You don't seriously believe that do you?
Isn't that the point of scientific enquiry?
we don't see things "as they are". Nor do we all see the same things. We can only observe things through the limitation of our senses. We can't see X-rays or dark matter or 90 % of the observable universe but we use our imagination to invent systems and devices to observe these things but still can only see data through the limitation of our senses. I'm not going to go into Hume and phenomenal variability.
If we are using our mind wether it's kooky religious explanations, occult science or general scientific endeavour , then the starting point is how do we explain our selves first and consciousness? and as far as the scientific community is concerned (quantum neuropsychology aside)it is yet to explain or make headway into explaining consciousness. If we are going to start talking about the stuff which is not in our material plain like the stuff in our heads then the best people at explaining consciousness and it's effects and the human condition is Art and Artists, writers, musicians Etc.. And if you want to be pedantic then application of the scientific method in art and the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity to will is the realm of occult tradition which even to the laymen cannot be generalised and put in the same lot as religious doctrine or mediums and witch doctors but the realms of Greco-roman mystery schools, Christian and Jewish cabalists and all those Indo/Asian mathematic cults. While people were waging wars and praying to gods, it was the secret schools which had to occult ideas such as mathematics and alchemical chemistry in the face of a fascist paradigm .
It is worth to bear in mind that the enemy here is a dogmatic belief and a rigid enforced paradigm. We have to be open to ideas but understand that those that have gone before have created maps to consciousness and have given us methodology to test ideas.
Unfortunately some people have a convoluted highly misplaced idea of what science is and what it can achieve, it isn't about truth or hard facts, facts themselves have a half life anyway , science just sets up a model of the world as a best guess and sees if the world matches it . Be more humble. Unfortunately this is seen as failing and an "in" on the part of religious creationist nut jobs and pseudo science quantum esp coast2coast types .
It seems in this thread like in all threads they degenerate into ego battles, blind contradiction and confused definitions based on the loaded expectations and personal interpretations people have on language. thus in part due to how we see the world through words. Some see religion as a made up twisted doctrine enforcing power control and masochism of catholic priests some may see it as the belief in something else a tool to get me through a dense fog a guiding light help and solace in the Dave if the unknowable . Is there a way or rules or tried and tested methods to interpret the words which construct reality? I leave that up to however you set your filters and how you learn to spell and load those words .
Ironically we all base our interpretation of this reality at present via language. When people start talking about religion and science I get scared and I see a battle between Darwinists and creationists. I know that this isn't the issue at present but it is real and present danger in our classrooms. If I keep this in mind then this may color my view and belief. Ironically it is a spiritual path which when properly adhered to allows for the introspection and checking of ones ego and prejudices .
Anyway the real talk about consciousness and the only science making any new discoveries that are exciting and important and at all relevant is neuroscience .
Great Post nameless, your feelings appear to be closer to mine. Although I have no great love for "organized religion" I do recognize that it....just like any other concept...can be used to either Persue an agenda or provide a answer or direction or both. I would Argue that even if there was no such thing as religion people would use psuedo science or even science itself to furthur their means, be it good or bad. It's the way of man and maybe alien, because if there is such thing as an alien race that is visiting us I wouldn't count on the fact that their advanced science doesn't mean that they wouldn't have a nefarious agenda.
It's funny that you mentioned nueroscience, maybe even a coincidence.

because I recently contacted the ucla school of nueroscience to see if they need any guinea pigs. I want to find out about me if possible, if they take outside subjects. I don't know if the department would share their findings or just throw you a few dollars for your time, I'm not interested in the money, I want to find out what makes me tick, specifically my dopamine levels.
The one thing I would always go to bat for in the field of paranormal concepts is synchronicity. I've talked about it many times,when I was young I would always tell my mom I could predict the future because I would think of something and it would happen. Other things I have always "experienced" is what I can only refer to is an enhanced realization of time, vivid dreams that I can recall with ease and interact with and to a lesser degree, deja vu. As a kid from what I can remember I did experience a few paranormal experiences that people are family with ghosts, shadow people and such but that hasn't happened in decades. I bring this up because too much dopamine can bring on schizophrenia which is a condition that can bring on such experiences, I now wonder if I flirted with being a border line schizophrenic but something had reset, I know I had only then undiagnosed conditions I.e. adhd and such.
From what I understand the one thing that ties all this together Is a healthy supply of dopamine, and so I know need to know what my load is. I know there are simple tests for this but I need feedback not just numbers. I hope I can achieve this. The thing is, I still am open minded about many things and not at all threatened by the fact that all this "spookiness" I've experienced over the years may just come down to being constantly drugged. I'll even open myself up to maybe just maybe, like our ideas of dmt, maybe it's not so much being drugged as much as being more open or perceptive to such experiences. Either way, whatever the results I'm good with it. I hope I do have a surplus level of dopamine in my system and I hope it stays that way forever. Even if it takes me away from the paranormal field I'm ok with that because there is a history of both parkinsons and Alzheimer's in my recent family tree and a good supply of dopamine is what would hold that off.