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What the hell is this?
You took the words right out of my mouth. An insinuation perhaps?
My bad. He was actually alluding to a previous post about abuse, which I did not detect because he just stuck this stuff out there without a preamble. I wrote to him and he explained. Oh, well...
On the smell point though, it's a commonly reported feature of abductions that the creatures smell "funny". This is variable depending both on the creature encountered and the person telling it as either sulphurous, moldy, like wet paper, burnt cinnamon or something else. The noted absence of any smell AT ALL is at the very least suspicious.
I'd call it a woody smell... outdoorsy. Like an animal. But earthy, maybe like something underground.
Not strong though.
Strong enough to make note of it though. And again that's based solely on your (presumed) encounters and has no bearing on encounters others have had.
Point is "they" seem to smell and given that sex also generates smells, sex with "them" probably stinks like an open sewer.
This is the -fourth- time I have heard of this, the dropping of a presented 'hybrid' infant. This may be the second time for any of you who have read the Case Study thread...
"Then after a while, there was a Child all Lovely and Fair put into my Arms; it was all naked, of a smooth shining Skin; I could not see who it was that disposed it to me, but it was unexpectedly let down into my Arms. I thought it to be very Weighty, though but little; so passing to go away with it, it suddainly slipped through my Arms unto the Ground, at which I gave a great Screek, and with great Fear and Concern, took it up again without much Damage." Jane Leade, March 11th, 1677"
I shared this bit in a private forum a few years ago, and two others (both women) said the same thing happened to them. Y'all can believe that or not, but it is truth. A small which seems strange to make up or fabricate.
Gen, nice to see you here again...
Huggins is indeed a very nice man, but I don't buy a word of his story, and the reason should be obvious to anyone who actually listened to the episode. There's one key question I asked him - a very simple one - and his answer was the clear evidence that his experiences are NOT objectively real. When you are supposedly involved in intimate sexual relations with someone over a period of many years, you notice how they smell. End of story. Forget all of the other many fallacies of his claims - he never asked them what they heck was going on, he never expressed remorse for not having more access to his many children (yet he claims that he had some sort of severe emotional response to the idea of one of his alien children dying? But he didn't care about the other 59 that he never saw?), he never questioned anything about what they were doing to him - all of that is almost moot, to say that he didn't remember what she smelled like, that's the key. And don't even get me started on the nonsense about him teaching the other two beings how to kiss - romantically - with no tongue. For chrissakes...
I think David H. is an elderly man
Oh thank God. Thank God thank God thank God!! I listen to The Paracast in my car on my way to work (one hour commute, one-way), and I honestly thought the show had jumped the shark. I couldn't tell if D and G were just humoring David H. or were actually buying into what he was saying. I was SO happy to get on here and one of the first posts I see is this one above.
I know it's late, but I thought I'd chime in here with a few observations, just in case anybody's still following this string. First of all, D answered the million-dollar question with the sense of smell. Any biological anthropologist will tell you that smell and scent, (read; pheromones) are a critical trigger for sex. Pheromones are well studied and well documented when it comes to sex. Scent and smell is, too. Believe it or not, for women; cookies and cucumber tend to stimulate the biggest reaction and cucumber and pumpkin for men in the latest study I read up on. I figure rolling around in a garden, then smearing a donut on my junk will get me about any girl out there! But in all seriousness, smell is something you're going to detect SOMEtime. Especially after what, 30+ years of relations with these beings?
That brings up another point and serious problem I have with Huggin's story; decades of intercourse and interaction with these aliens and NO one ever catches a glimpse of them interacting with him? The siblings, spouse, parents....they ALL fail to see any sign of these aliens or their craft, and yet David H. has weekly or monthly encounters? BS. That means these aren't aliens, they're either gods who can manipulate reality or they're figures of the imagination. I've always been amazed at people making claims of contact or abductions that occur "every night" or so for years and years at a time. No video surveillance? No other witnesses. No increased sightings of UFO's, or people waiting in the bushes outside to catch sight of these things? Come on. My very well calibrated (Jose!) BS'o meter has peaked. I do not care how advanced they claim the technology is, if an alien race is contacting a human time and time and time again in this day and age, there's going to be slip-ups, sightings by other people, and evidence caught in one form or another.
