Paranormal Adept
It seems abundantly self-evident that the experience of pleasure motivates people to acquire that which causes it, and one of the primary experiences in that department is the sexual experience, which just so happens to be intimately connected to the survival of the species, and could therefore be considered a crucial component of that drive. It's also well established fact that the opposite ( the experience of pain ) causes withdrawal from the cause, and that also provides incentives not to become injured or starved, again playing a crucial role in survival.
In this context I really don't see what the big mystery of "why" is all about. It's obvious. Overdetermination is irrelevant because subjective experience happens regardless. Not everything in the universe abides by maxims like Overdetermination or Ockham's Razor. They're not physical laws. They're just points to ponder. Is there some finer point you are trying to make with your line of questionin
I did ... mental causation ...
Can anyone else give it a go? I've bern through this several times.