Charlie Prime
Paranormal Adept
I wonder why you guys keep voting for people who import Muslims into your country.
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I wonder why you guys keep voting for people who import Muslims into your country.
Islam is not like any other religion. Islam is a supremacist racist political and social ideology wrapped in a thin peel of religious rituals. It seeks domination and supremacy over all other systems. From my personal experience I feel that without doubt Islam is worse than Nazism and fascism systems combined.
Followers of Islam believe they are the only righteous people on earth and the only nation who hold the truth. Muslims believe Islam is the only true religion.
Due to this Muslims believe everyone else who has a different religion, or has no faith and does not follow Islam are“Kaffirs” (a derogatory term means unbelievers). Muslims are influenced by many frivolous koranic verses and hadiths (words and deeds of their prophet) teaching them they are the best nation that has ever emerged on earth. For example, according to surat (verse) 3:110 from the Quran, Allah said to Muslims: “Thus We have made you the best nation, that you be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger (Muhammad) be a witness over you”.
No I do not vote for people who push this sort of integration.
Who do you vote for?
Strengthened by victory, Mohammed used the customary morality of war. Asma, a Medinese poetess, having attacked him in her rhymes, Omeir, a blind Moslem, made his way into her room, and plunged his sword so fervently into the sleeping woman's breast that it affixed her to the couch. In the mosque the next morning Mohammed asked Omeir, "Hast thou slain Asma?" "Yes," answered Omeir, "is there cause for apprehension?" "None," said the Prophet, "a couple of goats will hardly knock their heads together for it."
Afak, a centenarian convert to Judaism, composed a satire on the Prophet, and was slain as he slept in his courtyard. A third Medinese poet, Kab ibn al-Ashraf, son of a Jewess, abandoned Islam when Mohammed turned against the Jews; he wrote verses prodding the Quraish to avenge their defeat, and enraged the Moslems by addressing love sonnets to their wives in premature troubadour style. "Who will ease me of this man?" asked Mohammed. That evening the poet's severed head was laid at the Prophet's feet. In the Moslem view these executions were a legitimate defense against treason; Mohammed was the head of a state, and had full authority to condemn.
Alternate Definitions: The Islamic definitions of the words "peace," "tolerance," "freedom," and "equality" are different than the West's definitions. The Islamic definitions are compatible with Jihad and Islamic intolerance.[23]
Personally i dont vote, never have.
We make fun of JC all the time in the west. Any good Monty Python fan is quite familiar with how Christianity, specifically Catholocisim is taken to task. Is not every sperm sacred? And how can you not have some good fun with such notions.
I do not understand why the fanatical response gets so mortal over humor? When you think about it, the Christians only bomb abortion clinics and shoot abortion doctors, and there have been priests, just like Imams, who have encouraged and radicalized people to do such things.
I often wonder about how long it will take to modernize Islam, or whether or not these terrorist acts and acts of fanaticism are tied to issues of poverty and patriarchy as it seems that when things are a little more desperate you can rule with male violence.
Now it wan't too long ago in earth's history that you could get burned at the stake for making fun of the Christian god. In fact mass torture was not an uncommon thing back in the good ole days of the inquisition. Perhaps, once the standard of living rises and Muslim women are able have their own power that we will see far fewer acts of fanaticism as a result.
Who do you vote for?
If you don't vote, how do you expect to influence your government to stop importing Muslims into your nation?
So scale is important to you? What’s one doctor who works at a clinic (abortion doctor try to set the tone) getting killed by a person whom states that their Christian beliefs warrant it? So 12 newspaper employees is worse than 1 doctor? Death is death, wrongful death is bad no matter how many.
I've seen a lot of your post here, apparently this is very important to you (to explain Islam to us).
There are crazies across the world, the reason there are Christians in the Middle East has a lot to do with these things called Crusades, you know where you convert to Christianity or die.
I take it from your posts that you are from Australia, forgive if that’s not true. How do you (or is it something best forgotten) explain the genocide on the Aborigines?
Religious nuts, state sponsored terrorism, false flags, it’s a complicated world. There is not one boogie man in my opinion, there are many.
And don't forget about the nut jobs protesting at the funerals of service man and saying it happened because God hates fags.
It is worth noting that, while the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo poked fun at Islam, it also regularly satirised Christianity and Judaism. And yet there have been no attacks by enraged Catholics or Jews.
This reveals the lie that all religions are equally bloodthirsty; in the 21st century only one religion is at the centre of terror attacks around the world.
We have followers of one religion who think they are entitled to butcher those who offend their prophet?
Nothing is gained by pandering to extreme elements in the vain hope that we’ll impress upon them that the path to assimilation is preferable to fundamentalism. The fear of Islamophobia and an imagined mainstream backlash against the Muslim community has become a bat used to beat down all valid criticism.
A police spokesman says it is unlikely any charges will be laid.
He was charged with manslaughter and nine other offences.
If you don't vote, how do you expect to influence your government to stop importing Muslims into your nation?
I think its far far more effective for me do what i do here and in other forums, to take the discussion about Islam beyond the simplistic "Its a religion" level.
To shed light on its ideology to expose the devil that is the detail.