Paranormal Adept
Constance, what you continue to fail to recognize is that information is always physically embodied (leading some to say that information is physical).It seems to me that it is not 'information' interacting with information off-stage in the background of life [inside the neurons] that can describe or account for the activity, the seeking behavior, the felt texture of existence, and the semiotic systems expressed from it out of which individuals and species take their stage of consciousness as far as it can go.
However, it is also known that information is not the messenger.
This is an apparent contradiction. The mainstream says: information is physical, but it transcends its physical carrier.
Thus, information presents a natural duality into the world.
There is no "abstract" information floating around in the background. Information is always embodied by physical processes, and yet it manages to transcend these physical processes. It is a mystery, is it not?
The similarities to consciousness and mind—the embodiment and transcendence, indeed the duality—is striking.
It may turn out that mind is not constituted of embodied information, but it most certainly has not and can not be ruled out at the present moment.