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Butch Witkowski/ Human Mutilations.

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One item that was brought up in the Human Mutilations story that shocked me was how many people go missing in the United States yearly. Depending on what numbers you believe, there are thousands of missing persons reports filed daily. There are upwards of 100,000 missed people per one report I read. Granted many of these people turn up, but thousands don't. It boggles the mind to think what happened to all these humans.
…researchers have misinterpreted and perhaps intentionally ignored certain data surrounding the mutilation phenomena (e.g., human technology cannot cleanly remove sizable organs through small holes in the body; black helicopters generally are an occasional after-occurrence; predators generally avoid the remains for no apparent reason; ranchers staking out their land at night often miss mutilations that occur in close proximity).

If we accept the possibility that this is not a "one-size fits all" scenario and that there are multiple groups with various agendas involved in perpetrating these crimes, then we can divide these cases into categories. A vast majority of cases (IMO) are NOT high=strange and appear to have been done by human agents w/ conventional technology. Generally, these cases are the ones that appear to have been disfigured with a sharp cutting instrument such as a scalpel and are not drained of blood and fluids. A small percentage of cases appear to be high-strange and cannot be explained by a simple, conventional explanation. These cases include impossible medical evidence, (i.e., organs removed in an impossible manner, high-heat as the cutting agent, blood removed down to a capillary level, bones polished white, etc). Helicopters (not necessarily black) have been seen hundreds of times. This includes: before, during and (most often) after mutilations have occurred. Predators and scavengers often tear these animals to shreds in short order. This (generally) happens when cases appear to be human perpetrated. The high-strange cases tend to be the ones that scavengers avoid. This is a generality, but is fairly consistent. Ranchers (and law enforcement) rarely stake out targeted herds—only if the herd has have been hit continuously and the rancher has lost multiple animals in a short period time.

The first thing I look for is cut hair on the hide. Birds and other scavengers CANNOT cut hair in a straight line. This to me is a dead giveaway that a case is a true "mutilation." The photos are from a horse mute in 1999 near Alamosa, CO. But, just because the hair has been cut doesn't mean it was done by aliens...

This also implies these researchers have made misstatements to which they adhere to this day (e.g., a significant percentage of mute victims do in fact have their blood drained; there is no evidence of disease, including bacteria; there is absolutely no evidence of human involvement in the vast majority of cases). Obviously the researchers I mention above cite veterinarians, ranchers and law enforcement personnel from a range of jurisdictions in support of their arguments. This also appears to be a global phenomena, occurring throughout wild and domesticated species beyond cattle.

Most researchers do not throw out sets of data that don't conform to their foregone conclusions. Linda would be an example of someone who is highly selective over what facts she will publicize. If there were strange light sightings, you bet she'll point this out. If there were sightings of helicopters, she will usually avoid making these sightings into an issue. She has said that these are UFOs masquerading as choppers or that it is the government investigating the sites but only after-the-fact. One theory she has mentioned is that these choppers are somehow involved in shutting down portals where these aliens are entering and leaving mutilation sites. Sounds great as a sci-fi plot, but where is the evidence to suggest this is a viable possibility? The reason most ranchers and investigators think that all these animals are drained of fluids is fairly simple: they don't turn them over and drain out the body cavity where all the fluids have pooled. Unless you do this, it appears to the untrained eye that there are no fluids present. I don't know where you got there is no bacteria, but this is not true. Again, one needs to divide these cases into mundane mutilation cases vs. high-strange cases before you can make any investigative headway. There is a definite difference between classifications of cases and that's after you have factored out the problem of misidentified unusual scavenger action, etc etc

As someone who is an internet consumer, and not a front line researcher, I frankly don't know where this leaves me in forming an informed view around this phenomena. If I am missing something please kindly advise - I am sure others are asking the same questions. Thanks in advance for any insights you can provide.

I know, this is not an easy, cut & dried subject. It is fraught with nuance and misperception. I can only make statements based on my own personal experience working with law enforcement, veterinarians, pathologists, hematologists and knowledgeable ranchers. One thing that is very important to remember: You CANNOT come to any conclusions about these cases from simply viewing photographs. Ideally, a complete necropsy by a veterinarian pathologist and samples analyzed by a crime lab can give you irrefutable data such as cause of death and manner of disfigurement etc Sadly, this is almost impossible for a majority of cases are usually found after its too late to conduct these proceedures. This is a very well designed mystery that is often self-nullifying. Sucks don't it?
In July, 1990 in UFO Magazine published my story concerning my research into mutilations and at that time I gave figures concerning the number of people (average) that went missing yearly. There was a very large number of young people reported. Of course a lot of those numbers could be written off as runaways, people avoiding creditors, divorces, actually all kinds of reasons. Later numbers of these people would turn up again, of course. However there was a notable number of people that simply flat out vanished. Of course, probably we could speculate that some of these folks were victims of murder, serial killers, whatever. The question is how many others were not victims of crime, but possibly something else? These are the questions that would be almost impossible to answer with any degree of certainty.

