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David Huggins & Jim Moseley (Nov 15th 2009)

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On the smell point though, it's a commonly reported feature of abductions that the creatures smell "funny". This is variable depending both on the creature encountered and the person telling it as either sulphurous, moldy, like wet paper, burnt cinnamon or something else. The noted absence of any smell AT ALL is at the very least suspicious.
Isn't that normally Grays though? I get the impression that this girl was some sort of hybrid. Also, isn't it normally sulfur? I always note that due to Biblical texts...
I think too, that those associated smells are often described as being the atmosphere of the whatever craft the person find themselves on and not the beings themselves. As for Huggins not recognizing or remembering a smell, may be the entity didn't have one to remember...

I'll tell you what I do know. No one here knows without doubt.
And I find that totally fair of you. Nine times out of ten I don't believe in insanity or mental disorder... before medication that is. I actually struggled with why I was getting that vibe from him. Unfortunately, I often learned in the past that when I ignore my intuition, I'm led astray. You make a really good point though... perhaps it's a chicken or the egg scenario....

Thanks, and I'm the EXACT same way with my intuition. Even things like take the phone into the kitchen with me, and then it rings and it's my wife. Just little things.

I have ignored the big warnings in the past, and they were always right.

But getting back to this guy. I don't believe his story. I want to make that clear... not as he's telling it. But, there are aspects that hit a nerve with me, and makes me wonder where he got that from. He could have read it... or even dreamed it. It might be dreams, but like prophetic dreams, only since he was dreaming, he was in it. But he is dreaming about actual things. And I say that because I have the regular boring and even odd, but normal dreams like everyone.

Then I have the Jungian "Big Dreams". Those are extremely abstract and full of symbolism. They are clearly not dreams that originated in my head, since they often give me some info I didn't know, but in a weird way, like it's putting on a play. It can't be literal, it has to use symbolism and metaphor.

I've been having some very unusual experiences the past few months, involving a kind of remote viewing. And oftentimes, this is in a state between wakefulness and sleep. There seem to be al altered state that happens then. So you know the difference between a dream and what's happening, because your mind and body are awake.

I'll post some of these experiences soon, but they have gotten very strange. If I didn't know I was sane, I'd wonder! And that makes me aware that this is a very strange world we live in. And that's only because we have lost the beliefs in these things. They used to be part of nature... this was odd, but normal. Everyone accepted this was just the way the world was.

Then we got scientific. But our science doesn't operate in the same reality as these phenomena, so we have nothing to measure, so we convince ourselves none of this is real. Then people become neurotic, depressed and go on meds because they think they are crazy, and the press ridicules those who see UFOs or talk to some strange entities.

Science s good, of course. But we need to see there is more to reality than we know about, and some of it doesn't fit our ideas about the way things work. Not yet anyway. I was reading someone on the Big Bang, and what was before the Big Bang, and the answer is... nothing. There was nothing before the Big Bang, no space and no time.

So... that begs the questions, where did the single point that became the Big Bang come from, and where was/is it?
Man, I really don't know about this one. I'm far from convinced that all that stuff happened to him, but the issue for me is whether he is making it up or whether he believes it all happened.

I spent the majority of the interview thi king that Huggins made it all up. And I'm still mostly leaning in that direction, but a couple of his responses toward the end mDe me think that he might at least believe what he is claiming.

I'm highly skeptical though.
I heard that internally they refer to this as the "get to to know Biedny in ways you never thought you would" episode.
Not to be an ass kisser here, but I think that Biedny's questioning during this episode was keen and incisive. Make him go off script, that's clearly the ticket with these people. Well done.

I think that worked well with Jim Sparks, who obviously had prepared an elaborate tale of alien encounters. When David asked Sparks a question for which he hadn't rehearsed, one could almost hear the brain cells fry as he tried to think of a response that wouldn't contradict the rest of his story.

It was interesting (and kind of fun) to watch Sparks's story get shot down like a clay pigeon. But Dragnet-style interrogation cannot be the only tool with which researchers approach experiencer cases.

I think that Sparks was a liar. Say what you will about Huggins, he does seem to believe his own account. So labeling them both as "these people" is needlessly hostile and only muddies the truth; they're two very different people with different experiences.

Not being able to say whether the aliens had tongues doesn't prove that Huggins is lying, but it certainly suggests that, if he had these experiences, he had them in an altered state of consciousness where important details might be lost or unclear.

(In my day, I kissed a few fellows whose style was so poor that they probably couldn't say whether I had a tongue, either.)
Wow, that was the second episode which was definitely explicit but then again, I don't think that modern teens have any discomfort listening such conversation at any point :-)
The story sounds interesting but when I heard multiple times in response to questions, to which 99.9% of people would answer 'yes! I would like to know!' or 'I'm dying to know the reason' I heard quite opposite I couldn't help myself but to recall this phrase at 7:06
After listening, a few thoughts.

