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DM Radio Week 32 !!

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Dark Matters Radio – Week 32 !!

by admin on Aug.25, 2010, under Uncategorized
Dark Matters Radio Archive Page
Welcome back to another week of stellar radio on “Dark Matters”!
Monday Aug. 23 CyberstationUSA and Dark Matters ran a “Best Of” interview I conducted with CNN Special Correspondent Chuck DeCaro! This was an interview I conducted with Chuck on my previous program UFOs Tonite!. Chuck has had an amazing career in broadcast and was the man that brought us the first reports (on CNN) of the Bentwaters UFO case.
Mr. Chuck DeCaro

Tuesday Aug. 24 I once again hosted Mr. Louis Jarvis on Dark Matters Radio.
We hit a number of areas including special operations activities in the former Republic of Viet Nam, 9/11/2001 theories and conspiracy, militant Islam and … JUST WHAT IN HELL IS GOING ON?? If you did not catch this show … YOU WILL WANT TO CATCH IT IN THE ARCHIVES. And … this may be nothing … it might be something … ( I sure as Hell do not know) but once again … we did experience technical problems during the show. This has happened several times with Louis appearing on DMR. You decide.
Weds. Aug. 25 I host Mr. Ted Roe, Executive Director of
NARCAP.org. NARCAP stands for National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomolous Phenomena. (Their website is NARCAP Website)
Narcap is very concerned with safety in the air and is one of the few scientific orgs. still around using scientific principals on the UFO or as they call it .. UAP phenomena. This will be very interesting. Hope to see you on the radio!
Thurs. and Friday TBA.
Keep your eyes to the skies and your ear to the ground!
Hi all. The Ted Roe - NARCAP interview is the type of topic and show that I Love to do. The scientific approach is the only way that this topic will ever be taken seriously by the "main stream" establishment. NARCAP is providing a genuine service to the overall research community and we should all support them to our fullest.

the Ted Roe show was great Don, really enjoyed it. Unfortunately my iPhone kept going tits up when i was trying to listen to it so i missed large chunks of the show.
Will have to re-listen to it
Buy a Mac. :)

Angel of Ioren i know your kidding but i have to address this whole mac vs PC once and for all from my experience

No doubt Apple makes some fine products, but there not the only ones and they also have some very serious shortcomings and other products do the same things and sometimes better.


Point 1)

Motherboard,memory, hard drives. Power supplys etc all fail just as frequently in macs as in pc's.

Point 2)

As for apple as a company,
First off all Microsoft saved them.
Microsoft bought $150M of non-voting shares in Apple in 1997 after a court settlement, and made a commitment to continue to develop Office for the Mac in all foreseeable future. This saved Apple, who were in a financial pinch at that time, since the switch from 68k processors to PowerPC and release of clones had decimated the company.

Point 3)

As for music let me share a story of how great mac's are for the local Loyola Marymount University music and radio department. Here's an excerpt from a friend that works at the station and host a great music show featuring local, unknown and internet artists. This is a fully licensed FCC FM station with ASCAP and BMI clearances to play any music they want and the artists get residuals, so here is an exceprt from his letter on how great macs are;

"A disease has broken out Loyola Marymount University: MacIntosh computers. Last year, our KXLU Dell PCs were replaced (over my strenuous objections) with iMacs. There was no platform transition to address fundamental issues because, as I've come to expect from Apple fanatics, they know what's best for everyone. They're also very wrong.

In addition to spending more than 3 times the amount of money for these things, KXLU's iMacs are worthless; DJs can no longer dupe our library CDs for use nor record their own radio show broadcasts. A stream recording software was just recently installed, but it's an absolute nightmare to use - so much for "user intuitiveness."

Apple's OS is totally restrictive and will not allow any file sharing, or music downloading - even for free sites that are perfectly legal and for music that's posted by the artists themselves!

Macs have always been this way, but from other musicians I've talked with, they've gotten way worse. Jobs is out to takeover all net music and force everyone into iTunes, or eventually to destroy anyone who refuses to join by preventing them from publishing their own music, via co-conspiring legalistic thugs at the record industry.

Some fans have sent me downloads they've purchased on iTunes, but they're in a goofy M4A proprietary file type. PCs have conversion software, but this is just another unnecessary and obnoxious step imposed on everyone by Apple, which refuses to follow industry standards.