When I was investigating and reporting on the Hudson Valley case I spoke to Phil Imbrogno about what was going on in New York. I think it was Phil (geeze, been a long time) that told me that so many cattle mutilations were going on then, that the government was shipping cattle into the area to replace what dairy farmers were losing. (Hey, just reporting here what I recall.) Anyhow, I remember asking about any unusual deaths and that is when he told me that there were (again, what I recall) 2 unusual deaths there, very mysterious, and then the Fed's came in and took the investigation away from the local cops.

So, that is what I recall from my inquiry into Hudson Valley. And ... it hasn't gotten any easier.

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I was intrigued with the consistency in the parts that get harvested in mutilations, and the fact that carcasses are left on site...
It would be cool to get a biologist, feed him the list of spare parts these ETs seem to be interested in and ask him why these components would be significant. And also why the remaining parts left in the carcass would have less value... These mutilations look like automated scientific experimentation and sampling.:D

The soft-tissue organs that are generally excised are the youngest and fastest regenerating tissues in the body. They are also the organs and areas of the body where humans most often develop cancers. I think this fact may be important, but I've seen little mention of these facts by other investigators.

The fact that these carcasses are returned indicates to me that whomever is doing this knows that if they don't return the carcass, it will be a reported as stolen head of livestock and be therefore, a crime. By returning them, they nullify most official law enforcement involvement because a crime hasn't officially been committed. Plus, very few ranchers will spend money to determine cause of death as they have already lost their investment— why throw good money after bad? Its a self-nullifying mystery that is ingenious in its fiendishness. It really sucks for the victimized rancher. Maybe Oprah should do a show on this uhh (NOT!)
Flies and other insects can produce surgical appearing wounds and also leave no footprints.

But why would they eat away certain parts of a body? What happened with a blood? Why bodies aren't in a condition they should be after such extended period of time? And again - why insects have eaten that guy's clothing? Why predators avoid such carcasses?

My guess for the reason for returning bodies back is the one, which you have when you do some work with material and usually you throw away the remains, stuff you didn't use.

I have to tell you that I was listening this episode on the way to work and I was staying in a bus. There was pretty stuffy atmosphere and I had to stop listening when Butch'd began to describe the condition in which that guy in Brazil was found and he was counting the parts which were missing. I did finish listening at home as for me Butch sounded like a good researcher and knowledgeable person to listen to.

I would really-really like to figure out their motivation for these mutilations but NOT FROM FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE.:eek:
I'm a little bit past 40 mins in and I hear Gene say for us not to listen to this late at night. I could have used that advice earlier in the episode. :)
Interesting topic, interesting episode, very thought provoking.

One of those thoughts which has been refreshed by skimming the comments written above is there still seems to be a high degree of anthropomorphisiation going on (if that's even a word). People discussing motive and purpose keep referring to (and comparing with) cattle. The problem with that sort of thinking is that we utilize cattle consistantly. But the human mutilations are relatively rare. If we really were being "farmed" you'd think this sort of thing would be more frequent.

So whatever it is and whoever is doing it, it's obviously not something they need on the same level we need beef.
It doesn't surprise me that such things happen and seems only appropriate that we whish to understand where it comes from and its purpose. While its suppression by the media and the official version of reality continues....

I can't but help think......there are so many different facets of this thing we call dimensional reality and those rose colored glasses we all wear without even recognizing....seeming to define our belief system and identity. This phenomena like an abstract artwork is constantly being manipulated by the artist and the viewer the gestures and marks not unlike a belief system will to the observer always draw different readings.

Maybe there are parts of the human anatomy that taste real good to some unusual entity within our midst. Be interesting to see if they were "certified organic humans"
Not trying to hijack the thread, but just wanted to say that I'm done listening to the Paracast. I tune in for conversations about paranormal activity, not to listen to the hosts bash people whose politics differ from theirs. If I want that, I have Sirius. I didn't mind it at first because Gene & David generally did a good job of reigning themselves in, but lately an opportunity to work in some political commentary is not wasted. It's too bad, because outlets that treat paranormal subject matter as something other than entertainment are rare indeed.
Christopher and Don, thank you for your reply posts. Very helpful. I do think the more dialogue that occurs around the topic, the better.

What is disconcerting is: (i) some researchers are apparently presenting only part of the story, (ii) there is significant human, probably government sponsored, activity to muddy the waters (not dissimilar apparently to crop circles), and (iii) there still is a genuine core to the mutilation phenomena which defies reasoning and explanation.

