It is that idiot poopy-heads right to burn books in Florida. Freedom of speech must be protected, even for assholes.
Smart thing to do? Absolutley not. Meredith Viera(sp?) asked him if he felt reponsible for the deaths already attributed to the prospect of Quran burning, he said"No. It just shows the evils of Islam."
Is it a smart thing to put a Mosque so close to WTC ground zero? The constitution says "Freedom of Religion", so they have every right to put it there, even if it offends everyone from coast to coast. The Constitution does not protect against "offending" anyone.
The Imam for that future Mosque claims it's for cultural understanding and peaceful pursuits. Since only a very small percentage of Muslims are actually extremists, and it really is supposed to be a religion of peace, plus the fact that it will be watched, monitored, obvserved and spied on by every police agency, security agency, and terrorist watch group in the country for any militant actions, the chances for anything terrorist related going on there is slim to none.
Could the Mosque be used for subversive terrorist related stuff? Yes, it could. But that's the chance we have to take to keep our freedoms in this country.
Are the Muslim extremists using our own freedoms against us? Are they hiding terrorism behind the sheild of freedom of religion? That's possible too.
Am I tired of pandering to small minded men who use a religion to further their own agenda? You G**DAMN right I am.
Am I sick of the killings, death threats and other threats of destruction and mayhem if non-Muslims do not follow the rules and laws of their religion and do what the Muslims want them to do? You bet your F***KING ass I am.
I am not a Muslim, so why should I have to treat their Quran any different then I would treat the Bible , or the Upanishads, or the Greek Mythologies, or the I Ching...not being a follower of any of those religions? Why should I have to be careful not to make a picture of Mohammad, or keep my women covered head to foot, or not eat bacon?
They are forcing us to observe their religion even though some of us in this world ARE NOT MUSLIM.
We all have to put up with Christian legislation here in the US. Don't beleive me? Marry someone of your gender and be legaly recognized. Do some stem cell research. Try to teach evolution impartially in most states. I sure don't want yet another religon that I don't follow telling me how to live my life.
They have us cowed, scared to death of them. We are afraid to stand up to them because if the Radical Muslims don't get their way, they riot, and kill, and bomb and do their best to terrorize the world. They are like big spoiled bullies who throw temper tantrums because someone won't stand to be bullied.
As someone else has already posted, we are eventually going to have to stand up to these zealot assholes at some point or convert to Islam.
Which will it be for you?