There are two aspects of Mr. Huggins story I found most interesting. The first was when he was talking about holding one of his Hybrid (rather transgenic) children. He mentions he dropped it, which in turn set off a whole chain of events. This is the -fourth- time I have heard of this, the dropping of a presented 'hybrid' infant. This may be the second time for any of you who have read the Case Study thread...

"Then after a while, there was a Child all Lovely and Fair put into my Arms; it was all naked, of a smooth shining Skin; I could not see who it was that disposed it to me, but it was unexpectedly let down into my Arms. I thought it to be very Weighty, though but little; so passing to go away with it, it suddainly slipped through my Arms unto the Ground, at which I gave a great Screek, and with great Fear and Concern, took it up again without much Damage."
Jane Leade, March 11th, 1677"

I shared this bit in a private forum a few years ago, and two others (both women) said the same thing happened to them. Y'all can believe that or not, but it is truth. A small detail...one which seems strange to make up or fabricate.

The second also relates to the case study. The bit about the "Phoenix" type vision or encounter. Something Betty Andreasson described as well...

"I did see a Vision, which was thus presented, as the form of a Hand, which seemed to be grasped very close: out of which sprung a living Creature, peeping through the Fingers, and so by degrees did quite break through the Fingers. First appeared the Head, as in the Likeness of a young Dove; but the Body was of the colour of a Ruby, having Wings and Fire-sparkling Eyes: which as soon as it got through the Hand, it mounted away as into the Air, where I saw it no more. This thing seemed very strange to me, and for some days the meaning was concealed, having other Ideas intervening, wherein my Intellectuals were exercised. But this being brought to remembrance, there was something considerable to be understood from it, as by the Spirit of Wisdom and Light was made out very significantly." ~ Jane Leade - April 20nd, 1677

I'm not sure it's prudent to take at face value the claim of physical relations with these entities. While Huggins may have felt a sensual physicality to it, he also described being drawn into the eyes of the being at the same time. So if he was drawn into the eyes, maybe it was simply role play and not actual physical intercourse. Not to put too fine a pun on it, but is it possible he was, shall we say, being jerked around by a Grey while lost in those eyes? A follow-up question might have been, "does he always get lost in those eyes?"

I did get a kick out of the ease at which Biedny took Huggins 'remembrance' as factual because Huggins himself says it was (and I don't doubt that to him it was, but that doesn't mean it was) and chased after the "lubricant" angle with... ummm... gusto. Same with the "Tongue" question, assuming a French kiss rather than a more mundane peck on the lips. The words "platonic" and, I believe, "clinical" were mentioned here but I'm not sure in what respect. I sensed a bit of confusion.

I will listen again as I think there is more to this one than failure of the "smell" test.
This certainly was a different show. I was listening to it while falling asleep and in brief periods of consciousness heard words such as "pubic hair", "wet" and "French kissing". Had to check it wasn't "The Pornocast" (just kidding).

I found this guest's story hard to believe too, but who am I to judge never having had a paranormal experience myself.

BTW, David Biedny, what's your favourite perfume for a woman? I smell a hint of an olfactory fixation......just following my nose after I got a sense this was important to you :p
First off "The Fantastic Art Of"... is laughable. This is straight up maybe passable first semester community college beginner art class quality work. Forget the worry over "purgatory in the title guys. Also I guess the biggest lie caught no one, he said at the end when fibbing about wanting less money, that he worked for years in wall street doing graphic-art. Wall street does not use art, clearly his hick like lifestyle wants to be more cosmopolitan, but he meant Madison Avenue.

No matter how friendly and affable you are, the lies comes out, some ignore and enjoy the story, I like the fact someone is looking at this. For me the only difference between this story and say Mike Clelland or Jeff ritzman is, this guy is a horrible story teller. For instance Jeff is much more manipulative and commercial in his lies/delusions, I suspect it's lies to make himself more interesting to people around him, but most of all himself, he get's to live an adventure scientist and philosophers would kill to live, no matter how terrifying he says it is. But I digress, on to the show at hand.

I think the fact his parents where abusive to him and the fact he went to non traditional Holly Roller tent like cult places which could often have snakes and orgies, which would explain if he was a young boy, how he could paint large strong women, if he was a kid and they adult, it would go that way. I think when David hit his high mark and asked him about kissing, really showed how sexually messed up and immature he was by giggling, like he would never french kiss someone, like it would give him koodies along with the fact he made a very incorporate laughing fit when asked about playing with his kids, which was the creepiest part of the show.

