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Chris O'brien's UFO Sightings & Encounters

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Paranormal Adept
I thought we should know what our notorious trickster, Paracast co-host, and avid Paranormal investigator Chris O'Brien has witnessed in the way of UFO sightings and phenomena.

Apparently, as a child, Chris had an encounter with an alien(?) entity according to this person, quoting:
red_pill_junkie said:
" You yourself, Chris, forgot to mention in this intro your childhood encounter with an alien-like entity at a very early age. Is it really so preposterous to consider that your continuous encounters with anomalous phenomena throughout your entire life are purely accidental, or just the logical result of your active interest in UFOs as an adult? "
Chris replied:
My personal experience at age seven at the time and since has always seemed real to me. Was it some kind of abduction? Possibly. Was it some kind of initiation? Possibly. Does it have anything to do with all of the strange events and sightings I've experienced throughout my adult life? Again, possibly.
Regarding Chris' UFO sightings:

1) The flying structured craft "UFO" that crossed the road so close to you just 50 feet off the ground within 150 feet in broad daylight... you saw it cross the valley within 20-30 seconds.

TO CHRIS: What was the shape, color, size and description of it? Any lights or transparencies? How fast was it moving, and did it change speed or direction? Could it have been Human made? How far did you track it across the valley? Please add more details. Thanks.

2) Chris also has seen a basketball sized brilliant laser red light sphere follow his "band vehicle" at night within about 60 feet from the side of the vehicle. It zipped off after about 10 seconds of pacing the vehicle.

3) He's gotten night video of 13 UFOs, he thinks were military, that hovered, did horizontal forwards and backwards movements, and made no sound within 5 miles away.

Chris, please add any missing details or corrections, especially, for 1) above. Thanks! :)

Any other sightings to add or phenomena associated with any of these???
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Hmmm... this is really weird. Boomerang had a really good post in here -where this one is now. BUT. It has gone missing. That STINKS.

Why was it deleted? Boomerang? Did an ET get to you or some stinking Human? LoL. Wink. :)
So to sum up.

Your mr chris bait has gone mouldy waiting for a bite, and youve lost your boomerang.
There is no bait. Chris O'brien should share his ET-UFO experiences, so we can understand what he has experienced and seen. It's nothing more complicated than than that.

Chris makes his living doing the Paracast and writing books and whatever else he does related to ET-UFOs. He is a public figure in that sense, so it's fair game to ask about what he's seen and experienced relating to ET-UFOs.

He should respond and fill in the blanks. LOTS of Paracast people are curious to know too.
Nah, not having that, you stand out like an itchy nipple around here, youve called him out several time's, in different threads, and your user-name is a piss take.

I think you are someone who has frequently tried to wind him up, ive looked and noticed certain echolalia.
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Nah, not having that, you stand out like an itchy nipple around here, youve called him out several time's, in different threads, and your user-name is a piss take.
Truth is: you're a flea following me around pooping on my posts. Chris can speak for himself. You've been willfully an A.H. on this thread to disrupt it.

I don't "call out" Chris on anything! I've asked him questions I think he can reasonably answer. You're the one with "a real boner" and "a piss take". <-- your words back at you!

Thanks for being sooo destructive to this thread, prick.ill.lie! Keep your boner and your piss to yourself...
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Truth is: you're a flea following me around pooping on my posts. Chris can speak for himself. You've been willfully an A.H. on this thread to disrupt it.

I don't "call out" Chris on anything! I've asked him questions I think he can reasonably answer. You're the one with 'a boner' and a piss to take.

Thanks for being sooo destructive to this thread, prick! Piss off yourself...
Actually, I think Chris makes his living as a tour guide- And why would anyone start a thread to single out one persons claim/experience, when there is a forum dedicated and loaded with many such experiences- where you(stalker) can go in to single out and debunk which ever thread doesn't jive with your "black ops" theory's.
Nah, not having that, you stand out like an itchy nipple around here, youve called him out several time's, in different threads, and your user-name is a piss take.