I still wonder (rhetorically) how this potentially relates to the odd occurrences and rumors which we do see: Ronald Reagan's UN speech warning of an alien threat, and reports of a visibly shaken Jimmy Carter post-UFO briefing (despite having seen one himself before assuming the Presidency).

The larger philosophical question is why God, or the universe, would allow this to occur. Frankly, that is easy: one only needs to look at the Holocaust, or Rwanda, or Haiti, or the numerous tragedies which continually reoccur in human history. We live in a 'dog eat dog' reality system here.

Good night, and good luck.
Not trying to hijack the thread, but just wanted to say that I'm done listening to the Paracast. I tune in for conversations about paranormal activity, not to listen to the hosts bash people whose politics differ from theirs. If I want that, I have Sirius. I didn't mind it at first because Gene & David generally did a good job of reigning themselves in, but lately an opportunity to work in some political commentary is not wasted. It's too bad, because outlets that treat paranormal subject matter as something other than entertainment are rare indeed.

1.Bad hi-jacking attempt. (not trying to hi-jack the thread but appearing to anyway)
2.Wrong thread. (If you had bothered to look, there are other Paracast bashing threads available for you to join in and add your 2 cents)
3.We don't care.
4. Bye bye.
Not trying to hijack the thread, but just wanted to say that I'm done listening to the Paracast. I tune in for conversations about paranormal activity, not to listen to the hosts bash people whose politics differ from theirs. If I want that, I have Sirius. I didn't mind it at first because Gene & David generally did a good job of reigning themselves in, but lately an opportunity to work in some political commentary is not wasted. It's too bad, because outlets that treat paranormal subject matter as something other than entertainment are rare indeed.

"let down and hanging around"
Not trying to hijack the thread, but just wanted to say that I'm done listening to the Paracast. I tune in for conversations about paranormal activity, not to listen to the hosts bash people whose politics differ from theirs.

ie your politics, right? Why do I feel I could guarantee you'd have no objection to them bashing the politics of those you disagree with?

Probably because I'd be right.
It's a great thread. I came to the Paracast for the intelligence, and I'm staying for, well, the intelligence.

Hey folks? Ignore the troll. That was the fool's one and only post. That should tell you something.
I'm with Apocalypto - let's ignore the troll, and get back on-topic.

Many thanks to Don Ecker and Christopher O'Brien for sharing their knowledge of this controversial and unsettling topic. I've not listened to the show yet, but plan to soon - in broad daylight.

Although I'm obviously not an expert, and may therefore have no right to comment on this, I've always suspected human hands to be behind the animal mutilation phenomenon. I also suspect many animal deaths attributed to the phenomenon have been caused by predators, with carrion feeders inflicting additional damage post mortem. Sadly, there are people around who refuse to accept anything other than an ET explanation for the whole unpleasant business.

Like Tom from Hong Kong, I'm troubled by the fact that numerous researchers seem prepared to suppress and filter evidence to make the facts appear more compliant with their pet theories. As for the genuinely anomalous cases, if government agencies are involved (for whatever reason), they must be thanking their lucky stars that there are people around like Linda Howe, to divert the curious towards tales of ET skullduggery.

As for human mutilations, yet again, I suspect human hands to be at work. Perhaps that's because I'm a realist, or it may be because the thought of something non-human doing these things is just too damn scary. Who knows? But it's interesting that individuals who choose to research the phenomenon come up against so many brick walls, diversions and warnings.
Not trying to hijack the thread, but just wanted to say that I'm done listening to the Paracast. I tune in for conversations about paranormal activity, not to listen to the hosts bash people whose politics differ from theirs. If I want that, I have Sirius. I didn't mind it at first because Gene & David generally did a good job of reigning themselves in, but lately an opportunity to work in some political commentary is not wasted. It's too bad, because outlets that treat paranormal subject matter as something other than entertainment are rare indeed.

Just to add my two cents, but hopefully not further derail this thread... you seriously cannot talk about the paranormal, especially the UFO phenomenon and potential government cover ups, without discussing sociological and political aspects that relate to the discussion. It would be like discussing the NHL but demanding no mention of one of the teams. That's just ludicrous.
Another awesome episode (I say this every week!).

The topic certainly sent shivers down my spine. I listened to it around midnight and let my imagination get the better of me and was a little creeped out.

I applaud Butch for his tenacity in taking on what must be a very difficult area of research. Personally, I'm unconvinced. Cattle and horse mutilations have taken place for a very long time here in the UK and I've always understood that some of it might be the work of secret organisations/magic groups as part of their practices or rituals. I can remember reading about this a while back (possibly in something like the Fortean Times).

I'm more inclined to a human explanation for this than ET.