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Chris O'brien's UFO Sightings & Encounters

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I thought we should know what our notorious trickster, Paracast co-host, and avid Paranormal investigator Chris O'Brien has witnessed in the way of UFO sightings and phenomena.

Apparently, as a child, Chris had an encounter with an alien(?) entity according to this person, quoting:

Chris replied:

Regarding Chris' UFO sightings:

1) The flying structured craft "UFO" that crossed the road so close to you just 50 feet off the ground within 150 feet in broad daylight... you saw it cross the valley within 20-30 seconds.

TO CHRIS: What was the shape, color, size and description of it? Any lights or transparencies? How fast was it moving, and did it change speed or direction? Could it have been Human made? How far did you track it across the valley? Please add more details. Thanks.

2) Chris also has seen a basketball sized brilliant laser red light sphere follow his "band vehicle" at night within about 60 feet from the side of the vehicle. It zipped off after about 10 seconds of pacing the vehicle.

3) He's gotten night video of 13 UFOs, he thinks were military, that hovered, did horizontal forwards and backwards movements, and made no sound within 5 miles away.

Chris, please add any missing details or corrections, especially, for 1) above. Thanks! :)

Any other sightings to add or phenomena associated with any of these???
If you want to know what Chris is all about, buy his book! Since your soooo curious. In fact, there's black helicopters in there, oooooh.
If you want to know what Chris is all about, buy his book! Since your soooo curious. In fact, there's black helicopters in there, oooooh.

Also, tricksy tricksters and more cowbell than can safely be taken in!

At least, one would assume as much. I've not read his books.
There is no bait. Chris O'brien should share his ET-UFO experiences, so we can understand what he has experienced and seen. It's nothing more complicated than than that.

Chris makes his living doing the Paracast and writing books and whatever else he does related to ET-UFOs. He is a public figure in that sense, so it's fair game to ask about what he's seen and experienced relating to ET-UFOs.

He should respond and fill in the blanks. LOTS of Paracast people are curious to know too.

If you were a regular listener, or worked your way thru the back catalogue, you would find out that Chris has spoken about these sightings etc in detail, more than once. I am not speaking for Chris but he is a busy guy and he no doubt only bothers getting into threads when he is really interested in the conversation. No offence but I wouln't expect Chris to respond just to fill in some blanks for you, or me for that matter!
If you were a regular listener, or worked your way thru the back catalogue, you would find out that Chris has spoken about these sightings etc in detail, more than once. I am not speaking for Chris but he is a busy guy and he no doubt only bothers getting into threads when he is really interested in the conversation. No offence but I wouln't expect Chris to respond just to fill in some blanks for you, or me for that matter!

He actually has, while I can't name a particular paracast episode his multiple appearances on R. MISTERIOSO and other podcasts esp. While promoting his Stalking The Tricksters Book had a number of accounts Including being chased from his bed by Stickmen, if I recall correctly.
Regarding Chris' UFO sightings:

1) The flying structured craft "UFO" that crossed the road so close to you just 50 feet off the ground within 150 feet in broad daylight... you saw it cross the valley within 20-30 seconds.

TO CHRIS: What was the shape, color, size and description of it? Any lights or transparencies? How fast was it moving, and did it change speed or direction? Could it have been Human made? How far did you track it across the valley? Please add more details. Thanks.

Hi Chris, Happy 2015.

Yes, I heard many of your Paracast and other online audio interviews and read many of your posts. This is WHY I know the limited details about your sighting above.

I believe many Forum members would appreciate more details about this sighting I quoted from your account noted above.


Questions are provided in the initial post and again conveniently"here" just above (expand pink quote box) about this specific sighting you had.

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I have not yet read any of Christopher's books yet, but perhaps the answer to your question is to be found there? Have you read his works?
Perhaps Chris or a knowledgeable reader of his books will provide an answer?

One of this Forum's purposes is to share UFO encounter information, if/when possible, and I think Chris can do this in about 5 minutes by typing an answer here in one paragraph.

Most forum readers do not want to wade through all his books for a possible answer. The forum can share concise and timely information that may be more relevant to this subject too.

