Well it looks like the science fundamentalists have their quantum knickers in a gordian knot lol

. Lets face it guys it's just a case of ...since i don't believe you, then it's not true, right?
Have any of you had a paranormal experience? If so let's hear about it/them. Let us hear how you rationalized them with your mundane explanations. You seem eager and keen to debunk any mention of others having one. If you've never had a paranormal experience then how can you say, definitively, that they don't exist? You are just fundamentalists telling people what to do , how to think.
So why are you people really here? For the debates? You seem to not have any or much belief in any of the subjects discussed on the forums rather than have a penchant for debunking.
Tell me Phil have you used a micro-wave oven recently, driven a car, taken medicine, undergone surgery, or (ah-hem) used a computer recently?
Yes to all of the above. And what does this mean anyway? Does it mean that because i use the aforementioned items that i am going to erect a monument to Henry ford or Steve Jobs and prostrate myself before them and profess my adoration?
Just because "science" can't find a explanation for paranormal events does not mean that paranormal events aren't real. The problem is that people like yourselves use science as a scapegoat to further your own opinions.
So far, nothing paranormal (in the common meaning of the word, aka supernatural) has been proven to exist, so I can't name any. I'm looking forward to the day that someone wins the JREF's million dollar challenge. Maybe you can do it with your remote viewing? Maybe I'm just being difficult. Sorry.
And to top it all off you use derision and sarcasm in an to attempt to prove your superiority.
Real science isn't "dogmatic", in fact dogmatism is contrary to the fundamental tenants of science
fundamental ,
tenants. Sounds kinda religious to me. Anyway it's not that science is in anyway a religion, it's just those who use it for their explanation as to why something should or should not be, use science as their fallback, religiously.
---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------
Paul Kimball said:
I will butt in here to say that in my opinion, this is absolutely the case. Oh, sure, it counts for that person, but that's as far as it goes. Dogmatism comes when that person asserts what he / she saw / experienced was real as they interpret it, and then expect anyone else to agree with them. That's called religion.
Quite right Paul.
You could also say this...
Dogmatism comes when
a person asserts what
you /
they saw / experienced
can be explained by science , and then expect anyone else to agree with them. That's called religion.
It all boils down to whether you believe the story teller or not. The story teller ends up not being able to convince some people that the event occurred. The disbelievers will never believe that the event occurred without extraordinary evidence whether or not this is provided by science or other. Neither side can provide the other with any satisfaction (go the stones!!

) in regards to the subject so it ends up being a long and (weary) winding road (yay Beatles!!

So in the end Walter is free to recount his anecdotes to those who wish to listen to them and those who disagree,disbelieve are free to not. I personally like hearing paranormal tales from posters here on these forums. I may not believe or agree with them but the are worthy of a listen nonetheless.
So come on Angel, Trained Obs. had any paranormal experiences that you want to share with us? Anyone else? Paul?, Kieran?. Come on now, we won't bite.