I guess my problem is now knowing David didn't buy it for sure cause of his post here, I wish he would have made that clear to the crazy David, I mean I knew as a listener David didn't buy it, but I wanted for once some of these clearly fake guys to have to face real questions and not have a safe interview only accepting if people believe it first hand! He was never directly challenged. I guess it's a fine line, I hate it when David goes after guest and it falls into a gutter fight or he leaves the show or does the great cross examination after the guest is gone. This newish approach David is doing was much more calm pointed and improved, at least in my opinion, I just wish he could have turned it up to 11. He fully deconstructed the guy's story like he was taking apart a puzzle, so kudos for that, after words I just wish he would have finished it off by painting all over the pieces so no one would ever have to look(hear this story) at this false picture again.

For the record while I guess most believers would put me in the James randi Skeptical camp, however just cause I have never heard a credible Alien encounter does not mean I think it's not happening. I often find UFO stories where people see objects like David's believable, well at least the ones out of the country, so I am open to these, which is why I listen to this show, to one day hope to learn something I can put in the real file case book, I suspect if they are visiting us in our lives, we would never know even if one was in the room with us or one of our friends or pets.
This was the oddest show I have heard. Many times I was tempted to turn it off but was waiting for Gene or David to lower the boom on him. There was something in his voice that just kept me listening. Here is a web page where you can see some of the pictures he has done

David Huggins

Keith (Commas are probably the most misunderstood of all punctuation. They frequently dress in black, listen to sad music, and cut themselves.):eek:
Wow, that was the second episode which was definitely explicit but then again, I don't think that modern teens have any discomfort listening such conversation at any point :-)

I spend a lot of time with teenagers and, at least on the intellectual level, there seems to be nothing mysterious about sex for them. I think the Internet has changed everything.
I think the fact his parents where abusive to him and the fact he went to non traditional Holly Roller tent like cult places which could often have snakes and orgies,

Orgies? Did I miss something? That's not what goes on at tent revival meetings.

I suspect if they are visiting us in our lives, we would never know even if one was in the room with us or one of our friends or pets.

It makes you wonder, doesn't it?
He mentions he dropped it, which in turn set off a whole chain of events. This is the -fourth- time I have heard of this, the dropping of a presented 'hybrid' infant.

How fascinating.

I'm not sure it's prudent to take at face value the claim of physical relations with these entities.

Quoted for truth.
First off "The Fantastic Art Of"... is laughable. This is straight up maybe passable first semester community college beginner art class quality work.

I think that's a bit harsh. Huggins is not Caravaggio, but his work seems to be in the tradition of Mexican retablos, naive-style paintings done to memorialize a personal miracle. There are a few in there that I find eerie.
This I got for GRN who asked about what he was missing in those christian tent folks who move from town to town,not the "good" ones, but the freaky bad cult ones, who I guess did harm David as a child.

FBI investigates Coast sex cult

A cult that preaches pedophilia, incest and rape flourishes on the Gold Coast despite international efforts to shut it down

The Courier-Mail, Australia/November 18, 2005
By Tuck Thompson

The FBI is investigating an international cult with strong links to the Gold Coast after a barrage of affidavits from second-generation members who say their lives were ruined by sexual abuse and mind control.

The Family, formerly known as The Children of God, claims it has changed, no longer promotes sex between children and adults and has apologised to past victims, but former members warn it is still recruiting in Queensland.
Eva St John, a Gold Coast resident who quit the cult in 1989 but monitors its activities, estimates it has hundreds of members on the Gold Coast despite its own claims of just a few dozen.

"They're still recruiting and they're still going strong," Ms St John said.

Ms St John has compiled an assortment of literature that showed children involved sexually with adults.
"I usually like to sleep totally nude and free and ready for love . . . when all of a sudden this beautiful, dark-haired girl of about 10 or 11 came and crawled into bed with me!" a passage in one book read.
Heaven's Girl, a book given to home-schooled children, shows a pre-teen girl consenting to rape by several men, exclaiming it was an act of God's love.
Redlands resident [Ms. M], who was born into the cult, said she was forced into sex at the age of 10 when she was living in a cult house in Poland.
"It was expected that if anyone touched you, you just went with it," she said. "If you didn't want to do it, they'd punish you."
Young women were taught to dress seductively and engage in "flirty fishing" – getting money and favours for sex.
Ms St John said she has received death threats by telephone for speaking out against the cult, which has several hundred members in Australia.
The Courier-Mail attempted to speak to two alleged members of the cult at Nerang and Burleigh Waters on Thursday. One hurled profanities at a journalist and the other ran into a supervisor's office.
Taskforce Argos, a pedophilia unit of the Queensland Police, is aware of The Family's activities, but will not comment on any investigations.
The Australian Federal Police is interested in whether cult members are gaining access to child pornography online.
Family International spokeswoman Claire Borowik said the "Christian fellowship" adopted a policy for protecting minors in 1986.