Paranormal Adept
I've noted this distinction in this discussion myself. In different language of course.In the brain ... in the world
To clarify, Gallagher compares this to a question discussed earlier in the book:
- Koch was answering how consciousness is generated in the brain
- Frith answered when or in what circumstances consciousness is generated in the world
How are subpersonal causal mechanisms and personal level intentionality integrated in action?
I'm more interested in the former while several participants are more interested in the latter.
I'm also very keen on the discussion between Gallagher and Marcel you quote later. I would like to read this book someday.
The brain, as an intentional system, is a meaning making system. Some participants in this thread seem dubious that meaning-making could "emerge" from physical processes whether organic or silicon. I see no metaphysical reasons to doubt meaning can emerge from physical processes.
Re The hard problem and meaning making
In the paper I wrote about consciousness and posted @Pharoah Google page, I hypothesized that phenomenal consciousness is meaning. That is, feeling, ie, what-it's-like, is identical to the intentional-brain-system recognizing—or assigning meaning—to a stimulus.
That is, when a brain-system determines a stimulus is about something, it is at that moment that the stimulus "feels" like something.
The non-blue perceiving tribe comes to mind.