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ChatGPT: Conversation between Human and entity from Zeta Reticuli

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Randle's latest book on the subject, "Understanding Roswell," concludes that enough witnesses have passed the credibility test to demonstrate something strange happened at Roswell. I haven't done a count, but had the impression it was less than a majority. I am in no position to defend him, however.
Randle's latest book on the subject, "Understanding Roswell," concludes that enough witnesses have passed the credibility test to demonstrate something strange happened at Roswell. I haven't done a count, but had the impression it was less than a majority. I am in no position to defend him, however.
I don't doubt something strange happened. I just don't think it had anything to do with aliens.
I think a lot of government testing and experimentation has been explained as possible UFOs, particularly in the early days. It's a good method of deflection. That doesn't mean there isn't a genuine phenomenon. All I've seen indicates to me that something strange is going on. But we won't know what, not, at least, in my lifetime.
I think a lot of government testing and experimentation has been explained as possible UFOs, particularly in the early days. It's a good method of deflection. That doesn't mean there isn't a genuine phenomenon. All I've seen indicates to me that something strange is going on. But we won't know what, not, at least, in my lifetime.
Well I agree with all that. And not in my lifetime either.
Of course one can be paranoid and suggest that Major Donald Keyhoe, one of the early UFO book writers (and director of NICAP, considered a possible government front) was himself a disinformation agent. But that would be too obvious.
Of course one can be paranoid and suggest that Major Donald Keyhoe, one of the early UFO book writers (and director of NICAP, considered a possible government front) was himself a disinformation agent. But that would be too obvious.
George yesterday supprised me yesterday with some of the comments about Donald Keyhoe or was it John Alexander.? I'll have to listen again. You see there is a good side to every problem.
A person is not "fooled" if they fail to ID something they've never seen before.
Marcel never saw balloons or other mundane stuff before? :rolleyes: The MOGUL mission might've classified but certainly not its materials--easily recognizable to a base intel officer. Yet again..if Marcel and Blanchard had goofed so badly as to mistake ballon junk for a flying saucer, thus causing a terrible, needless ruckus, they would've been severely reprimanded or fired. Nothing of the sort happened.

Cancelling a MOGUL flight might easily mean cutting off the payload and letting the rest go, just to get rid of it.
They did get rid of the balloons but ranch witnesses reported a plethora of metallic debris. The fact that some (ordinary) metallic stuff appeared in Ramey's office proves it couldn't have been remnants of #4, consisting of just balloons. Furthermore, Randle showed that Moore falsified the path of the alleged #4 to make it come down on the ranch; at the actual time of release winds precluded anything from going in that direction. I wish people would read the pertinent literature such as Understanding Roswell, instead of assuming they know better than those who've investigated this case for over 30 years...

Neither does the pretense that the Mogul debris PHOTOGRAPHED just appeared, or that Roswell just happened to stock used MOGUL debris Just In Case. Occam's Razor. MOGUL debris was photographed; no period documentation or photos of saucer debris or dead ETI's.
All they had to do was get any kind of balloon and rawin trash. They didn't need actual MOGUL stuff. Given the policy of secrecy, there can't be publicly known photos of ETs or spacecraft wreckage.
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And based on the definition of evidence, aside from multiple witnesses, there is very very little evidence, then, for UFOs.
In fact there is a considerable amount of publicly known evidence, such as radar sightings, landing traces, physical damage or injuries and some photos.
Of course one can be paranoid and suggest that Major Donald Keyhoe, one of the early UFO book writers (and director of NICAP, considered a possible government front) was himself a disinformation agent. But that would be too obvious.
There's nothing impossible or unlikely about being a disinformation agent. The government obviously wants to hide the truth but there's more than one way to stop people from getting the right ideas. Besides hiding key evidence they have agents to put out false information. I recall suggestions that Keyhoe was an agent. The Alien Grand Design concurs and goes into considerable length about misinfo and its specific objectives.
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In fact there is a considerable amount of publicly known evidence, such as radar sightings, landing traces, physical damage or injuries and some photos.
A radar sighting isn't physical evidence. It's a blip. As to the rest, there are traces, damage and injuries, but not a lot. And how much of it can be proven to represent something of unknown technology? Most photos can be faked; it's a lot easier nowadays.

I'm not saying some UFOs don't represent unknown objects or phenomena. But we're still far away from understanding fully what's going on.