I think David H. is an elderly man who's found a niche. He's getting attention with his story and is basking in that attention. Fine, but there is no credibility to his claim, at all. It's all a nice and pretty fantasy, but that's all it is; a fantasy.
In MY fantasy, the aliens have Angelina Jolie lips for LOTS of TONGUE kissing and oral sex. Oh, that reminds me, the show's language was well done, I thought, although I think D needs to use the term "moist" from now on instead of 'wet'. It's a bit more scientific, I think. I also don't remember a lot of description of breast size?
In the end I'm glad to see that Mr. Huggins' had been humored, but was not in the least bit believed.
Just listening to this episode now. Oh dear. I doubt he's met aliens, but he's definitely on a different planet to most of us. I think this poor man needs help. He's either delusional, or a desperate attention-seeker. Either way, he seems in a bad way.
Huggins has to prove his story because he obviously has the ability to do so maybe.
I think this idea is mistaken to some extent. The assumption is that there is some burden of proof to prove/disprove a particular story or encounter depends on the mindset of the reader. This thread is a particularly good example of this point. Those seeking "proof" will easily dismiss Mr. Huggins as deluded, mentally ill, a fabricator, nutjob, conman etc etc etc. Those seeking clues will find them if they begin with the understanding that almost every encounter and the telling of it may/or may not include a bit of tricksterish game playing which often includes projection, screens, and other forms of experience/visuals that may not have occurred in physical reality. There is a distinct difference in reaction here between those that consider themselves "experienced" and those that don't (with the exception of Biedny). Worthy of it's own discussion I suspect.
I'll use the dropping of the child presented as an example. For me, this reinforces the case study thread as potentially important when it comes to process wrt the commonly reported presentation of such infants (In Leade's case, one that appeared to be and was described as "not of this world"). Anecdotally, I have now counted four times this has been described, all completely separately. David R. added to those anecdotes with his own admission that he had heard of this peculiar aspect before and his observation that it may be part of an experiment to gauge reaction, emotion or mindset shouldn't be discounted.
I took Schuyler to task a few thread back for too easily dismissing the story relayed to us by the "anonymous" scientist, with the proviso that one must always keep in mind who the presented information might be directed to. In Huggins case, no one here but myself recognized the potential pattern in the dropping of the child. David R. simply affirmed the observation. Gen found it fascinating. Is this important? Maybe, maybe not. I'd be interested to hear from Hopkins or Jacobs if they have heard of this particular aspect of the "Presentation" scenario and if so, how often. I would also be willing to accept that they've never heard of it.
The point is, there is no "burden of proof" put upon those sharing such stories. They simply are what they are. Take em or leave em. My advice would be to simply not do it hastily....with eyes wide shut and all that implies.
I can tell you for a fact, my uncle and aunt have never heard of Whitley Streiber until recently. They have heard of Roswell, but beyond that they would have no clue to UFO Lore. I personally only began looking for discussion more closely in the last three years or so myself.I tell you remember when Whitley claimed he saw small looking Troll beings, my uncle and aunt saw the same beings. I took a picture with my phone from an artists impression of the beings and said does this look right, and my uncle said it very similar to what he saw. They could not have know this beforehand or be privy to that information. I did not even know Whitley had this experience with this beings until this year myself. This being is never discussed or there is very little discussion about this being. I wonder why? If anyone has more cases of where this being has appeared. I be most interested.
I took Schuyler to task a few thread back for too easily dismissing the story relayed to us by the "anonymous" scientist, with the proviso that one must always keep in mind who the presented information might be directed to.