Conversational and street hypnosis rely on these various methods - and show that the conscious mind is easily bypassed ... in one of the talks on a vidao I was watching - the speaker is addressing one of the attendees and basically makes him forget what he, the speaker, just said, so when the man questions something, he says "ok, what did I just say?" and the man can't even speak coherently and then just starts laughing ... the funny thing was I couldn't rememeber either, I had to play it back and listen very closely.
In terms of getting people to do what they might not ordinarily do, in street hypnosis, someone can convince you that for example you have their wallet and so you quite willingly (and confused, embarassed at why you have their wallet) hand it over, if you can control the context the person thinks they are in - you can get someone to do pretty much anything.
A coouple of other interesting things I've worked with are reading hypnosis, so you read a hypnotic script aloud to yourself and writing hypnosis, where you write yourself into a hypnotic trance.
In terms of getting people to do what they might not ordinarily do, in street hypnosis, someone can convince you that for example you have their wallet and so you quite willingly (and confused, embarassed at why you have their wallet) hand it over, if you can control the context the person thinks they are in - you can get someone to do pretty much anything.
A coouple of other interesting things I've worked with are reading hypnosis, so you read a hypnotic script aloud to yourself and writing hypnosis, where you write yourself into a hypnotic trance.