And I find that totally fair of you. Nine times out of ten I don't believe in insanity or mental disorder... before medication that is. I actually struggled with why I was getting that vibe from him. Unfortunately, I often learned in the past that when I ignore my intuition, I'm led astray. You make a really good point though... perhaps it's a chicken or the egg scenario....
Thanks, and I'm the EXACT same way with my intuition. Even things like take the phone into the kitchen with me, and then it rings and it's my wife. Just little things.
I have ignored the big warnings in the past, and they were always right.
But getting back to this guy. I don't believe his story. I want to make that clear... not as he's telling it. But, there are aspects that hit a nerve with me, and makes me wonder where he got that from. He could have read it... or even dreamed it. It might be dreams, but like prophetic dreams, only since he was dreaming, he was in it. But he is dreaming about actual things. And I say that because I have the regular boring and even odd, but normal dreams like everyone.
Then I have the Jungian "Big Dreams". Those are extremely abstract and full of symbolism. They are clearly not dreams that originated in my head, since they often give me some info I didn't know, but in a weird way, like it's putting on a play. It can't be literal, it has to use symbolism and metaphor.
I've been having some very unusual experiences the past few months, involving a kind of remote viewing. And oftentimes, this is in a state between wakefulness and sleep. There seem to be al altered state that happens then. So you know the difference between a dream and what's happening, because your mind and body are awake.
I'll post some of these experiences soon, but they have gotten very strange. If I didn't know I was sane, I'd wonder! And that makes me aware that this is a very strange world we live in. And that's only because we have lost the beliefs in these things. They used to be part of nature... this was odd, but normal. Everyone accepted this was just the way the world was.
Then we got scientific. But our science doesn't operate in the same reality as these phenomena, so we have nothing to measure, so we convince ourselves none of this is real. Then people become neurotic, depressed and go on meds because they think they are crazy, and the press ridicules those who see UFOs or talk to some strange entities.
Science s good, of course. But we need to see there is more to reality than we know about, and some of it doesn't fit our ideas about the way things work. Not yet anyway. I was reading someone on the Big Bang, and what was before the Big Bang, and the answer is... nothing. There was nothing before the Big Bang, no space and no time.
So... that begs the questions, where did the single point that became the Big Bang come from, and where was/is it?