say that everyone has seen or thought they have seen things only to realize the pattern recognition machine in their heads has made a mistake at one time or another in their lives. Perhaps you did experience some sort of hallucination that has often been interpreted as a "vision" by mystics and what have you, but certainly you must realize that this most likely was a brain hiccup and not a real event. If you think it was an actual event ...why?
Science is much theory, remember