This sentiment is not an isolated one within the islamic community. the idea that it is the worldview of isolated extremists is ignorant.
Here's the problem
Ask a westerner "what is islam" and the answer will most likely be "a religion"
And at this level all seems pretty benign, The next logical step is to compare it to our own expwerience of "religion" and again the conclusion that barring a few cosmetic differences they are the same. Both build places of worship, its adherants pray to a monotheistic creator god.
On the surface they seem the same.....
But the devil is in the detail.
Dig deeper and you find they are worlds apart. Ive already posted the difference in social evolution between the two examples, one has morphed from a vengeful bloodthirsty narrative to one of peace and love thy neighbour. The other started out preaching tolerance but its narrative has morphed to one of intolerance and anger.
Offend a christian and he/she is "obligated" to forgive you. Offend a Moslem and they are obligated to kill you.
Sure there are many many examples on both sides where that obligation codified in the respective texts are ignored. Plenty of christians wont forgive you if you offend them, and plenty of moslems wont kill you if you offend them (at least here in the west, in islamic countrys the obligation is met more often than not)
But that doesnt change the reality, that codified into the respective texts is the obligation to forgive in one case, to kill in the other.
You can google image "behead those who insult islam" for examples
Westerners simply dont know enough about Islam at the detailed level to be able to understand the problem
Another example is "religion of peace" Sounds good doesnt it ?
But what most dont know is this phrase refers to a specific koranic prophecy, that the world will one day have world peace (and justice).
But its conditional, it is prophesised to happen when Islam has been taken to every corner of the world, when every single man woman and child has been converted to islam (or killed if they wont)
Islam and World Peace