This makes a few times now that you've put forward a rather curious version of the word "plausible" to me. Lighthouse beams that do not exist are not plausible. People failing to see a beekeeper standing directly in front of them in an open field is not plausible either. The world you seem to believe in is vastly more strange than the one I do.
What I said about Dunning is completely accurate. Why don't you email him and ask where he gets his information? All he does is read longer pieces from other debunkers and then condenses the talking points to short pieces for his site. Ask him how many investigations he's done. But hey, here's an idea: Don't rely on Dunning so much. Had you not you might have avoided the public embarrassment of endorsing a fictional lighthouse beam that was EASILY proven nonexistent. Dunning doesn't care that it doesn't actually exist, nor does Magaha. So both of them will continue to promote it no matter what. And well, there's no better an example of propaganda than that. I wouldn't point a person looking for accurate information about UFOs or anything else in the direction of Dunning anymore than I would Michael Sala. Both are identical figures. They have a worldview to promote and they're not going to allow facts to get in their way.
Edit: I've looked back over this thread and noticed that my language might be getting a bit unnecessarily testy at times and I apologize for that. But it irritates me to no end that these things have to be explained over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. I can't count how many times I've had to discount this absurd lighthouse claim on forums like this one. In a perfect world when something gets proven wrong everyone would be aware of it and you wouldn't have to keep going through the same song and dance each time it gets mentioned. But this isn't a perfect world and with guys like Dunning and Magaha, who both know damned well that the lighthouse beam they talk about never actually existed, continuing to promote deliberate falsehoods in an effort to trick people into looking no further I suppose I'll probably have to explain this a dozen times more in the future.