We make fun of JC all the time in the west. Any good Monty Python fan is quite familiar with how Christianity, specifically Catholocisim is taken to task. Is not every sperm sacred? And how can you not have some good fun with such notions.
I do not understand why the fanatical response gets so mortal over humor? When you think about it, the Christians only bomb abortion clinics and shoot abortion doctors, and there have been priests, just like Imams, who have encouraged and radicalized people to do such things.
I often wonder about how long it will take to modernize Islam, or whether or not these terrorist acts and acts of fanaticism are tied to issues of poverty and patriarchy as it seems that when things are a little more desperate you can rule with male violence.
Now it wan't too long ago in earth's history that you could get burned at the stake for making fun of the Christian god. In fact mass torture was not an uncommon thing back in the good ole days of the inquisition. Perhaps, once the standard of living rises and Muslim women are able have their own power that we will see far fewer acts of fanaticism as a result.
You make a very good point.
Its no secret i find all religion silly, but when we compare the two examples you cite, one has evolved while the other remains rigidly locked in its 6th century ideology.
Apoligists often toss up the old testament and use the comparrison to make their point.
This link does just that, note the comment at the end "i see what you did there"
Violent Quotes Finally Prove Islam Is Evil?
And its true the OT is filled with just as much violence and filth as the koran is.
But when we lay the two examples side by side and walk down the timeline to today it gets interesting
The Xstian manuscript starts off with the examples from the link above, but down the line the narrative morphs to one of love they neighbour, peace and love.
Conversly the koran starts off fairly peaceful, With Mo preaching tolerance etc etc. but as he sufferes military defeats and gets exiled from mecca he gets more violent. and the texts reflect this.
Since interpretation of these texts uses
abrogation the latter more violent commands, overide the earlier peaceful ones
This article gives a good overview
Mohammed in Medina 622-30 by Will Durant
He orginally preaches equality for jews
. Mohammed drew up with these Jews a subtle concordant:
The Jews who attach themselves to our commonwealth shall be protected from all insults and vexations; they shall have an equal right with our own people to our assistance and good offices; they...shall form with the A'loslcms one composite nation; they shall practice their religion as freely as the Moslems...They shall join the Moslems in defending Yathrib against all enemies. All future disputes between those who accept this charter shall be referred, under God, to the Prophet.
But later when they decided they couldnt stomach his behavior
The Jews of Medina no longer liked this warlike faith, which had once seemed so flatteringly kindred to their own. They laughed at Mohammed's interpretations of their Scriptures, and his claim to be the Messiah promised by their prophets. He retaliated with revelations in which Allah charged the Jews with corrupting the Scriptures, killing the prophets, and rejecting the Messiah. Originally he had made Jerusalem the qibla - the point toward which Moslems should turn in prayer; in 624 he changed this to Mecca and the Kaaba.
The Jews accused him of returning to idolatry. About this time a Moslem girl visited the market of the Banu-Kainuka Jews in Medina; as she sat in a goldsmiths shop a mischievous Jew pinned her skirt behind her to her upper dress. When she arose she cried out in shame at her exposure. A Moslem slew the offending Jew, whose brothers then slew the Moslem. Mohammed marshaled his followers, blockaded the Banu-Kainuka Jews in their quarter for fifteen days, accepted their surrender, and bade them, 700 in number, depart from Medina, and leave all their possessions behind.
So when we compare the social evolution of the two theologys we can see one has become kinder, gentler. the other became more hostile and violent
Killing those who mock MO has a precident that carrys through to the 21st century as weve seen yet again today
Strengthened by victory, Mohammed used the customary morality of war. Asma, a Medinese poetess, having attacked him in her rhymes, Omeir, a blind Moslem, made his way into her room, and plunged his sword so fervently into the sleeping woman's breast that it affixed her to the couch. In the mosque the next morning Mohammed asked Omeir, "Hast thou slain Asma?" "Yes," answered Omeir, "is there cause for apprehension?" "None," said the Prophet, "a couple of goats will hardly knock their heads together for it."
Afak, a centenarian convert to Judaism, composed a satire on the Prophet, and was slain as he slept in his courtyard. A third Medinese poet, Kab ibn al-Ashraf, son of a Jewess, abandoned Islam when Mohammed turned against the Jews; he wrote verses prodding the Quraish to avenge their defeat, and enraged the Moslems by addressing love sonnets to their wives in premature troubadour style. "Who will ease me of this man?" asked Mohammed. That evening the poet's severed head was laid at the Prophet's feet. In the Moslem view these executions were a legitimate defense against treason; Mohammed was the head of a state, and had full authority to condemn.