more drama!
from arts restored FB..'
I wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed:
"Free Art Bell from non-compete with Sirius XM satellite radio"
link removed by vesvehighfolk
I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes just a few seconds of your time.
Arts response;
You all will never know how much I feel for you for what you are doing in trying to support me
but I am going to ask you to stop. This will only make matters worse.
Here is the bottom line, this is a job I took only because of my love of Radio, not for the money,
heck 75K is not ever going to make me rich and if Sirius does not want me they sure will not take
me because their Web Site is messed... up, it will most likely just piss them off. That does not change
the love I fell for all of you for trying.
I still feel I was right in my decision to halt what I felt had no real way forward and would make the
same decision again today, I only took that decision after receiving a no to any further remedy.
Truly I do not understand why they would say no to me wanting a way to stream, then turn around and
replace me with Coast which is doing exactly what I wanted to do, maybe they we just pissed. Either way
thank you for what you are trying to to, I love you all, but please stop.
soo Art after quiting was replaced by coast.. how much more drama can we take folks?