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Does the Phenomenon deserve study

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And what oh what would the medical records after the event prove anyway? That something or someone caused them to happen to her? How do we know that they weren't self inflicted or inflicted by a terrestrial being?

This was a multiple witness case and there are a lot of easier ways to cause self inflicted injury than accessing a source of deadly radiation. If they were inflicted by a terrestrial being it must've been something based on an ET craft from the description.
This was a multiple witness case and there are a lot of easier ways to cause self inflicted injury than accessing a source of deadly radiation. If they were inflicted by a terrestrial being it must've been something based on an ET craft from the description.

Ok, she suffered radiation sickness....In that case, and just for the record, wouldn't an advanced "benign" civilization care about the safety of their now obvious victims? Wouldn't they possess the intelligence and the know-how to keep her away from such a terrible reactive agent?
Sounds more like a military craft that somebody shouldn't have gotten anywhere near. Although I don't think it can account for everything I'm starting to see how Trained came to the "military ops" conclusion.
Documentation by certified medical authorities of Cash's exposure to ionizing or non-ionizing radiation would constitute hard evidence of something that was, to say the least, very unusual. The only source of high level ionizing radiation accessible to average people--as far as I know--is by way of the medical establishment. Non-ionizing radiation, such as microwaves, are bit more easily found. But it's doubtful Ms. Cash stuffed her entire body into a microwave oven. And there's that pesky business of corroborating witnesses...

We would need a very specialized expert to tell us what could be learned about the nature of whatever Betty Cash was exposed to from examination of her injuries. Not to sound crass, but Ms Cash's body constituted a kind of trace evidence.
I feel very sorry for her and all involved.

The UFO Hunters program with Colby Landrum is worth watching. If Colby is faking deep emotional concern re his memories of the event, one would be hard pressed to spot it in the video.
Ok, she suffered radiation sickness....In that case, and just for the record, wouldn't an advanced "benign" civilization care about the safety of their now obvious victims? Wouldn't they possess the intelligence and the know-how to keep her away from such a terrible reactive agent?

You make a number of assumptions without any evidence to back them though.
How do you know they were benign as opposed to indifferent, or not in control of the equipment.

Are the japanese "benign" ? do they are about or posess the intellegence and know how to have saved those exposed to radiation during this current accident ?
Sounds more like a military craft that somebody shouldn't have gotten anywhere near....

Pretty unusual for a military craft, and it came near her, and the others in that car.

---------- Post added at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------

You make a number of assumptions without any evidence to back them though.
How do you know they were benign as opposed to indifferent, or not in control of the equipment.

Right, there's plenty of evidence that UFOs and occupants are anything but benign.
Documentation by certified medical authorities of Cash's exposure to ionizing or non-ionizing radiation would constitute hard evidence of something that was, to say the least, very unusual. The only source of high level ionizing radiation accessible to average people--as far as I know--is by way of the medical establishment. Non-ionizing radiation, such as microwaves, are bit more easily found. But it's doubtful Ms. Cash stuffed her entire body into a microwave oven. And there's that pesky business of corroborating witnesses...

We would need a very specialized expert to tell us what could be learned about the nature of whatever Betty Cash was exposed to from examination of her injuries. Not to sound crass, but Ms Cash's body constituted a kind of trace evidence.
I feel very sorry for her and all involved.

The UFO Hunters program with Colby Landrum is worth watching. If Colby is faking deep emotional concern re his memories of the event, one would be hard pressed to spot it in the video.

Ok, since no one is writing in with what actually happened to Mrs. Cash, let me clarify this so that we can move on.

Brad Sparks puts it best when he clearly explains Mr. Cash's symptoms which were somewhat similar to those caused by ionizing radiation, the rapidity of onset was only consistent with a massive dose that would have meant certain death in a few days. Since all of the victims lived for years after the incident, Sparks suggests the cause of the symptoms was some kind of chemical contamination, presumably by an aerosol.

Here is the entire report for everyone's review and so as not to immediately commit to one side of the factual evidence as usual:


It is so easy to state that every cause and effect is "E.T." driven, but sometimes just a little investigatory work is in order to show that there could have EASILY been other explanations.
The chemical burns hypothesis seems well thought out and I think I have read it before. But we are still left with a high strangeness incident, no medical records (as far as I know) to verify chemical burns, and a multiple witness sighting of very odd craft capable of hovering and apparently inducing thermal effects at a distance. I wouldn't put this one down to an errant crop duster and confused witnesses just yet.
The chemical burns hypothesis seems well thought out and I think I have read it before. But we are still left with a high strangeness incident, no medical records (as far as I know) to verify chemical burns, and a multiple witness sighting of very odd craft capable of hovering and apparently inducing thermal effects at a distance. I wouldn't put this one down to an errant crop duster and confused witnesses just yet.