I think you are someone who has frequently tried to wind him up, ive looked and noticed certain echolalia.

Truth is: you're a flea following me around pooping on my posts. Chris can speak for himself. You've been willfully an A.H. on this thread to disrupt it.

I don't "call out" Chris on anything! I've asked him questions I think he can reasonably answer. You're the one with "a real boner" and "a piss take". <-- your words back at you!

Thanks for being sooo destructive to this thread, prick.ill.lie! Keep your boner and your piss to yourself...


I think he is Moody
And why would anyone start a thread to single out one persons claim/experience, [...]
Chris has spoken twice recently on two different Paracasts about his UFO experiences, and he just wrote about his 7yo "alien" encounter on another thread too.

I think Chris can speak for himself. Don't you???

Btw, you need to read my signature very carefully, because I do not do -just- "black ops" theories by any means! That's laughable, and it proves you don't read or understand my posts.

And, Chris is not just "anyone" on this forum.

Chris O'brien should share his ET-UFO experiences, so we can understand what he has experienced and seen. It's nothing more complicated than than that.

Chris makes PART OF HIS living and spends a lot of time doing the Paracast and writing "high strangeness" [some ET-UFO related] books and whatever else he does related to ET-UFOs. He is a public figure in that sense, so it's fair game to ask about what he's seen and experienced relating to ET-UFOs.

He should respond and fill in the blanks.

LOTS of Paracast people are curious to know too.
I think he is Moody

There’s several different options hanging out there, and L.M. is just one. I will say that the poster has a nasty habit of re-editing the content of their posts, as you can clearly see when I captured their original thoughts.
Nice bait and re-set of hook.

LOTS of Paracast people are curious to know too.

Sounds like youve been here years, but no a mere month or so, it only feels much much longer.
There’s several different options hanging out there, and L.M. is just one. I will say that the poster has a nasty habit of re-editing the content of their posts, as you can clearly see when I captured their original thoughts.

Yeah but Lance is the only one that ive been reading about that get's real nasty when the drinks on-board, hence the hasty edit.
Yeah but Lance is the only one that ive been reading about that get's real nasty when the drinks on-board, hence the hasty edit.
Time to quash this unfounded and passed around rumor. I know no one personally on this forum, nor have I ever posted here under another Avatar name.
[...]get's real nasty when the drinks on-board, [...]
You're the one with "a real boner" and "a piss take". <-- your words back at you!
This thread looks so funny cause I've put the person(s) you're arguing with on ignore. It looks like you're talking to yourself with the 2 exceptions. Seriously, you should take advantage of the ignore function too, it seems. ;)
Time to quash this unfounded and passed around rumor. I know no one personally on this forum, nor have I ever posted here under another Avatar name.

You're the one with "a real boner" and "a piss take". <-- your words back at you!
I think you need to understand the skepticism around here, because we have had people who come here with fake names after being ejected. Meantime, I only find it curious that you seem to come in at a different IP number every other day. You travel a lot? (No, I'm not revealing where his IP numbers say he's from).
This thread looks so funny cause I've put the person(s) you're arguing with on ignore. It looks like you're talking to yourself with the 2 exceptions. Seriously, you should take advantage of the ignore function too, it seems. ;)
Thanks for daring to post to this thread. There was a nice post from boomerang, but it went missing. I think I had replied to his post too. Maybe that was just a screen memory, cause I think that post went missing too. [It quoted boomerang.] Probably just "paranoia" with all "the friendly" people on this forum. So welcoming towards different POVs. LoL. :D

Chris has already shared the main aspects about his 7yo "alien" encounter and UFO sightings, so I certainly can not possibly understand why he can't easily fill-in a few minor details. My first post in this thread is not asking for super-secret or private information by any means, since Chris has already shared the main points more than once on Paracast and probably online too.