It only shows that black and white solutions don't work. But when politics are thrown into the picture, shades of gray become impossible to discuss.
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I liked your post just because you alluded to me in a manner that preserves my reputation as a rabble-rouserOf course Randall will dispute all this, but in light of the erratic testing in the U.S., it's very likely far more people have been infected than has been estimated. Could be several times more.
Fauci: 'There's No Doubt' COVID-19 Deaths Have Been Undercounted In U.S.
A recent study counted 905,000 coronavirus deaths in the U.S., nearly double the amount recorded by federal health
It's obvious SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab, but to prevent all the associated political fallout, they've done a lot of damage control.In the European press, they are not still ruling out that COVID came from a lab in China...
Obviousness in this context is an expression that doesn't mean the same as "provable". It's like "We know he did it, but we can't prove it." Also I'll admit that to the general public, it's also not obvious. You need to dig, but for anyone who looks close enough at the facts as we know them, it is totally obvious in this context.Possible, yes. Obvious, no unless you look at the conspiracies that claim China did it all deliberately to screw up the rest of the world that they need for commerce and to grow their economies.