Agreed......But this leaves open an entire myriad of possibilities as to what it could have been which caused this, and that was my initial point. Before we conclude a case as "E.T." driven, and this as the only answer, moving on to further embellishment as if this one sided focus does anything to help in the advancement of the science, or toward an answer for what really is happening out there for that matter; Don't you think we should exhaust all the other possibilities first?

I am not completely dismissing the possibility that it was a craft of an unknown origin, but the fact that it could have just as easily been one of terrestrial origin cannot be denied here as well.
The chemical burns hypothesis seems well thought out and I think I have read it before. But we are still left with a high strangeness incident, no medical records (as far as I know) to verify chemical burns, and a multiple witness sighting of very odd craft capable of hovering and apparently inducing thermal effects at a distance. I wouldn't put this one down to an errant crop duster and confused witnesses just yet.

Right there were three witnesses. Maybe aliens or the government were trying out some new weapon on them. Or a craft malfunctioned.
Trajanus, referring to your critique of possible UFO/UAP explanations on post #181, I agree with most of what you stated. I was trying to make a partial list of possible explanations because I really feel not all UFO sightings can be readily explained with just one at the present time. I say this because of lack of tangible physical "hold in your hand" evidence.
I do lean in the ETH direction for a majority of sightings. I think it's perfectly reasonable that aliens more advanced than us are here for whatever reason. We have buttloads of evidence to suggest that, but no concrete evidence, no espresso makers stamped "Made on Zeta Reticuli".
You do bring up good points. I hadn't considered that UFO's were seen for hundreds of years, so that discounts the secret government craft (at least beyond 80 years or so ago) as a blanket explanation.
I will continue this a bit later, don't have time right now.
Trajanus, referring to your critique of possible UFO/UAP explanations on post #181, I agree with most of what you stated. I was trying to make a partial list of possible explanations because I really feel not all UFO sightings can be readily explained with just one at the present time. I say this because of lack of tangible physical "hold in your hand" evidence.
I do lean in the ETH direction for a majority of sightings. I think it's perfectly reasonable that aliens more advanced than us are here for whatever reason. We have buttloads of evidence to suggest that, but no concrete evidence, no espresso makers stamped "Made on Zeta Reticuli".

Sure we don't have conclusive proof. But when I say "we" I mean us lay people. :) There are grounds for believing the government knows much more--not everything but at least origins.

You do bring up good points. I hadn't considered that UFO's were seen for hundreds of years, so that discounts the secret government craft (at least beyond 80 years or so ago) as a blanket explanation

Right and what physical evidence we have, coupled with the credibility of many witnesses, rules out a purely psychological explanation.
The subject is certainly intriguing, ranging from the Roswell crash (and confusion of reports thereafter), to project bluebook and paperclip, to the Belgian black triangle flap, the 1952 Washington D.C. happening, the evolution of sightings from domed saucers to just about any shape, the Sturrock committee report, the GEPAN/SEPRA panel study in France, etc. Dr. Edgar Mitchell's statements about sources confirming Rosewell, etc. Tantalizing to say the least, yet no smoking gun yet.
On the negative side, we have the Billy Meier photos and rantings, Adamski's vacuum cleaner saucer, myths about secret bases in New Mexico, and other paranoid rantings.
Ufology isn't just about proving or disproving the ETH or performing spectrographic analysis on samples. Ufology is the study of the UFO phenomenon, and the phenomenon crosses a lot of boundaries. Analysis of UFO sighting reports, on-site investigation, interviewing witnesses, gathering information, and studying the history of the UFO phenomenon are primary activities....

Of course, but all that has a bearing on the validity of the ETH.

---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 AM ----------

The subject is certainly intriguing, ranging from the Roswell crash (and confusion of reports thereafter), to project bluebook and paperclip, to the Belgian black triangle flap, the 1952 Washington D.C. happening, the evolution of sightings from domed saucers to just about any shape, the Sturrock committee report, the GEPAN/SEPRA panel study in France, etc. Dr. Edgar Mitchell's statements about sources confirming Rosewell, etc. Tantalizing to say the least, yet no smoking gun yet.
On the negative side, we have the Billy Meier photos and rantings, Adamski's vacuum cleaner saucer, myths about secret bases in New Mexico, and other paranoid rantings.

Even the latter may be a deliberate attempt to undermine the field, and thus, ironically, provide a kind of indirect confirmation.