I hope Chris will respond, or someone else that *knows* the answer accurately from Chris one-way or another.
Chris is embarrassed to relate his close encounters because they tend to have an Austin Powers' flair (reflecting the cultural focus at the time). On several occasions, Chris has awoken to find his bedroom diffused in blue light, as Nordic Blonde Fem-Bots appear and surround his bed, torturing Chris with their bosoms (so near and yet so far!). When the Fem-Bots begin howling like Siamese cats in heat, Chris always has to chug down a few Viagra's, and make the ultimate sacrifice for Team Earth! Or as Austin Powers might say "I gave her one (suggestively bending his arm at the albow)." On one occasion, when Chris would not relent, the Fem-Bots' plantive howls awoke the neighbors (card carrying members of the NRA). They responded with the calm deliberation of Yosemite Sam! Chris still has the bullet holes in his bedroom walls.

Of course, this was back in the 90's. Activity in Chris' bedroom has quieted down substantially since then. One night a Nordic male showed up, but we won't even go there!

I could tell you much more, but this would put my life in danger. Rumor has it that Chris is a good shot and could borrow his neighbor's guns.
:eek: You guys crack me up!
Oww, Sorry, did I just type that?

@Dissected Stalker... *sigh* Dang! I've covered this ground of my "personal sighting experiences" (especially my childhood encounter) so many times before here at the Paracast (and elsewhere including my TMV books and countless radio guest slots). You need to get yourself up2speed on yer own. But, since you want to woof @ me and insist I be your Rover, I'll go home tonight and cut&paste the verbatim versions that describe a few of my sighting events, from my books— for your inquiring mind...

Currently, I'm at work. I do work for a living, btw and that work usually has nothing to do with paranormal stuff, etc. If I can't locate those particular events that you are asking me about, I'll attempt to recite them to you to the best of my ability/memory. Having lived in an intense UFO hot spot for 13 years, I have witnessed so many events since 1992, I'll probably forget some, but I'll give it my best shot.... I'll even see if I can locate descriptions of my two best Sedona-area sightings...
Uhh, thanks for your patience...
:eek: You guys crack me up!
Oww, Sorry, did I just type that?

@Dissected Stalker... *sigh* Dang! I've covered this ground of my "personal sighting experiences" (especially my childhood encounter) so many times before here at the Paracast (and elsewhere including my TMV books and countless radio guest slots). You need to get yourself up2speed on yer own. But, since you want to woof @ me and insist I be your Rover, I'll go home tonight and cut&paste the verbatim versions that describe a few of my sighting events, from my books— for your inquiring mind...

Currently, I'm at work. I do work for a living, btw and that work usually has nothing to do with paranormal stuff, etc. If I can't locate those particular events that you are asking me about, I'll attempt to recite them to you to the best of my ability/memory. Having lived in an intense UFO hot spot for 13 years, I have witnessed so many events since 1992, I'll probably forget some, but I'll give it my best shot.... I'll even see if I can locate descriptions of my two best Sedona-area sightings...
Uhh, thanks for your patience...

you are being to nice Chris...

sorry should just keep my mouth shut but looking up stuff on your own is part of the fun people .. don't make Chris have to do it for you.....
:eek: You guys crack me up!
Oww, Sorry, did I just type that?

@Dissected Stalker... *sigh* Dang! I've covered this ground of my "personal sighting experiences" (especially my childhood encounter) so many times before here at the Paracast (and elsewhere including my TMV books and countless radio guest slots). You need to get yourself up2speed on yer own. But, since you want to woof @ me and insist I be your Rover, I'll go home tonight and cut&paste the verbatim versions that describe a few of my sighting events, from my books— for your inquiring mind...
Chris, I restarted this thread today only wanting an answer to this ONE specific UFO sighting as follows:

Regarding ONLY this unique and specific UFO sighting. Chris' verbal account ALREADY stated... paraphrasing...

The moving structured craft "UFO" crossed the road so close ...just 50 feet off the ground within 150 feet in broad daylight... Chris saw it cross the valley within 20-30 seconds.

TO CHRIS: What was the shape, color, size and description of it? Any lights or transparencies? How fast was it moving, and did it change speed or directions? Could it have been Human made of a solid material nature? Did it make any noises? How far did you track it across the valley? Please add more details. Did it only fly or levitate without wing-lift too? Any commonalities with other UFO (or probable military) sightings?

Thanks for a detailed account of this *one* UFO encounter.
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:eek: You guys crack me up!
Oww, Sorry, did I just type that?

@Dissected Stalker... *sigh* Dang! I've covered this ground of my "personal sighting experiences" (especially my childhood encounter) so many times before here at the Paracast (and elsewhere including my TMV books and countless radio guest slots). You need to get yourself up2speed on yer own. But, since you want to woof @ me and insist I be your Rover, I'll go home tonight and cut&paste the verbatim versions that describe a few of my sighting events, from my books— for your inquiring mind...

