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There's some good points and not so good points. Like the quantization of consciousness, which I tried to introduce here a number of posts ago and that also generated almost no interest. The idea that math and science can lead us to incorrect conclusions is also something I've been saying for about as long as I've been posting here; and that same claim in the video is in itself somewhat ironic in the sense that some of the seemingly misunderstood aspects of quantum theory have been used to substantiate the idea of biocentrism, which can only be given credence when viewed from an entirely subjective perspective that ultimately leads us into the same nonsensical philosophy we've been past several times already, which is the idea of subjective idealism.
Fabulous. Just fabulous... Owl "Who! Who! Well, I see you two cannot be taught. As I always say a waist is a terrible thing to mind. "
Well I took some of Stephen's advice and been doing a lot of reading lately but still not enough. It's a heavy go. But I do complement you all as the material in this last version of your discussion is quite exceptional and highly informative. It has guided a lot of my thinking still so thank you all. I haven't seen this man in your Panpsychist discussion yet but you may find his ideas of interest as he tries to connect the drive to interact across the macro and micro levels.
Btw the hundred acre wood narratives deserve to be their own book - witty and insightful plus great visuals.
Contextual Semantics in Quantum Mechanics from a Categorical Point of View
Karakostas, Vassilios and Zafiris, Elias (2017) Contextual Semantics in Quantum Mechanics from a Categorical Point of View. Synthese, 194 (3). pp. 847-886. ISSN 0039-7857 ... Contextual Semantics in Quantum Mechanics from a Categorical Point of View - Philsci-ArchiveContextual Semantics in Quantum Mechanics from a Categorical Point of View - Philsci-Archive ...
? Try to make sense, Randall.
Minding the Gap: Epistemology & Philosophy of Science in the Two Traditions
By Christopher Norris
Minding the Gap
Here's the summary in a one liner:
"In our approach, therefore, the reason that a proposition is true is because it designates an objectively existing state of affairs, albeit of a contextual nature."
Makes perfect sense to me. What's next?
Very interesting ... I found a good review on the Notre Dame site of another book by Norris and also this spirited defense of philosophy in the face of a recent attack by Stephen Hawking that Norris wrote for Philosophy Now:
Hawking contra Philosophy | Issue 82 | Philosophy Now