Anyone viewing the internet through Apple's OS has a distorted view, especially when it comes to music. While many people think or profess iTunes to be the biggest source of netmusic, it is, in reality, an insignificant joke. Hundreds of thousands of independent sites by artists and netlabels offer free and legal music downloads. Apple makes its users think that anything outside of iTunes, especially free music, is illegal. Another myth exposed: most internet musicians are PC-based. In 2008, Macs just passed older Amiga and Otari systems on the world market. In the U.S., Apple's alleged stronghold, Macs just crested 10% of all computer sales last year.

If this sounds too conspiratorial, just consider an LA Times Business section article on page 2 (in small headlines) from last Saturday. About four months ago, Apple bought out a music website called LaLa, which offered audio streaming. They promised not to change anything when the sight was purchased. However, over the weekend, Apple announced it's shutting down LaLa and forcing its users into iTunes - and it will charge them for doing so.

I've tried warning other staff about this lunacy, but Apple many fanatics will either shout you down or walk away in emotional rage when confronted with facts.

I've built custom PC audio/video systems for 15 years and have worked on both platforms for almost 30. What Apple is doing in conjunction with major record labels represents a threat to my program and to the incredible free exchange of world wide web music talent for everyone to enjoy.

Spread the word and bust the propaganda!"

well as you can see he was quite passionate about whats going on at his station.

Point 4)

As for gaming which i do with a free time i can grab
Forget it if you want to play any cutting edge new games with any sort of performance PC is your only option. From software (DX 11), to hardware (SLI, crossfire, multi monitor 2D- 3D setups, mac's cannot do that.

Point 5)
Film and Music and Entertainment Industry

For creating a radio show, for editing audio and movies final cut pro and pro tools are awesome programs. No doubt but AVID is just as good and that is PC.

Point 6)
Cell Phones

one word- Android

sorry for the rant but sometimes these Mac fan boy are just fanatical and i guess i just had to open up a can of common sense whoop ass.


---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------

Hey Ward, what kind of computer and how much does a motherboard cost?

thank God it was a new motherboard from EVGA, there a great company and gave me overnight cross shipping. Oh i also had a power supply go out Corsair 1000W modular PSU , thankfully i had an identical one to replace it.

Its a custom built machine i made PC of course, i do gaming when i have free time so i built it for that. It's not the most cutting edge and the graphics cards are a few generations back.

If you want to know the specs i could post them for you, just never made a master list.

I'll be back listening tonight buddy ;)
Apple's OS is totally restrictive and will not allow any file sharing, or music downloading - even for free sites that are perfectly legal and for music that's posted by the artists themselves!

That's a totally false statement. I share files with my network all the time, between Macs and PCs. I also have no issue downloading ANYTHING.

There are a lot of problems with what you wrote about Macs - for the record I use both Macs and PCs all the time. A PC all day at work and a Mac at home. Both (now that I have Windows 7 at work) are fine.

They are actually more similar than you seem to think they are. I don't want to derail this thread though, so if you want, please start a new thread and I will show you how completely wrong you are.

Angel of Ioren i know your kidding but i have to address this whole mac vs PC once and for all from my experience

No doubt Apple makes some fine products, but there not the only ones and they also have some very serious shortcomings and other products do the same things and sometimes better.

And I heard that animation types are moving from the Mac to PCs cos Windows 7 is meant to be better than Macs for what they need to do ... oh dear :rolleyes:.

Anyway, in my mind PCs are to Macs ... are what Manual Gears are to Automatics ... and they're less smug :D ... and less expensive ... and have more games ... and you can fiddle with them (I hate not being able to fiddle with things :D) and they don't have the flamin "i" thing at the beginning ... i-diotic or what???8)

Ahh ... let the PC-Mac flame wars begin ...
We have a three words for this anti-Mac BS, Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. I have been working on Macs since the 1980s, and I've been using them for professional-level audio editing and content creation for much of that period. Apple doesn't represent a threat. They represent the solution to instability and malware. Consider that billions of dollars have been lost as the result of Windows viruses. Since Mac OS X came out, the amount of money lost due to Mac malware is zero.

No more comments necessary.
That's a totally false statement. I share files with my network all the time, between Macs and PCs. I also have no issue downloading ANYTHING.

There are a lot of problems with what you wrote about Macs - for the record I use both Macs and PCs all the time. A PC all day at work and a Mac at home. Both (now that I have Windows 7 at work) are fine.

They are actually more similar than you seem to think they are. I don't want to derail this thread though, so if you want, please start a new thread and I will show you how completely wrong you are.


