I read a blog recently which i cant find now, but one young person left a reply that went basically like this
Thanks the generation before us, thanks for spending up big knowing we and not you would end up paying the bill.
Thanks for spending beyond your means, using our future as credit
Thanks for the polluted and degraded environment destroyed to fuel your lifestyles
Thanks for running up such huge financial and environmental deficits and leaving us to pay the bill.
Says a lot about how they might see the world they have inherited doesnt it. They are not idiots, they can see they will have to pay for the debt racked up by those who came before them
When i was a lad you could look forward to a career, in some cases you could get a job, say at a factory or bank and work there your whole working life. It was secure, you could buy a house with confidence that you would have the income to pay it off.
Today my nephews climb all over each other to secure a job stocking shelves at the local supermarket, and then are put on a contract basis not full time employment.
When a young person looks to his/her future and see's nothing of substance.............
When i was a lad the future was a bright place, full of promise and good fortune
For many of todays youth the future is a bleak place, with little or no hope of getting a leg up in the world.
How can they not resent the societys that have left them to carry the can, both fiscally and environmentally ?
And still we kick that can down the road.........................
Thanks the generation before us, thanks for spending up big knowing we and not you would end up paying the bill.
Thanks for spending beyond your means, using our future as credit
Thanks for the polluted and degraded environment destroyed to fuel your lifestyles
Thanks for running up such huge financial and environmental deficits and leaving us to pay the bill.
Says a lot about how they might see the world they have inherited doesnt it. They are not idiots, they can see they will have to pay for the debt racked up by those who came before them
When i was a lad you could look forward to a career, in some cases you could get a job, say at a factory or bank and work there your whole working life. It was secure, you could buy a house with confidence that you would have the income to pay it off.
Today my nephews climb all over each other to secure a job stocking shelves at the local supermarket, and then are put on a contract basis not full time employment.
When a young person looks to his/her future and see's nothing of substance.............
When i was a lad the future was a bright place, full of promise and good fortune
For many of todays youth the future is a bleak place, with little or no hope of getting a leg up in the world.
How can they not resent the societys that have left them to carry the can, both fiscally and environmentally ?
And still we kick that can down the road.........................