Well I'm about to help push this thread off topic again but @gene & @randall you both make good points but I don't think it's really a either/or case. One could argue that being there are still people living in abject poverty in our inner cities and indigenous lands that are perpetually wanting should we bother with animals or disaster victims either foreign or domestic ? Obviously I don't feel that way, but I don't think there is a right or wrong here. Every cause needs a champion, we just live in a world with too much cause and too little champions.
I agree Wade - we could simply just mention the ridiculous amount of unused money of the rich, or the stupid amounts spent on our Royal Family or the American military. For the cost per household, spending on pets need only be tiny compared to the waste I see all around me. For the price too, you cannot underestimate the actual value of a pet on health and wellbeing. I can think of many examples of when a pet has brought warring siblings together, or provided a distraction in difficult times. There are many advantages to pets that are not always immediately apparent.
Back to the show - I always enjoy Brad but I agree that this episode was just lacking something from him and I can't put my finger on it. But hey, one can't be on top form all the time and no-one can deny that Brad is often excellent and has a huge body of popular work. If the show was a little less than what we can normally expect from Brad, then I think he has more than earned our understanding.