One more thing:
Nothing he did would have prevented it from happening, but if he did his job, we wouldn't have over 46,000 people dead in the US as the result of the pandemic, as of the morning of April 22, 2020.
People would have died, but Trump could have acted in accordance with what his own people, including CDC, told him. Every single death beyond what it could have been is on him and the jerks who follow the Pied Piper of the Oval Office.
No, testing is not perfect. It wasn't perfect when he said it was last month, and the biggest delay in getting the economy restored is Trump's refusal to act promptly to use the powers he has to step up testing.

An Oral History of the Pandemic Warnings Trump Ignored
The president says “nobody ever expected a thing like this,” but dire predictions have been heaped on leaders for decades.
Nothing he did would have prevented it from happening, but if he did his job, we wouldn't have over 46,000 people dead in the US as the result of the pandemic, as of the morning of April 22, 2020.
People would have died, but Trump could have acted in accordance with what his own people, including CDC, told him. Every single death beyond what it could have been is on him and the jerks who follow the Pied Piper of the Oval Office.
No, testing is not perfect. It wasn't perfect when he said it was last month, and the biggest delay in getting the economy restored is Trump's refusal to act promptly to use the powers he has to step up testing.