Sean Elifritz
Where did I say that aliens don't exist? I just say that I don't believe that they are visiting us because right now we have no proof of it. I'm of the opinion that there's probably intelligent life in the universe. Time travelers - we have no proof of that either, but that's interesting since theoretically (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) time travel is possible. With both those ideas we can't say they aren't 100% possible, but we can't say that they fit into the way we understand our reality at this time either, right? I hope you can accept that. Anything is possible, and we definitely have not discovered everything.
You sound like a smart guy Wickerman, but you don't need to resort to a strawman argument like the "Mars" one that you put forth. There's a MAJOR difference between discovery and something popping into existence. Science is finding out new things all the time, and revising itself, that's the point.
As for this Rendlesham Forest case - can we agree that we were not there and that we don't know for sure what happened? There are so many variables. What I do know is that I would rather say that they mistook something for an aircraft, or that it was an actual aircraft (not alien or time traveler), or it may have been a lighthouse depending on where they were standing, or a meteor, or a Russian rocket, because all those things are known to exist and could have been part of what happened. What we can't say though is that it was aliens or time travelers and accept it since there's nothing to prove the existence of those solutions to this case.
One thing that we can all agree on is that something spooked those men that night. We don't know what it is for sure. We can chose to accept the explanation that we think is best, understanding that chances are it isn't the full story.
My God, I hate it when that happens. Typed up a bunch of stuff and then lost it all because of a forum error.

Try this again. It has nothing to do with a strawman anything. You're way of thinking truly confounds me. It's like we're intellectual opposites. I'm always questioning things and don't really care what official people like scientists have to say. Sure, their input helps but at the end of the day a brilliant Phd scientist can be just as full of shit about something as some hood passed out in a bowl of chili at a biker bar. When they say there are no aliens visiting here that means about as much to me as when someone tells me rocks can't fall from the sky. Oh wait, that was scientists too.

And it amuses me that scientists are so confident that if an alien race were secretly visiting here that they wouldn't be able to pull if off without science finding out about it. Pretty egotistical. If a type 3 civilization like Michio Kaku likes to talk about is visiting here there is no flippin' way almighty science would know unless they wanted them to know (They probably wouldn't even be able to catch a type 1 in the act.). Just look at some of the aspects of the phenomenon that are commonly reported: walking through walls, invisibility, mind control, something akin to paralysis, craft passing through solid material and being able to change shape and size at will, memory erasing, etc.. Even the most common themes of UFO reports make science fiction films pale in comparison. The guys in Star Trek and Star Wars seem like cavemen compared to these accounts. Now just for the sake of argument pretend those reports are real and that the perpetrators don't want to be proven. How in the hell is science going to be able to prove it when something like that is deliberately avoiding it? They wouldn't be able to, simple as that.
---------- Post added at 09:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 AM ----------
Speaking of Kaku, that guy is a scientist and is open-minded about all kinds of things. Why can't science-loving debunkers pick him as a role model rather than guys like Menzel or Dunning?