Angel of Ioren i know you probably read that rant pretty fast so I'm going to need to correct something you said wrong.

i clearly stated that a friend of mine works with macs at Loyola Marymount University music and radio department. He is the one complaining about all of the fill sharing problems im not making that statement.

So please i did not make that statement i enclosed it from my friend at the university in quotes so you would understand it was his statement not mine.

I am however standing by all the other points I've made. I had 2 bad components in my system , i fixed them, mac uses the same hardware. There is nothing intrinsically better about their hardware then pc's as for all the other points especially gaming just cant be done on macs.
Angel of Ioren i know you probably read that rant pretty fast so I'm going to need to correct something you said wrong.

i clearly stated that a friend of mine works with macs at Loyola Marymount University music and radio department. He is the one complaining about all of the fill sharing problems im not making that statement.

So please i did not make that statement i enclosed it from my friend at the university in quotes so you would understand it was his statement not mine.

I am however standing by all the other points I've made. I had 2 bad components in my system , i fixed them, mac uses the same hardware. There is nothing intrinsically better about their hardware then pc's as for all the other points especially gaming just cant be done on macs.

File sharing on a Mac, with the latest versions of Mac OS X, should be trivial regardless of which platforms the other computers use. More to the point, the differentiator of a Mac versus a PC is the operating system. Yes, most of the hardware is industry standard, but that's the differentiator.
We have a three words for this anti-Mac BS, Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. I have been working on Macs since the 1980s, and I've been using them for professional-level audio editing and content creation for much of that period. Apple doesn't represent a threat. They represent the solution to instability and malware. Consider that billions of dollars have been lost as the result of Windows viruses. Since Mac OS X came out, the amount of money lost due to Mac malware is zero.

No more comments necessary.

Gene when you said "They represent the solution to instability" are you referring to the OS?

If so have you had a peek at Windows 7? As far as stability's concerned well I've had no install errors, no backwards compatibility problems and drum roll please, not one crash. Not one lock up. Yep i turn it on and it stays on its an absolutely rock solid platform.

Also i thought you might like this Gene;

Do Macs get viruses?

"Question Do Macs get viruses?

It is possible for an Apple Macintosh to get a virus, so the short answer to the question is Yes. However, the likelihood of an Apple Macintosh user getting a virus when compared to a Microsoft Windows user is very little to none. In fact, many of the Apple Macintosh users don't even run an antivirus protection program.
Below are some of the reasons why Apple Macintosh computers do not have as many viruses as Microsoft Windows.

  1. Newer Macintosh operating systems, such as the Mac OS X, is built on the Unix kernel, which is one of the oldest and most secure operating systems available.
  2. Microsoft Windows is used by a lot more users. Because more users use Microsoft Windows, it is a lot better of a target than Apple Macintosh computers.
  3. Most of the virus writers are familiar with the IBM platform and Microsoft Windows, and therefore are only going to be able to create a virus for that platform.
  4. Many of the tools and scripts used to help users create viruses or other malware are designed for Microsoft Windows"

point 2 is the most important

according to the latest numbers

Usage share of operating systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

windows worldwide has 89.07%
mac os has 5.78% + iOS (whatever that is) is 0.90% giving them a grant total of insignificant worldwide market penetration

gee if i was a bad guy coder living in my parent sub basement and writing viruses and malware i wounder what os i would choose to exploit?

My very first contact with you was on America Online (late 80's I think when it was just for Macs). You kindly answered a technical question and helped me solve a problem there. I subsequently saw you help many many other people with technical questions.

This was all before I became a disinformation specialist for BigSkepta.

And even then your signature was "Peace,"

Thanks (and peace),


Happy to have helped.

I joined AOL in October of 1989, shortly after the service began. I shall not mention my still-existing screen name, but it is a single name without letters or numbers, which just shows my age.
You don't know much about my background, do you? :)

I've listened to the Paracast from day one. I do mean day one.

I know you run a mac show but I've never heard it. I'm really only interested in paranormal topics with the little free time i have.

Just curious if anything i posted in that previous post is factually wrong. I think the wiki info is correct concerning market penetration of the OS's.

Is the statement from Do Macs get viruses? wrong?

Are you saying its impossible for macs to get malware or viruses?

Do you think Windows 7 is not a stable OS?

Do you think there are more people writing Viruses for the windows OS?

Please i would love to hear a "mac guru" respond. You must be one because you had that show before even the Paracast.
I also have a tech forum. Let's take this discussion to the proper venue. But you don't choose a computing platform by market share; you pick the best tool for the job.

We can discuss the rest in my other forum.