. . . on page nine now . . . 

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I don't disagree that we actually agree more than we disagree.So I don't think we necessarily disagree
I said that in response to your statement that "The only thing that is objectively real are the physical particles in the here and now."Actually you were the one who mentioned particles as they related to vibrations and temperature.
This is a topic I've been wanting to discuss here, so I'll have to go back and read this discussion!smcder said:Definitions of Spirituality
Spirituality, for me, is the sense of the depth of our existential being as an integrated part of the world's being. Various types of human experience provide partial and temporary access to extensions of the integrated being in which we participate into regions beyond the margins of what is available to us in ordinary perception.
@Tyger summed it up well when he posted: The simple concept of the organism as a formed machine is then replaced by the more general concept of it as a dynamical system.
My argument is that all of objective reality is a dynamical system. I would go so far as to say, unless matter/energy interacted with - "observed" - itself, it literally wouldn't exist. Objective reality = Interaction. No interaction, no objective reality.
According to consensus science, particles in the universe are in a default state of potential, and when they interact with other particles, i.e., when they are observed by humans, they are realized. To me, this means that objective reality is an analog, cybernetic, dynamical system that cannot be digitized/reduced/frozen but must be considered as a whole.
I had asked how people gather sensory data during OBEs if they don't have a body (eyes, ears, nose, etc.).You might search the web for subtle or etheric bodies - on this thread, I posted a transcript of John Hagelin on Buddha at the Gas Pump podcast discussing "shadow matter" in relation to etheric bodies -that might be of some interest, you could also try an image search for any of these terms to bring up diagrams. ... Let us know what you find out.
Tyger has the dubious distinction of being the first person on the Paracast to make it onto my ignore list.
Also, I don't think there is a "here and now;" it seems that objective reality, rather, is composed of past, present, and future all at once.
Though a common theme in pop-science, that idea that objective reality is composed of past, present, and future all at once, is logically flawed in any respect other than a mathematical or abstract sense. If you think otherwise, where is your evidence?
I think we may be talking about different concepts.Objective reality is the physical realm in which we exist, whereas things like relationships between various elements within that realm are based on concepts or ideas, and are therefore mental constructs. ... Neither are relevant to our discussion of what constitutes an objective versus a subjective reality because what we're talking about is the difference between physical constructs and mental constructs.
I think you're missing my point (a moot point at this point): You're saying that OR consists of only things and not the state of things. You say that a particle is a thing; what I'm saying is that a particle is not a thing, but the state of a thing. What thing? Perhaps a field, perhaps a wave, perhaps a string.A particle itself is only information in the sense that it belongs to a set of things that is organized in a meaningful way to someone or something. It is not in and of itself information. Rather it is a "thing".
Like your appeal to relativity, you're viewing OR from the perspective of a local observer. To us humans, reality appears to consist of the "here and now" but that may simply be our Subjective Reality.Though a common theme in pop-science, that idea that objective reality is composed of past, present, and future all at once, is logically flawed in any respect other than a mathematical or abstract sense.
Firstly, I'm not sure what the posting etiquette is here at the Paracast regarding on/off topic posts. I fear we are way off topic. If I'm out-of-line, I hope someone will let me know.
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Firstly, I'm not sure what the posting etiquette is here at the Paracast regarding on/off topic posts. I fear we are way off topic. If I'm out-of-line, I hope someone will let me know.
"Where is your evidence?" A question more people here should be asking you, Randall, given the many unique (actually bizarre) physical certainties you claim without ever providing their scientific pedigrees. Your most recent post responding to soupie is a good example, but there was another yesterday I think that similarly left me wondering what planet you are from.
I had asked how people gather sensory data during OBEs if they don't have a body (eyes, ears, nose, etc.).
Based on reading a few accounts from this archive, it appears that many (most?) people experience having a non-physical body during an OBE, or absent that, they reported their 5 senses working perfectly and/or better. I do get the sense though that not everyone experiences a non-physical body. (I don't know how reliable these accounts are. I'm not sure where to find more reliable ones.)
all this talk of hallucinations in 'sane people yada yada, how many people here have ever hallucinated, how here know someone who has hallucinated, nil and nil, ffs get a grip people.
@ufology sed: In this context the only part of the Oxford definition that applies is the phrase, "The state of things as they actually exist ..." However the qualifier, "... "rather than as they may appear or might be imagined." is not applicable to the context of our discussion.Soupie said:Reality is defined on Wikipedia via the Oxford English Dictionary as: The state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.
I don't know about "safely" concluding, but yes, I agree. Where we disagree is in regards to limiting reality to only physical objects at any given Planck Unit.We are only aware of it by way of our sensory perception, and from the study of that, we can safely conclude that there is an objective reality out there beyond the confines of our immediate physical selves.
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Now this will really blow your mind!
Objective Reality - Some people think bunnies are cute.
Subjective Consensus Reality - Bunnies are cute!
Subjective Private Reality - Bunnies are evil!!!
I don't know about "safely" concluding, but yes, I agree. Where we disagree is in regards to limiting reality to only physical objects at any given Planck Unit.
There is no difference between a hallucination and normal experience. The mechanism is the same. Your experience of seeing these words displayed before you now is rendered in your brain in the same manner as a pink elephant would be created and presented to your conciousness.