Aaron LeClair
Paranormal Maven
DBTrek said:Read both of those. The second one (sciam) doesn't claim that the print was made by Australopithecus afarensis. In fact, it points out several problems with the claim that the print was made by afarensis.
To quote, they state:
The key bone used to identify the maker of the 3.7 million year old footprints comes from a species that existed 1.8 million years ago. That leaves the small problem of explaining how H. habilis travelled back in time 1.9 million years to make these footprints.
It seems we currently lack sufficient data to explain this phenomena.
Second link:
"Experts have generally come to agree, however, that the tracks probably belong to members of the species Australopithecus afarensis, the hominid most famously represented by the Lucy fossil. Now new research is calling even that conclusion into question."
Yes, some question it too. Notice I put "experts" in quotes previously. That was to show that others call them experts, not necessarily me.