Currently, I'm at work. I do work for a living, btw and that work usually has nothing to do with paranormal stuff, etc. If I can't locate those particular events that you are asking me about, I'll attempt to recite them to you to the best of my ability/memory. Having lived in an intense UFO hot spot for 13 years, I have witnessed so many events since 1992, I'll probably forget some, but I'll give it my best shot.... I'll even see if I can locate descriptions of my two best Sedona-area sightings...
Uhh, thanks for your patience...
Chris, don't you know that your posters and readers live vicariously through you?
Chris, I restarted this thread today only wanting an answer to this ONE specific UFO sighting as follows:

Regarding ONLY this unique and specific UFO sighting. Chris' verbal account ALREADY stated... paraphrasing...

The moving structured craft "UFO" crossed the road so close ...just 50 feet off the ground within 150 feet in broad daylight... Chris saw it cross the valley within 20-30 seconds.

TO CHRIS: What was the shape, color, size and description of it? Any lights or transparencies? How fast was it moving, and did it change speed or directions? Could it have been Human made of a solid material nature? Did it make any noises? How far did you track it across the valley? Please add more details. Did it only fly or levitate without wing-lift too? Any commonalities with other UFO (or probable military) sightings?

Thanks for a detailed account of this *one* UFO encounter.
[from The Mysterious Valley page 54-55 (1992)]

Strange lights seen at night are one thing but close-proximity daylight sightings are pretty convincing. Because of an unexplained experience that occurred to me, and others, the previous September 17, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., I was in no position to argue with their stories.

Isadora was driving us southward on Highway 69, seven miles north of Gardner [CO]. I was riding in the front passenger seat and Brisa had the backseat to herself. To our right, the backside of the Blanca Massif and the Sangres loomed 20 miles away to the west across the Wet Mountain Valley. I was watching a series of steep pinon-covered hills to our left when something silver flashed between two of these low hills. "What was that?" I asked Isadora. "It looked like a model plane," she guessed. The craft emerged from behind the hill to our left and zipped directly across the windshield from left to right. It was about 50—70 feet off the ground and between 100 and 150 yards away. "That's no model plane!" I exclaimed. Isadora suggested it might be some sort of remote-piloted drone.

We were right in the middle of the La Veta low-level flight (Military Operations Area) MOA and the craft we were watching certainly did look military. I grabbed my binoculars and watched it speed across the valley toward Medano Pass. The [rounded] craft appeared to be about 12 feet long with tiny stubby-wings and I thought I might have seen a small clear cupola and a dark headrest and helmet. I'm not sure of this but that was my initial impression. It was really scooting along. In a matter of seconds, the craft had traveled far enough across the valley for me to lose sight of it against the mountain background. I thought it strange the way it appeared to move through the sky. It seemed to be pulled rather than propelled. As if it was on a string and was being quickly reeled in. [It skipped and darted similar to a fishing lure being quickly reeled in] I rolled my window down but didn't hear anything over the soft rumble of the Buick's engine. [I watched it for about 15—20 seconds before it became too small to see.]

Since our sighting of the miniature craft, I have seen pictures of Remote Piloted Vehicles (RPVs) that our government publicly acknowledges using but the craft we saw didn't remotely resemble any of them. I thought at the time that there was something weird about the craft but god only knows (hopefully) what the military is secretly flying around the country's Military Operations Areas (MOAs).

[FYI: Later I learned that similar descriptions of tiny craft were reported from the west side of the Sangre de Cristos. Two or three reports had them "dive bombing cars" on Highway 159—the Dunes Road. These silvery craft (also about 12 to 15' long) were seen numerous times (at least 12 to 15 separate accounts if memory serves me correct) during the summer and fall of 1967 by local SLV ranchers. Several witnesses saw them appear to fly directly into "Middle Creek Hill" on the western slope of the Blanca Massif. After a series of sightings, an expedition was mounted and a team climbed the 3 or 4,000 feet up to the point where they were thought to have entered the mountain. Nothing of note was discovered. Thought I'd mention it... Don't make me quote myself on this... it is in my book The Mysterious Valley which is available at Amazon used for .01 cents+shipping. If you are interested, buy a copy and read it. Do YOUR OWN RESEARCH, thanks... ] If you really need me too, I can draw you a picture...

Happy now oh desiccated one?
Depends on your ISP. Some ISPs keep cyclings IPs. For what purpose, I don't know but I'm sure you can find the answer somewhere if you look long enough.

Yeah you can use the CMD prompt to get a dos box

Type Ipconfig/release

