I don't think information is an abstract term at all. However, the hypothesis that (integrated) information constitutes the mind is currently unproven.
I do think direct communication between brains/minds is feasible. However, via what mechanism this would occur I don't know. What I don't think is possible is for one mind to be someone else's mind, even momentarily.
I don't think anyone is claiming one mind could be another ... ? You originally wrote:
"I'm anticipating some confusion, so here's more:
Why can't I feel Smcder's feelings?
Answer: Because brains don't feel feelings, they make them!
Once my brain generates the feeling of anger, this feeling does not need to be "felt" by my brain nor some mental, Soupie homunculus. Once my brain generates anger, that's it. That's my anger. That anger is me, my mental me. I am anger.
This anger can't therefore float over to smcder so his brain can "feel" it, if my brain doesn't feel it, his certainly won't either. Furthermore, this anger won't float over to smcder so some mental, smcder homunculus can "feel" my feeling.
My feeling is. It stands alone."
So there you wrote:
"This anger can't therefore float over to smcder so his brain can "feel" it, if my brain doesn't feel it, his certainly won't either."
But now you write:
"I do think direct communication between brains/minds is feasible."
You were right about the confusion! Please sharpen my saw!! ;-)
Also, where do your feelings originate? In meditation we focus on the breath and wait ... Not long! ... For feelings to arise ... Then we watch them, dropping the "story line" - which means we don't engage in telling ourselves stories about why we have these feelings ... And we see that they pass and we return to the breath.
I have noticed that not all of my feelings have stories ... Sometimes they just arise ... When I am in certain places with certain kinds of people. (Often in churches for example) or around certain people I get feelings that seem quite alien to me. I talked to my mother who is incredibly empathic (she was a therapist and a Chaplin) and she experiences the same thing. As a result she lives am isolated life, as do I.
Prosaic explanations proliferate. (PEP)