Paranormal Adept
Consciousness Experiements
My brother at the time was, (and still is), a follower of a guru, and practiced meditation quite often. The reason I mention this is because it helped to save his life. You see, his injuries were so severe that the surgeons could not anesthetize him, fearing he would go into shock, and die. So as he lies there on the table, having lost most of his blood, with an incision from his navel to his spine, and having his kidney, spleen, and other things removed, (twenty-two pounds worth), he meditated. He told me that during the experience, he had left his body and was looking down on himself being operated on, in great detail. To the extent of what surgical instruments were being used by which surgeons, on what organs, how many surgeons and nurses there were, and their appearance. He also described the instruments on the surgical cart, and the manner in which they were arranged. There was also something about the description of a timepiece which one of the surgeons was wearing, during a visit after the surgery. The accounts were so detailed and uncanny that he was later interviewed by the surgeons, and the event was documented, and published in a medical journal, although I don’t know which one. About a week later after the initial surgery he was in the ICU when one of his lungs had collapsed, and he had flat lined, but was resuscitated. The physicians thinking my brother was a goner, called my parents to the hospital. This was the event in which he had another out of body experience where he said he was going toward the infamous light, but something told him it wasn’t time yet. This event could have been the result of massive amounts of DMT which is released by the pineal gland during the death process, according to Rick Strassman. Anyway, my brother is still around, meditates, and occasionally golfs.
I have read that there are fifteen hospitals which now have cameras in their ER’s, conducting studies in OBE’s. I just thought that this OBE might interest you, coming from someone who was close to the event.
In 1968, during the Mexico Summer Olympics my oldest brother was working nights at a convenience store, a few blocks away from a major metropolitan hospital. He had just turned twenty-one at the time. A man walked in, and asked for a case of beer which was back in the cooler. As my brother leaned over, and for reasons unknown, the man stabbed my brother in the back with a knife which had a seven-inch blade, glancing off his spine, then piercing his kidney, lung, and spleen. The man left the store, leaving my brother alone, and bleeding to death on the floor. My brother got up off the floor, pulled the knife from his back, and made his way to the front counter. It just so happened that an off duty nurse needed something from the store and walked in. Needless to say he was in the ER within minutes. The first surgery lasted fourteen hours, and a specialist was flown in from Texas.Ultimately I think people might be interested in OBE's and or remote viewing.
I think there is a Paracast episode on remote viewing.
Training mind might be a must here, learning to focus. Perhaps a daily ritual of meditation should be included.
Baby steps, 10 minuet meditations to start.
There are practices that are suppose to open your "3rd eye". Like kundalini yoga. I've occasionally do Kundalini yoga and i find when we do exorcises to work on our head chakras.. and, no, i have no idea what there called, i don't really study that sort of thing.. the top of my head can get warm as well as the center of the forehead, and i feel very "out of it".. so that might be interesting to work on as well.
---------- Post added at 06:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 PM ----------
listen mindfuly
It's kinda long but interesting... he does go into some questions that regard issues that might arise during meditation. Please heed these questions. And he will give us some techniques.
Thanks Hotkafka and Angelo for steering me to this site. It is very extensive.
My brother at the time was, (and still is), a follower of a guru, and practiced meditation quite often. The reason I mention this is because it helped to save his life. You see, his injuries were so severe that the surgeons could not anesthetize him, fearing he would go into shock, and die. So as he lies there on the table, having lost most of his blood, with an incision from his navel to his spine, and having his kidney, spleen, and other things removed, (twenty-two pounds worth), he meditated. He told me that during the experience, he had left his body and was looking down on himself being operated on, in great detail. To the extent of what surgical instruments were being used by which surgeons, on what organs, how many surgeons and nurses there were, and their appearance. He also described the instruments on the surgical cart, and the manner in which they were arranged. There was also something about the description of a timepiece which one of the surgeons was wearing, during a visit after the surgery. The accounts were so detailed and uncanny that he was later interviewed by the surgeons, and the event was documented, and published in a medical journal, although I don’t know which one. About a week later after the initial surgery he was in the ICU when one of his lungs had collapsed, and he had flat lined, but was resuscitated. The physicians thinking my brother was a goner, called my parents to the hospital. This was the event in which he had another out of body experience where he said he was going toward the infamous light, but something told him it wasn’t time yet. This event could have been the result of massive amounts of DMT which is released by the pineal gland during the death process, according to Rick Strassman. Anyway, my brother is still around, meditates, and occasionally golfs.
I have read that there are fifteen hospitals which now have cameras in their ER’s, conducting studies in OBE’s. I just thought that this OBE might interest you, coming from someone who was close to the event.