One reason a "experiment" would not covince anybody is played out everyday. People such as Sheldrake and Echols and Rhine and many others have given statisitcal evidence many times and over many, many years. Yet, other folks look at it and scoff and run their own "bias" experiments and come up with conflicting data or say "well ya didn't hit everyone so that means it don't work." I don't consider "dreams" to be a window on the future in a Slyvia Browne soothsayer manner. I can assure you my dreams do indeed all have meaning. However, many times a more Frudiean explanaton fits many of them. My point has always simply been this. I was told (not by anybody on this board) long ago that there was ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, NOT EVEN ONCE for a closed system such as the brain to predict an event that hasn't even happened yet. So, for me after that statement by a so called "mainstream" loving science fan I had to conclude that it meant there was no way to predict the future. Now, I had a dream and I knew "symbolically" what it meant. Still, that was proof only to me (see bias in previous discussion) So, that didn't really (well it did to me but not to the skeptic) discount the closed biological chemical system. However, later I had a dream and the events were not symbolic at all. Every last event actually happened and it concerned a car accident and no I was not driving either car. It happened to the letter. So, that told me that at least the dogmatic statement that I had previoulsy been hammered with was false. That's the problem with fundies. Be they religious or materilaist. It only takes "one" opposite truth to give the lie to the whole damn thing. So, that is where I part ways with the folks who think it's only a brain fart. According to the one brain, one experience folks I could not by any stretch of reality have had the experiences that I've had.
Finally, the other problem with stats and experiments and convincing folks with numbers. Now, I got in trouble with the Darwain police the last time I said something like I am about to say. So, let me hasten to add right away that I do "believe" in the evolution of life on planet earth. So, back away from the damn axe and put the hood away.
But, the truth is it can't be "proven" in the strictist sense of the word. I have seen enough and learned enough in school to take it as a matter of faith and the best explanation so far for the life and diversity we see on planet earth. But, I have read and heard people with lots of letters after their names (sorry but in my profession lots of letters after your name is good
Anyway, many of these folks find fault with the theory of evolution even to the point of wanting to jettison the whole thing and start over. Now, many of them have a religous bias and I admit that. But, not all of them do. Point is even if you and I accept it you could never convince them of it and win a millin dollar challenge from them any more than anybody will ever win the Randi challenge. Bias is always a two way street.