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No! No! AND No! I changed the word PSYOPS for the words " The Joker " and added to a paragraph at the end. The entire meaning of the post remained the same as the original with slight clarifications.Right, as you practically changed the entire content of your post. You got away with it though, and that's what counts.., right?
No! No! AND No! I changed the word PSYOPS for the words " The Joker " and added to a paragraph at the end. The entire meaning of the post remained the same as the original with slight clarifications.
Listen, you're being a TROLL and an A.H. I'll will report your next post, if you continue destroying this tread with these same sicko falsehoods. You're repeating this over and over and over... Are you ADD? Obsessed with anger and hostility?
I checked your link out and found only this tiny bit more about McKenna's voice being used as "voice overs" for some recent protests:Your theory might be plausible if not for all the hard documentation of the weaponized anthropology programs that McKenna and company were hired to conduct during that era.
You really should educate yourself about them, especially if you intend to argue they did not exist.
There's virtually no further proof in your thread about McKenna being a government agent. What you appear to be engaging in is a form of PSYOPS. What is the purpose of your psyops? It's obvious to me you have some hidden agenda if you're connecting McKenna to be a government agent based solely on the audio clip you posted. You can't be serious or really believe that. Can you? Seriously?The #WaveOfAction
On April 4, 2014, a group of former Occupiers launched the "Wave of Action" to some media fanfare. The Wave of Action, which culminates on July 4 of this year, announced its arrival with viral videos featuring voiceovers by Russell Brand, the late Terrence McKenna (another psychedelic pioneer and admitted government agent) and others.
Hey, God created the Ignore function too! There is no pairing from my end anymore. But your point is well taken. Thanks.God created pot, for people just like you pair.
I did see your thread you linked too. Have you got anything more than that audio ALSO from McKenna too???
No, you seemed to miss my post #64. Here is a copy:And you obviously replied without bothering to read it, in which case you waste my time, so off to the bin you go. Bye.
I checked your link out and found only this tiny bit more about McKenna's voice being used as "voice overs" for some recent protests:Your theory might be plausible if not for all the hard documentation of the weaponized anthropology programs that McKenna and company were hired to conduct during that era.
You really should educate yourself about them, especially if you intend to argue they did not exist.
There's virtually no further proof in your thread about McKenna being a government agent. What you appear to be engaging in is a form of PSYOPS. What is the purpose of your psyops? It's obvious to me you have some hidden agenda if you're connecting McKenna to be a government agent based solely on the audio clip you posted. You can't be serious or really believe that. Can you? Seriously?The #WaveOfAction
On April 4, 2014, a group of former Occupiers launched the "Wave of Action" to some media fanfare. The Wave of Action, which culminates on July 4 of this year, announced its arrival with viral videos featuring voiceovers by Russell Brand, the late Terrence McKenna (another psychedelic pioneer and admitted government agent) and others.
He seems willing to protect his property lines with a variety of weaponry, and he shows us photos of some of these weapons and discusses how he can use them under the right threats...Dissectionstalker, charlie is the paracast princess, he cannot handle an opposing view, and will flounce off if you push your point.
he has a very delicate ego, handle it with care.
[ ps i am already on the ultimate charlie sanction 'ignore function', so he cant see this bless him ]